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Pension Reform

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Why is it that elected officals are in a retirement pension? Didn't they get involved, because of their wanting to do their civil duty, to help the people who elected them. Part time employees, they deserve a pension? What happened when Gov. Whitmen borrowed money from all the states' pension funds, and then gave all towns throughout the state a break from contributing their oblications to contribute their half of contributions. Well they never did, all the towns took a vacation from the the payments that should never have stopped. Now our govenor what's the employees, who have always did their part to maintain a fully funded pension to pick up what Gov. WIT-MEN PROMISED THAT THE STATE WOULD PAY BACK. Lawyers, why are they recieving pensions for part time work. Gov. Christie can make all the mandates that he wants, but the last last republican, has put us in this position. How many elected offical are receiving pensions, even mutiple pensions. If we are going to have pension reform, lets start by taking elected officals out of the system. Cap payouts, and stop being mislead by the very people that we trust to do the RIGHT thing, putting the poeple who elected them first, before themselves. A side note, how much is the Govenor's new man at the Port Authority making in his pension. Spelling and grammer, KMA.................

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Why is it that elected officals are in a retirement pension? Didn't they get involved, because of their wanting to do their civil duty, to help the people who elected them. Part time employees, they deserve a pension? What happened when Gov. Whitmen borrowed money from all the states' pension funds, and then gave all towns throughout the state a break from contributing their oblications to contribute their half of contributions. Well they never did, all the towns took a vacation from the the payments that should never have stopped. Now our govenor what's the employees, who have always did their part to maintain a fully funded pension to pick up what Gov. WIT-MEN PROMISED THAT THE STATE WOULD PAY BACK. Lawyers, why are they recieving pensions for part time work. Gov. Christie can make all the mandates that he wants, but the last last republican, has put us in this position. How many elected offical are receiving pensions, even mutiple pensions. If we are going to have pension reform, lets start by taking elected officals out of the system. Cap payouts, and stop being mislead by the very people that we trust to do the RIGHT thing, putting the poeple who elected them first, before themselves. A side note, how much is the Govenor's new man at the Port Authority making in his pension. Spelling and grammer, KMA.................

I hear you, and thank God spelling does not count. Now to the main point, all the pension systems are messed up. Why, because of the politics. If we, as elected officals can get ours, why not. Screw the people who put us in office, WE DON' CARE. IT'S ALL ABOUT US, AND OUR FRIENDS>>>CHRISTIE, BUSINESS AS ALWAYS. ME BEFORE YOU. LOL>>>>WE R GOING TO TAKE FROM THE SU-K_RS> PAY YOU TAXES, AND I'LL KEEP CUTTING>>>>>UNLESS, MY FRIEND WANT A JOB, THEN, I'LL TAKE CARE OF THEM.

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Guest Eneerg Man
Why is it that elected officals are in a retirement pension? Didn't they get involved, because of their wanting to do their civil duty, to help the people who elected them. Part time employees, they deserve a pension? What happened when Gov. Whitmen borrowed money from all the states' pension funds, and then gave all towns throughout the state a break from contributing their oblications to contribute their half of contributions. Well they never did, all the towns took a vacation from the the payments that should never have stopped. Now our govenor what's the employees, who have always did their part to maintain a fully funded pension to pick up what Gov. WIT-MEN PROMISED THAT THE STATE WOULD PAY BACK. Lawyers, why are they recieving pensions for part time work. Gov. Christie can make all the mandates that he wants, but the last last republican, has put us in this position. How many elected offical are receiving pensions, even mutiple pensions. If we are going to have pension reform, lets start by taking elected officals out of the system. Cap payouts, and stop being mislead by the very people that we trust to do the RIGHT thing, putting the poeple who elected them first, before themselves. A side note, how much is the Govenor's new man at the Port Authority making in his pension. Spelling and grammer, KMA.................

Did you see what happened in Jersey City. 2 Officials retired effective Feb. 1 so that they could get their severence pay for sick and vacation days and then were re-hired as consultants. Only happens in Hudson County. Now, I hear that 10 fireman have put in for retirement so that they can receive severence pay. The Fire Chief says he ain't leaving because he loves his job. Why now let him retire effective Feb. 1 and re hire him as a Public Safety Director. That way, he could receive his retirement and severence pay and still be in charge of the Fire and Police Depts. But, we would have to demote the Police Chief to Captain.

