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Ways to save $$$$$

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Guest Guest

Maybe we can give the mayor and council some other ways to save money for the town:

-Garbage pick-up gets reduced to twice a week. Do we really need to have the garbage picked up 3 times a week? I'm sure some money can be saved by renegotiating the contract and eliminating 1 day.

-Stop having the street sweeper clean streets when it isn't scheduled for that day. Why do I see the street sweeper working at 1pm on a Thursday and going around parked cars, when it's scheduled for Friday from 9am-noon?

(Hopefully this topic maintains a level of maturity and won't turn into another B**ch-fest about firemen and police)

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Not Bitching, but why is the Town allowing the Fire Chief to recieve a more than $400K golden parahute when they are broke? Where is the shared sacrifice? The Police Chief is capped at $15K.

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Just part of the "Game" just like the guys who walk around and pick up garbage with their little grabers..just like the guys who drive around and water the presious flowers and just like the 3 guys who spray then wipe the meters in town...crazy right? what about the ladies who, 1 day are cleaning toilets then the next day they are delivering food to the elderly?...or the clueless ones who are placed in certain jobs in town? come on ,you know who there are

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Guest Smart Taxpayer??

I agree with those ideas, because they are common sense... But the town will not do it they rather lay people off and sell parking lots to receieve a ONE time cash influx. Why does the superintendant DORAN take a pay cut... He signed a 5 yr contract a few months before Fatso Christie passed bill for Superintendants. Why does he have to make $225,000 for a town that has 4 schools??? the super in Newark and Jersey City make a few dollars more.. COME ON and Lets GET REAL.... This town and council are all about whats in it for me!!!!!! they all have town jobs and their family members have them too.. I'm sick of seeing the same family members getting the jobs... I heard last week that the councilman on 7th St. finally caved in and his sister was given a job with the board of ed???? WTF..... when is it going to end??? wake up people and show up to the council meetings and at least show a little fight.. I did not even touch on the south part of town known as REDEVELOPMENT!!! we know the mayor and council really screwed that up and are not receieving a dime.... I would like to know how much was paid to the attorneys we used to make those deals b/c the advice we received was AWFULLLLLLL....... and now the town is really taking a nose dive......

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They should cut the salary of everyone making over a hundred thousand dollars a year by 10% A hundred thousand a year is a lot of money for any job in Harrison. These people should give up part of their salary until we get out of this mess the mayor and council have created.

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