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Guest Town Watch

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Guest Town Watch

Democratic Mayor Santos has welcomed this anti union Govenor Christie into Kearny which is a slap in the face to every union member who resides in Kearny, Shame on you for allowing him to come here to spread his ANTI UNION agenda.

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Guest Town Watch

Mr. Santos was in clear view on TV and walked behind Michael Aaron during his report for NJTV. He was in attendance with bells on he wouldn't have missed being with Christie for the world. Surprised to see Doyle at the event sucking up to the Governor!!!!

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Guest Eyewitness in the Room

I was in the Boystown gymnasium at the Governor's town meeting. Mayor Santos sat in the front facing the audience next to the heads of the County building trades union and the head of the heavy laborers union. Sitting across from Mayor Santos was Harrison Mayor McDonough and several Kearny Councilpersons. Sitting on a side row near the front was the President of the Kearny firemen's union. In the audience were Kearny residents, Republicans and Democrats and Independents, union members and business owners. Also in the audience was the President of the Kearny Board of Education. A Kearny teacher engaged the Governor in a good back and forth and made the front page of the Star Ledger the next day. People of differing opinions came into the same room and were civil to each other and engaged each other on issues! That means it was a good day for Kearny and a really good day for Mayor Santos.

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Guest guest

I was in the Boystown gymnasium at the Governor's town meeting. Mayor Santos sat in the front facing the audience next to the heads of the County building trades union and the head of the heavy laborers union. Sitting across from Mayor Santos was Harrison Mayor McDonough and several Kearny Councilpersons. Sitting on a side row near the front was the President of the Kearny firemen's union. In the audience were Kearny residents, Republicans and Democrats and Independents, union members and business owners. Also in the audience was the President of the Kearny Board of Education. A Kearny teacher engaged the Governor in a good back and forth and made the front page of the Star Ledger the next day. People of differing opinions came into the same room and were civil to each other and engaged each other on issues! That means it was a good day for Kearny and a really good day for Mayor Santos.

Like KOTW pointed out the politicans need to grow a set. If you think Governor Christie is "civil" you are smoking something. He called a former Navy Seal "an idiot" and then didn't even apologize for getting carried away.

The people in attendance were not average citizens. The average Kearny citizens can't take time from their jobs to attend a Monday morning 10 am town meeting. Tell Christie to come back and do a meeting at 7 p.m. after the average Kearny resident gets done working and has a chance to shower and get back out to attend a town meeting. Christie is another hypocritical politican.

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Guest I Was There Too

I think you're upset that the meeting went as well as it did. Eyewitness said everyone in the room was civil to each other. That's exactly what happened. I think that's great for the town and for the State. I only wish our elected representatives in Washington, DC would be that way.

As to calling someone an "idiot", I agree that was extreme. However, if you go on youtube and watch the exchange, Bill Brown, the speaker, was disruptive of the meeting and disrespectful of the Governor, interrupting and yelling. He was rightly removed but should not have been called any names. By the way, I don't understand why Christie critics keep referring to him as a Navy Seal rather than by name: one, that former status doesn't give you a pass from civility; two, check into Brown's military record, you may be surprised; three, Brown wants to be a politician.

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