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Where is GWB when we need him.

Guest Patrio

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Guest Patrio

zerO is borrowing the USA into further debt at the rate of 4 billion dollars a day. When are the loonies in Kearny going to wake up and admit this community organizer is driving us off a cliff and needs to be voted out of office ??

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Guest Guest

zerO is borrowing the USA into further debt at the rate of 4 billion dollars a day. When are the loonies in Kearny going to wake up and admit this community organizer is driving us off a cliff and needs to be voted out of office ??

Don't hold your breath waiting for the Loonies to admit they voted for the wrong guy. They believe it in their own minds but they'll never admit it.

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Guest Guest

zerO is borrowing the USA into further debt at the rate of 4 billion dollars a day. When are the loonies in Kearny going to wake up and admit this community organizer is driving us off a cliff and needs to be voted out of office ??

Wow maybe he's given it to his friend Common and his other cop killing supporters. Another useless thread.

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Guest Guest
zerO is borrowing the USA into further debt at the rate of 4 billion dollars a day. When are the loonies in Kearny going to wake up and admit this community organizer is driving us off a cliff and needs to be voted out of office ??

In the first place, you are disrespectful. Barack Obama is our president and he deserves our respect.

In the second place, you don't listen to reason. We are still trying to recover from the worst economic crisis in 80 years. The only reason the economy didn't collapse is that the federal government was able to take charge and prevent a collapse. One of the reasons for the near-collapse is that the government was taken over by special interests and the regulatory system was dismantled. Meanwhile, we spent decades ignoring our long-term needs like energy and infrastructure, while an historic income redistribution was carried out with the political support of people like you - who then complain when someone on the left points it out and asks for it to be corrected. We are in debt as a nation while the people who benefited the most have raked in and squirreled away vast fortunes.

Your kind of thinking would turn this country into a third-world banana republic, in which a few extremely wealthy people do extremely well while everyone else struggles to maintain a mortgage and send the children to college. That is exactly the trend that we are seeing, it gained ground during the era in which the so-called "conservative" ideology was dominant, and it happened because that ideology was dominant. We were told that everything was just fine if only the government would go away - until we need it, of course, or it's time to collect Social Security.

We are a nation of 300 million people with a complex, 21st-century economy. Name one country in the world whose people are prosperous without a strong role for the central government. You can't because there aren't any. Capitalism is a great economic system but it must be regulated and sometimes guided. If it isn't, the natural forces of markets causes wealth to become concentrated in a few hands. That is what happened in the robber-baron era of the 1890s, the pre-Depression 1920s and the disastrous first decade of this century. In the first two instances, the need for a strong federal government was not yet understood. The Depression drove that lesson home to virtually everyone who lived through it. But then we started to assume that American exceptionalism means that we can do anything we like and it will still work out. Well, it won't. We need to restore a balance so that prosperity is broadly shared. We need to pay more attention to manufacturing and give fewer unmerited breaks to banks and hedge funds. We need to build a future that works for the American people, not just a few people who get to corral and keep all the wealth.

To you, that may seem loony. That is because you don't understand it and you won't open your mind and think. I don't mean any disrespect but if a fair-minded person looks at what you write, it's obvious that you're not a deep thinker. That's your right but at least understand that there are people who know more than you do.

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Guest Patriot

zerO is borrowing the USA into further debt at the rate of 4 billion dollars a day. When are the loonies in Kearny going to wake up and admit this community organizer is driving us off a cliff and needs to be voted out of office ??

At least you didn't call yourself "Patriot" this time - you're anything but

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Guest Kearny Senior

In the first place, you are disrespectful. Barack Obama is our president and he deserves our respect.

In the second place, you don't listen to reason. We are still trying to recover from the worst economic crisis in 80 years. The only reason the economy didn't collapse is that the federal government was able to take charge and prevent a collapse. One of the reasons for the near-collapse is that the government was taken over by special interests and the regulatory system was dismantled. Meanwhile, we spent decades ignoring our long-term needs like energy and infrastructure, while an historic income redistribution was carried out with the political support of people like you - who then complain when someone on the left points it out and asks for it to be corrected. We are in debt as a nation while the people who benefited the most have raked in and squirreled away vast fortunes.

Your kind of thinking would turn this country into a third-world banana republic, in which a few extremely wealthy people do extremely well while everyone else struggles to maintain a mortgage and send the children to college. That is exactly the trend that we are seeing, it gained ground during the era in which the so-called "conservative" ideology was dominant, and it happened because that ideology was dominant. We were told that everything was just fine if only the government would go away - until we need it, of course, or it's time to collect Social Security.

We are a nation of 300 million people with a complex, 21st-century economy. Name one country in the world whose people are prosperous without a strong role for the central government. You can't because there aren't any. Capitalism is a great economic system but it must be regulated and sometimes guided. If it isn't, the natural forces of markets causes wealth to become concentrated in a few hands. That is what happened in the robber-baron era of the 1890s, the pre-Depression 1920s and the disastrous first decade of this century. In the first two instances, the need for a strong federal government was not yet understood. The Depression drove that lesson home to virtually everyone who lived through it. But then we started to assume that American exceptionalism means that we can do anything we like and it will still work out. Well, it won't. We need to restore a balance so that prosperity is broadly shared. We need to pay more attention to manufacturing and give fewer unmerited breaks to banks and hedge funds. We need to build a future that works for the American people, not just a few people who get to corral and keep all the wealth.

To you, that may seem loony. That is because you don't understand it and you won't open your mind and think. I don't mean any disrespect but if a fair-minded person looks at what you write, it's obvious that you're not a deep thinker. That's your right but at least understand that there are people who know more than you do.

