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Has Leadbeater and Co. Finally Lost It?

Guest StopTheBusIWannaGetOff

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Guest StopTheBusIWannaGetOff

The FabFive claim a new world order but it seems like business as usual. At the last board meeting, John Leadbeater and company voted to pay the legal fees of ex-Kearny BOE member John Campbell. Mr. Campbell was censured for ethics violations after being found guilty while serving on the Kearny BOE. After being rejected twice by the previous board, Leadbeater, King, O'Malley, Castelli and Plaugic ALL voted to pay the bill of $5,000.00+. Seems a little odd. Only minutes earlier, Mr. Leadbeater stated on the record he couldn't vote for a vendor's old bills because he wasn't on the board at the time they occurred. Yet, he had no problems voting for John Campbell's old bill even though he wasn't on the board and Mr. Campbell was not entitled to the payment. The FabFive were being nice guys at the taxpayers expense. So much for making things better.

If things are really changing, maybe Mr. Leadbeater and company could be a little less obvious with paying favors back. The money they give away is really meant for our children.

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Guest Keep Trying To Discredit

The FabFive claim a new world order but it seems like business as usual. At the last board meeting, John Leadbeater and company voted to pay the legal fees of ex-Kearny BOE member John Campbell. Mr. Campbell was censured for ethics violations after being found guilty while serving on the Kearny BOE. After being rejected twice by the previous board, Leadbeater, King, O'Malley, Castelli and Plaugic ALL voted to pay the bill of $5,000.00+. Seems a little odd. Only minutes earlier, Mr. Leadbeater stated on the record he couldn't vote for a vendor's old bills because he wasn't on the board at the time they occurred. Yet, he had no problems voting for John Campbell's old bill even though he wasn't on the board and Mr. Campbell was not entitled to the payment. The FabFive were being nice guys at the taxpayers expense. So much for making things better.

If things are really changing, maybe Mr. Leadbeater and company could be a little less obvious with paying favors back. The money they give away is really meant for our children.

It's more like you want to jump on the bus. Finally things are being done for the right reasons and not the political reasons, friends and family plans and about who likes or does not like someone. The HACKS on the BOE are Doran, McDonald and Viscuso, who only do as they are told to do and look only to protect their buddies.

Keep trying to discredit the individuals that are stepping up and making decisions that are for the better of the district. Decisions nobody else had the balls to do for years and years. Just sit back and do as you are told and don't rock the boat. The boat that has been sinking for years, but as long as your friends and family members got jobs it did not matter. Now because of piss poor, greedy, selfish decisions our children were not part of the equation and they got short changed!!! Viscuso is still trying to deliver his election speech about Digesere and Sprague, he still wants them running the district!!!! Get over it, time to move on!!

As for the payment of bills. Again, do the right thing. Because Campbell was hated by Doran and McDonald and they had the majority, they voted down his bills. PERIOD!! They can not do what is RIGHT!!! When McDonald had legal bills for ethics charges,which she was cleared of, the new BOARD viewed them and paid her bills as what is doing the right thing. Campbell's bills, whether he was cleared or not were never going to be paid as long as the puppets had control of the Board. He had (13) charges against him and was cleared of ALL but (1). So, what does the Board do, they review the charges, reduce his legal bill by the (1) charge he was censored for and vote on the balance due for what he was cleared of. IT IS CALLED EXERCISING PROPER JUDGEMENT AND DOING WHAT IS RIGHT!!!! Something the MINORITY of this BOARD will NEVER do!!!

The last (2) years voters of Kearny knew there needed to be change and voted accordingly. (2) new members have been voted in each year. Finally progress is being accomplished. Send the knock out blow next April and get rid of the rest of the BUMS that can not do what is right for OUR KIDS. EDUCATION AND ACCOUNTIBILTY AND NOTHING LESS!!!

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Hat's off FAB FIVE! perfect title, for the team finally getting things done. John Campbells BOGAS charges were made, because PERSONAL CONFLICTS with the past SUPER and past, and current board members,who forget why they were elected. Its about the kids, Talk about wasting the taxpayers money,well,those charges were a waste off OUR money. Should never of happened, so paying J.C. legal fee's was just another "CLEAN-UP" job, that had to be done.So Taxpayers, remember, come April who were the BOE that foolishly waste OUR tax dollars. J.D, L.S. Lets add two more to that FAB FIVE!!!

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