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What ever happened to the guy that was shot on New Years Day (01/01/04) on No 3rd St.

Observer did not report that!!!!!

Oh!! Because they are friends of Capt. Dan...... :(

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Guest Oh please

don't you know by now that The Observer will only post things that are approved byt the political people in our local towns - for instance - a wife of a local police office called the police on her husband while they were having a disagreement - did you see that in the paper NO - but if it were Joe Smith of ABC street it would have been posted in the police blogs. I think citizens have a right to know what is goign on in their town, good, bad or ugle we should be told.

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Who are you going to blame when the Captain retires. If all the Officers had his integrity, ability, and leadership, the department wouldn't be in the shape it is today.

Sometimes a story can not be revealed because of an ongoing sensitive investigation. :(:lol::)

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Guest Understandable

I understand that at times they do not release any information due to ongoing investigations - but then again they also turn to the public when they want leads so sometimes it's a little confusing. Still doesn't answer why the story about the police officer assaulting his wife was not in the Police Blogs but if it was an ordinary citizen it would have made the paper.

I saw one for all - all for one

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Guest StudiesandObservation
Still doesn't answer why the story about the police officer assaulting his wife was not in the Police Blogs but if it was an ordinary citizen it would have made the paper.

I saw one for all - all for one

Actually you're incorrect there, information about Domestic Violence incidents are NOT part of the "Police Blotter" sections of local newspapers, as it is illegal for the PD's to release this information to the public.

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Guest oooohhhh
don't you know by now that The Observer will only post things that are approved byt the political people in our local towns - for instance
when Someone's nephew gets hit for a gambling debt and then has town 24 hr protection. rumor spreads that it's gang related, but no press. no gang either :angry:
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Guest Beg to differ

I believe you will find some printed information in the police blog section of the Observer - they may word it so it doesn't appear to be domestic violence but you do see some information. >>>>>>>>>>

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Who are you going to blame when the Captain retires. If all the Officers had his integrity, ability, and leadership, the department wouldn't be in the shape it is today.

Sometimes a story can not be revealed because of an ongoing sensitive investigation. :angry::angry::angry:

If all the Officers had his integrity then the HPD, would be called the Harrison Police Moving Service. If all the Officers had his leadership, they would be mangement sell outs or forget about a binding valid contract. If all the Officers had his ability, then everyone would be looking to FIRE each other. Enough said, get the story straight.

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Who are you going to blame when the Captain retires. If all the Officers had his integrity, ability, and leadership, the department wouldn't be in the shape it is today.

Sometimes a story can not be revealed because of an ongoing sensitive investigation. :rolleyes::angry::lol:

Who cares another dead wheel gone, let's throw a party. Two gone two to go and HPD while be fine. Intergrity,Ability, and Leadership, that describes many Officer's but not him. How about egotistical, vengeful, dasteredly, ohh and short. :rolleyes:

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