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* Uniquely Qualified: Anselmo Millan


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During the campaign, Councilman Anselmo Millan asked me to write a descriptive piece for the campaign website. I wrote the following.  I tried to convey in the video the same message.

Anselmo Millan and his wife Josefa have been residents of Harrison for 39 years.  Together, Anselmo and Josefa raised two children—Josie and Anselmo Jr.  Now, Anselmo and Josefa are enjoying the blessing of grandchildren.

Anselmo has never forgotten the importance of public service.  With Harrison facing ever-increasing financial challenges, Anselmo decided to seek the council seat in the 2nd Ward, so that he could lend a hand in helping Harrison’s residents.  Anselmo brings with him over 10 years of council experience.  If elected, Anselmo will hit the ground running to help the residents weather the economic storm currently hitting Harrison.  With life and council experience coupled with boundless energy, Anselmo is uniquely qualified to help lead Harrison through these trying times.

Ask yourself, do we want someone who simply complains?  Or, do we want someone who looks for solutions to the problems facing the Town of Harrison?  Anselmo has been finding solutions for years.  Anselmo’s work ethic is well-known.  Whether he is heading up a volunteer group of high school students, Harrison’s Beautification Committee, Harrison Fest activities, or meeting the needs of constituents, Anselmo gives his heart and soul.  Anselmo draws strength from the simple pleasure of helping someone in need.  Anselmo is Ready and Willing to Serve!  That is not only a campaign slogan, but reality.

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Guest Jack knows it stinks

I'm sorry..... where did you list Anselmo Millan's solutions? How will he help Harrison? Will he hug us all and love us and be the grandfather we always wish we had? I do enjoy a lively multicultural celebration, that is true. But how does that help me pay for the huge money sucking hole that Harrison has become? How does that give my children and grandchildren opportunities to thrive here? You list nothing and that includes of course anything of substance. But thank you for letting me know that he will be hold my hand and make himself available for photo op's. I should be able to "weather" the "storm" just swell now. Maybe a nice warm blankie and some tea and I could really sleep well at night knowing tomorrow when i wake up the nightmare that is Harrison's uncertain future will be vanquished. Visit other towns with less "resurgence" and see for yourself what they offer their constituents on a daily basis - without having to ask, beg or plead for what they rightly deserve; after all they paid for it. I bet they don't need committees to justify action - their towns just get it done. They must, they have so much already, somebody must have made the difference not just promised it for 15 years.

During the campaign, Councilman Anselmo Millan asked me to write a descriptive piece for the campaign website. I wrote the following.  I tried to convey in the video the same message.

Anselmo Millan and his wife Josefa have been residents of Harrison for 39 years.  Together, Anselmo and Josefa raised two children—Josie and Anselmo Jr.  Now, Anselmo and Josefa are enjoying the blessing of grandchildren.

Anselmo has never forgotten the importance of public service.  With Harrison facing ever-increasing financial challenges, Anselmo decided to seek the council seat in the 2nd Ward, so that he could lend a hand in helping Harrison’s residents.  Anselmo brings with him over 10 years of council experience.  If elected, Anselmo will hit the ground running to help the residents weather the economic storm currently hitting Harrison.  With life and council experience coupled with boundless energy, Anselmo is uniquely qualified to help lead Harrison through these trying times.

Ask yourself, do we want someone who simply complains?  Or, do we want someone who looks for solutions to the problems facing the Town of Harrison?  Anselmo has been finding solutions for years.  Anselmo’s work ethic is well-known.  Whether he is heading up a volunteer group of high school students, Harrison’s Beautification Committee, Harrison Fest activities, or meeting the needs of constituents, Anselmo gives his heart and soul.  Anselmo draws strength from the simple pleasure of helping someone in need.  Anselmo is Ready and Willing to Serve!  That is not only a campaign slogan, but reality.

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Guest 2nd warder

I'm sorry..... where did you list Anselmo Millan's solutions? How will he help Harrison? Will he hug us all and love us and be the grandfather we always wish we had? I do enjoy a lively multicultural celebration, that is true. But how does that help me pay for the huge money sucking hole that Harrison has become? How does that give my children and grandchildren opportunities to thrive here? You list nothing and that includes of course anything of substance. But thank you for letting me know that he will be hold my hand and make himself available for photo op's. I should be able to "weather" the "storm" just swell now. Maybe a nice warm blankie and some tea and I could really sleep well at night knowing tomorrow when i wake up the nightmare that is Harrison's uncertain future will be vanquished. Visit other towns with less "resurgence" and see for yourself what they offer their constituents on a daily basis - without having to ask, beg or plead for what they rightly deserve; after all they paid for it. I bet they don't need committees to justify action - their towns just get it done. They must, they have so much already, somebody must have made the difference not just promised it for 15 years.

