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Tansport Officer

Guest Pale Rider

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Guest Pale Rider

Whatever happened to the displaced worker that said he would this menial task for 24k instead of 85k. I am sure when he was looking for an application he was shown the door because because the current driver, dumbo ears, is the mayors eyes and ears when he's out of town. The town could save $64k with this new guy. Why isnt he already working? As one lady who gets rides told me,"he could talk the ears off a brass monkey about re-electing McDonough and that if not my rides would stop." Thats all he talks about, to save his job under the current administration. He never shuts up. He HAS TO GO.

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The only qualification for this job would be to have a valid NJ drivers licence. Why wasn't the job posted for all instead of being an appointment. This guy would wear a McMole rubber face mask on his head if he thought he could fleece the voters out of even more money. How did he, of all people, get picked for the job? Could it be because of his relentless pursuit of fostering the relationship between a politician called Lesniak and McMole. They ran the Speed Shop out of business to create the laundromat, and guess who the manager? Bingo, the ******** ******* ****. Surprise, surprise.

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Whatever happened to the displaced worker that said he would this menial task for 24k instead of 85k. I am sure when he was looking for an application he was shown the door because because the current driver, dumbo ears, is the mayors eyes and ears when he's out of town. The town could save $64k with this new guy. Why isnt he already working? As one lady who gets rides told me,"he could talk the ears off a brass monkey about re-electing McDonough and that if not my rides would stop." Thats all he talks about, to save his job under the current administration. He never shuts up. He HAS TO GO.

WTF are you talking about you idiot?

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How much more clear does it have to be? Another Harrison High graduate without the ability to both read and comprehend the english language. The Transport Officer, one his rides, constantly advocates to people in the car his undying allegiance to McMole and how great the town will be in they vote for the current administration. Do you think he gets $85,000.00/year and benefits to just drive. His mouth, which is always moving, is one long tribute to the man who gave him that totally outrageous salary, I still have trouble believing he gets $85,000.00/year for a job that a trained monkey could do. He is McMoles constant campaign loudspeaker to anyone forced to listen because they are in that car. Also, why is he so concerned with the Police Dept.? He has asked several long tenured officers when they were leaving,"for the good of the town." HE is the worst thing for the town. A extremely high paid, no skilled worker who is nothing but a constant campaigner for McMole. Ask him, he'll tell you about heart of gold Ray, he just can't shut-up. It's like a disease.

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Guest komotion

just another town ass kisser! what happened to the people that got layed off? aren't they

supposed to be given a chance for employment first?if the town is in so much distress, why do they keep quietly hiring new people? no i'm not drunk,or on any meds. just how long are you people going to let this corruption go on? tey're screwing with the crossing guards, telling you they are saving you money, but behind the scenes they are taking more, and more!only a fool can't see whats going on!

you bet your ass when it's election time, i"ll be at the polls challenging people, and asking questions.

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just another town ass kisser! what happened to the people that got layed off? aren't they

supposed to be given a chance for employment first?if the town is in so much distress, why do they keep quietly hiring new people? no i'm not drunk,or on any meds. just how long are you people going to let this corruption go on? tey're screwing with the crossing guards, telling you they are saving you money, but behind the scenes they are taking more, and more!only a fool can't see whats going on!

you bet your ass when it's election time, i"ll be at the polls challenging people, and asking questions.

are you talking about the new driver? I haven't rode with him yet. **** never talked about McMole to me.

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just another town ass kisser! what happened to the people that got layed off? aren't they

supposed to be given a chance for employment first?if the town is in so much distress, why do they keep quietly hiring new people? no i'm not drunk,or on any meds. just how long are you people going to let this corruption go on? tey're screwing with the crossing guards, telling you they are saving you money, but behind the scenes they are taking more, and more!only a fool can't see whats going on!

you bet your ass when it's election time, i"ll be at the polls challenging people, and asking questions.

All the people who were laid off were not part of the team, you are correct the but kissers are all up **** butt as well as the mayors butt. Larry put all of those people laid off under the bus, he turned out to be an hypocrit with no balls to speak up for the people that have elected him. He says one thing in front of you and another behind your back. Remember the elected officals are to work for the people that elected them into office not for self benefit or enrichment. Larry could care less about you people that were laid off he receives his paycheck every single week the same as always$$$$$$$. You have to figure out how to feed your family and pay your bills.

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