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Stadium Track

Guest MissKearnyALil_Guest

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Guest MissKearnyALil_Guest

Is it true that the track is damaged to the point that it cant be used? And if so, will it be repaired? Are the Kearny Relays, once one of the biggest events on the east Coast, not going to be run at KHS again?

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Yes it is true that that track is damaged. It has been for some time. I haven't seen it lately due to all the snow, and materials put there, that are to be used for the new field. To tell you the truth, its not damaged to the point where you can't use it. People can run on just about anything. However Kearny High has one of the worst tracks out there. The chances that the Kearny Relays will be held at KHS are slim next to none.

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