This sounds like a McCormick supporter or Stevie himself. Millan has always produced for the residents of his ward. Despite a recession, the voters selected a man of action and not a complainer to represent them in the Town council. Stevie or Stevie supporter the video is about Millan's roots in Harrison. His roots go deep since he's been in Harrison almost 40 years.

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Guest Jack knows it baby

This sounds like a McCormick supporter or Stevie himself. Millan has always produced for the residents of his ward. Despite a recession, the voters selected a man of action and not a complainer to represent them in the Town council. Stevie or Stevie supporter the video is about Millan's roots in Harrison. His roots go deep since he's been in Harrison almost 40 years.

Please. Where did I mention Steve McCormick? Read with your eyes. I know of Millans prior service. Never questioned his roots or heart. I display no personal feelings good or bad. I have been active through the years in various ways where he was also involved and found him to be quite likeable. Don't know him personally. Well he is newly elected. And good for him he mended fences with McDonough. What can we expect to see from him? I know his roots, I saw the video. It was a very nice production. John Pinho really seems to think he has what it takes. I guess we will have to wait and see hmmmmm?

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Guest BlueTideBacker

During the campaign, Councilman Anselmo Millan asked me to write a descriptive piece for the campaign website. I wrote the following.  I tried to convey in the video the same message.

Anselmo Millan and his wife Josefa have been residents of Harrison for 39 years.  Together, Anselmo and Josefa raised two children—Josie and Anselmo Jr.  Now, Anselmo and Josefa are enjoying the blessing of grandchildren.

Anselmo has never forgotten the importance of public service.  With Harrison facing ever-increasing financial challenges, Anselmo decided to seek the council seat in the 2nd Ward, so that he could lend a hand in helping Harrison’s residents.  Anselmo brings with him over 10 years of council experience.  If elected, Anselmo will hit the ground running to help the residents weather the economic storm currently hitting Harrison.  With life and council experience coupled with boundless energy, Anselmo is uniquely qualified to help lead Harrison through these trying times.

Ask yourself, do we want someone who simply complains?  Or, do we want someone who looks for solutions to the problems facing the Town of Harrison?  Anselmo has been finding solutions for years.  Anselmo’s work ethic is well-known.  Whether he is heading up a volunteer group of high school students, Harrison’s Beautification Committee, Harrison Fest activities, or meeting the needs of constituents, Anselmo gives his heart and soul.  Anselmo draws strength from the simple pleasure of helping someone in need.  Anselmo is Ready and Willing to Serve!  That is not only a campaign slogan, but reality.

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Let's see if he becomes just another bobble-headed yes-man before we consider him "uniquely qualified".

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Please. Where did I mention Steve McCormick? Read with your eyes. I know of Millans prior service. Never questioned his roots or heart. I display no personal feelings good or bad. I have been active through the years in various ways where he was also involved and found him to be quite likeable. Don't know him personally. Well he is newly elected. And good for him he mended fences with McDonough. What can we expect to see from him? I know his roots, I saw the video. It was a very nice production. John Pinho really seems to think he has what it takes. I guess we will have to wait and see hmmmmm?

Pinho is only posturing here to advance Millan as a serious contender for Mayor in 2014.

Such speculation is utter nonsense until AFTER we know if Doran agrees to a renewal of his contract upon the terms proposed by Christie.

Therein lies an eye upon the Mayoral Campaign of ‘12.

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Let's see if he becomes just another bobble-headed yes-man before we consider him "uniquely qualified".

This sounds like a, " I love you so much Anselmo, when do I get the big paying job?" type of letter.

We will see, keep your eyes open and your pockets closed.

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Pinho is only posturing here to advance Millan as a serious contender for Mayor in 2014.

Such speculation is utter nonsense until AFTER we know if Doran agrees to a renewal of his contract upon the terms proposed by Christie.

Therein lies an eye upon the Mayoral Campaign of ‘12.

Okay, before you Friday night drunks spill your beer all over the keyboard as you frantically type to correct me, the Mayoral Campaign is in 2014- not 2012.

My mistake.

I guess I had the Presidential Campaign of ’12 on my mind when Obama will be defeated in his re-election bid (a la Jimmy Carter).

But the insight offered here is right on target.

Doran’s status with the Harrison Schools System will significantly write the script for the '14 Mayoral Campaign.

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