Good grief man, how did you ever get so confused? Do you get all your news from Media Matters and Huffington? I won't waste my time with other than to say start watching FOX News and startlearning.

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Guest Proud American

zerO is borrowing the USA into further debt at the rate of 4 billion dollars a day. When are the loonies in Kearny going to wake up and admit this community organizer is driving us off a cliff and needs to be voted out of office ??

There you go again, Patriot (formerly known as the poster 2Smart).

First, you ignore the huge jump in the national debt during George W. Bush's presidency as a result of the Iraq war, the TARP I bailout, the Medicare prescription drug benefit, and the cuts in capital gain and income taxes.

Second, you ignore last week's election result. The Republican answer to cut the deficit is NOT acceptable to the general public. The Republican plan to turn Medicare into a limited insurance voucher program (where I have to pay whatever the difference is and assume all increases in health care costs) is NOT acceptable. The Republicans are trying to pander to seniors by saying that it would only apply to those born in 1956 or later but noone's buying that.

Back to the election last week. You know, that special election for an open Congressional seat in upstate New York, the one in which the married Republican Congressman had to resign after getting caught emailing (using a phony name) half-naked pictures of himself to a woman he wanted to date? Yes, that one. It's a district that's majority Republican. Democrat Kathy Hochul won after making the Republican plan on Medicare the number one issue.

Patriot, do you support the Ryan/Republican plan to voucherize Medicare?

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Guest Patriot

There you go again, Patriot (formerly known as the poster 2Smart).

First, you ignore the huge jump in the national debt during George W. Bush's presidency as a result of the Iraq war, the TARP I bailout, the Medicare prescription drug benefit, and the cuts in capital gain and income taxes.

Second, you ignore last week's election result. The Republican answer to cut the deficit is NOT acceptable to the general public. The Republican plan to turn Medicare into a limited insurance voucher program (where I have to pay whatever the difference is and assume all increases in health care costs) is NOT acceptable. The Republicans are trying to pander to seniors by saying that it would only apply to those born in 1956 or later but noone's buying that.

Back to the election last week. You know, that special election for an open Congressional seat in upstate New York, the one in which the married Republican Congressman had to resign after getting caught emailing (using a phony name) half-naked pictures of himself to a woman he wanted to date? Yes, that one. It's a district that's majority Republican. Democrat Kathy Hochul won after making the Republican plan on Medicare the number one issue.

Patriot, do you support the Ryan/Republican plan to voucherize Medicare?

I support getting rid of (or at least greatly curtailing for all but the most needy) foodstamps,

unemployment benefits,free housing, cashing out sick days at retirement and any other giveaway program I may have forgotten. I also support clamping down on Medicare fraud and again, limiting it to only the most needy.

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Guest Guest
Good grief man, how did you ever get so confused? Do you get all your news from Media Matters and Huffington? I won't waste my time with other than to say start watching FOX News and startlearning.

In other words, a real discussion about the state of our economy and how we got here was too complicated for you, so you posted a juvenile response, like a 4th-grader in elementary school.

Do you deny that we have ignored energy and infrastructure for decades? Have you ever thought about how different our economy would be today if we had gotten away from our reliance on oil? Think about what our oil dependence means to our national debt and our national security. Then think about the childish "drill, baby, drill" slogan we heard at the Republican convention three years ago.

Do you claim that there is a modern economy, anywhere in the world, where the people are prosperous but there isn't a strong central government regulating economic activity? If so, where?

Do you deny that there has been a massive income redistribution over the past 30 years, and that the super-rich have been the main beneficiaries? If so, on what basis? And more important, do you deny that the middle class is having more trouble paying mortgages and financing college for the kids? We all know it's true, but you choose to ignore one of the most important realities facing our people.

You're like a sheep being led to slaughter, and happily going! And of course you cited your favorite propaganda machine. Problem is, if you get new information that doesn't fit what they're trying to sell you on Fox, you don't know what to do with it - so you ignore it and argue that people who have broad sources for their information are ignorant. A senior citizen should have more maturity and intelligence than to post a childish, content-free response like the one you posted.

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Guest Proud American

I support getting rid of (or at least greatly curtailing for all but the most needy) foodstamps,

unemployment benefits,free housing, cashing out sick days at retirement and any other giveaway program I may have forgotten. I also support clamping down on Medicare fraud and again, limiting it to only the most needy.

First, unemployment and sick day compensation is State and local spending. We were discussing the federal deficit.

Second, as to assistance programs for food and housing, reducing those to zero would at best reduce the deficit from 1.3 trillion to 1.2 trillion.

Third, you didn't answer my question. Do you (yes or no) support the Republican/Ryan plan to voucherize Medicare so that anyone born after 1955 will only get a fixed (voucher) payment from Medicare when he retires?

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Guest Proud American

First, unemployment and sick day compensation is State and local spending. We were discussing the federal deficit.

Second, as to assistance programs for food and housing, reducing those to zero would at best reduce the deficit from 1.3 trillion to 1.2 trillion.

Third, you didn't answer my question. Do you (yes or no) support the Republican/Ryan plan to voucherize Medicare so that anyone born after 1955 will only get a fixed (voucher) payment from Medicare when he retires?

Hey Patriot, I've been waiting 2 years to say this:

Tell your Republican friends in Congress to KEEP THEIR REPUBLICAN HANDS OFF MY MEDICARE!

(what's the best way to describe this?: would it be "what goes around, comes around" or "hoisted by one's petard" or "play with fire get burnt by fire")

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