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Fire Department

Guest Gorgon

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Guest Gorgon

A DC insider says the term "Sleeper Cells" related to terrorist groups was originally a joke term for Hudson County Fire Departments and their underachieving staffs. Has Kearny started busting up the over the top heavy promotionfest at the FD yet? Chopping the legs off of this runaway money pit is the Mayors best move since being in office. Over a $10 million dollar price tag a sad bunch of overweight useless losers are consuming is not a well oiled machine. All salaries should be cut by 50% and the town can get a much better group of unskilled laborers at the clubhouses then it currently employs. Keep up the good work Mayor and a volunteer dept. is the light at the end of this wastefull tunnel.

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Guest Kearny Senior

A DC insider says the term "Sleeper Cells" related to terrorist groups was originally a joke term for Hudson County Fire Departments and their underachieving staffs. Has Kearny started busting up the over the top heavy promotionfest at the FD yet? Chopping the legs off of this runaway money pit is the Mayors best move since being in office. Over a $10 million dollar price tag a sad bunch of overweight useless losers are consuming is not a well oiled machine. All salaries should be cut by 50% and the town can get a much better group of unskilled laborers at the clubhouses then it currently employs. Keep up the good work Mayor and a volunteer dept. is the light at the end of this wastefull tunnel.

Barney is back. A man of his great wisdom and intellect is still behaving like a child because he wasnt hired as a firefighter. Sorry Barney, the FD doesn't want you and I hear the cops would like to get rid of you.

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After a long series of questions over time, the Kearny Fire Department or Harrison gals still cannot justify their usefullness but can only give a weak minded response of, "Duh, Barney. We are so cool and brave." It's no wonder that anyone reading the responses fully supported the recent spanking they got from the Mayor. Nobody but the very reclusive and dull minded, " Kearny Senior," who is just one of the scared lasses at the clubhouse using a alias even cared. I wonder is any of the veteran losers explained to the new bravest, or KIDS as they call them, that they worked behind the scenes to facilitate the spanking in order to keep their own no work jobs intact. The regionalization that the Governor will soon drop on West Hudson will further decimate the upper echelon of ranks that are raising property taxes in large increments. Four depts. into one with 1 Chief, 1 DC, and @ 10 Captains total should be in place by the years end. Exit visas and demotions are eminent and will cause widespread grief at the West Hudson clubhouses which will no doubt be more trouble than any fire could ever produce. Falalalala lala lala.

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After a long series of questions over time, the Kearny Fire Department or Harrison gals still cannot justify their usefullness but can only give a weak minded response of, "Duh, Barney. We are so cool and brave." It's no wonder that anyone reading the responses fully supported the recent spanking they got from the Mayor. Nobody but the very reclusive and dull minded, " Kearny Senior," who is just one of the scared lasses at the clubhouse using a alias even cared. I wonder is any of the veteran losers explained to the new bravest, or KIDS as they call them, that they worked behind the scenes to facilitate the spanking in order to keep their own no work jobs intact. The regionalization that the Governor will soon drop on West Hudson will further decimate the upper echelon of ranks that are raising property taxes in large increments. Four depts. into one with 1 Chief, 1 DC, and @ 10 Captains total should be in place by the years end. Exit visas and demotions are eminent and will cause widespread grief at the West Hudson clubhouses which will no doubt be more trouble than any fire could ever produce. Falalalala lala lala.

Four Depts. into one?? From West Hudson... really?? What 4 departments are you talking about... West Hudson is 3 towns... there are 3 departments... There are smarter and more effective ways to trims some budgets then just allow reduction by attrition... West Hudson needs more career firefighters not less...

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