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Guest Harrison Senior
Did you see what happened in Jersey City. 2 Officials retired effective Feb. 1 so that they could get their severence pay for sick and vacation days and then were re-hired as consultants. Only happens in Hudson County. Now, I hear that 10 fireman have put in for retirement so that they can receive severence pay. The Fire Chief says he ain't leaving because he loves his job. Why now let him retire effective Feb. 1 and re hire him as a Public Safety Director. That way, he could receive his retirement and severence pay and still be in charge of the Fire and Police Depts. But, we would have to demote the Police Chief to Captain.

Barney, if I was Mayor you'd be guarding the Jackson St. bridge on midnights.

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Barney, if I was Mayor you'd be guarding the Jackson St. bridge on midnights.

Well TK, your not the Mayor, and if anyone put me guarding the Jackson St. Bridge, I would sue under the whistleblower act just like AL did. Punishment posts are no longer legal.

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Did you see what happened in Jersey City. 2 Officials retired effective Feb. 1 so that they could get their severence pay for sick and vacation days and then were re-hired as consultants. Only happens in Hudson County. Now, I hear that 10 fireman have put in for retirement so that they can receive severence pay. The Fire Chief says he ain't leaving because he loves his job. Why now let him retire effective Feb. 1 and re hire him as a Public Safety Director. That way, he could receive his retirement and severence pay and still be in charge of the Fire and Police Depts. But, we would have to demote the Police Chief to Captain.

After these firefighters retire and leave hopefully Harrison will NOT HIRE any new firefighters to substitute them. they should just revise the schedule accordingly so that we as taxpayers could possibly have our taxes stabilized. Harrison Fire Dept. will be able to do as good as a job they already do with less men/women, its only a matter of having more responsibility and hours at work. Harrison could eliminate the fire station on Cleveland Avenue, I feel its unnecessary we are such a small town. The Police Dept. could have ample space for their Detective Bureau, Crowd Control Force, Narcotics and Gang training programs in house and for other Departmental purposes.

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After these firefighters retire and leave hopefully Harrison will NOT HIRE any new firefighters to substitute them. they should just revise the schedule accordingly so that we as taxpayers could possibly have our taxes stabilized. Harrison Fire Dept. will be able to do as good as a job they already do with less men/women, its only a matter of having more responsibility and hours at work. Harrison could eliminate the fire station on Cleveland Avenue, I feel its unnecessary we are such a small town. The Police Dept. could have ample space for their Detective Bureau, Crowd Control Force, Narcotics and Gang training programs in house and for other Departmental purposes.

Most people would agree with this, considering the state of the economy and the state of Harrison (in debt), and considering the orders by the governor to have towns merge services and have hybrid fire departments, the fire fighters would probably agree with your posting. They just want to have a job and security for their family.

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Guest Harrison Senior
Well TK, your not the Mayor, and if anyone put me guarding the Jackson St. Bridge, I would sue under the whistleblower act just like AL did. Punishment posts are no longer legal.

Barney a whistleblower?? That's a laugh. Making dumb remarks on your computer is not whistleblowing.

FYI, exposing corruption is whistleblowing. The only corruption you're aware of is your own excessive sick days. Are you going to blow the whistle on yourself?

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Barney a whistleblower?? That's a laugh. Making dumb remarks on your computer is not whistleblowing.

FYI, exposing corruption is whistleblowing. The only corruption you're aware of is your own excessive sick days. Are you going to blow the whistle on yourself?

Here's the deal, you have made threatening remarks about my employment saying that if you were Mayor you would have me patrol the Jackson St. Bridge. You are an idiot for making these remarks that can be traced back to your computer. If I receive a punishment post prepare your self for a lawsuit.

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Guest Harrison Senior
Here's the deal, you have made threatening remarks about my employment saying that if you were Mayor you would have me patrol the Jackson St. Bridge. You are an idiot for making these remarks that can be traced back to your computer. If I receive a punishment post prepare your self for a lawsuit.

I may run for mayor just for the pleasure of assigning you to the midnight submarine watch on the Jackson St. Bridge. This would be my campaign slogan: "Help me put Barney the Blatherer on the Bridge".

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I may run for mayor just for the pleasure of assigning you to the midnight submarine watch on the Jackson St. Bridge. This would be my campaign slogan: "Help me put Barney the Blatherer on the Bridge".

There's six votes in my family that are yours.

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I may run for mayor just for the pleasure of assigning you to the midnight submarine watch on the Jackson St. Bridge. This would be my campaign slogan: "Help me put Barney the Blatherer on the Bridge".

You have my vote.

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