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April 7th Meeting now online...

Guest Joseph Wood

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Guest Guest

Joan Woods sure looked like a million bucks at the meeting. Then again, with her astronomical starting salary, raises and compound interest she will be worth a million bucks in about 7 years. Why was her salary first listed as $93,000.00, then 108,000.00, and now $99,940.00 and this was all done in a period of about 6 weeks. Which is it, and whatever it is why is her starting salary more than a Police LT. makes. Gary Garison, last month, was listed at making $75,000.00 (which is more than a top step Police Officer) is not even on the list now. Was he fired? Any explanation? Is the old DB unit he uses for transporting the elderly insured for this purpose. I will find out thru DMV and get back to you. An arrest may be in order. Those are my opinions.

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Guest Senior Guest


Joan Woods sure looked like a million bucks at the meeting. Then again, with her astronomical starting salary, raises and compound interest she will be worth a million bucks in about 7 years. Why was her salary first listed as $93,000.00, then 108,000.00, and now $99,940.00 and this was all done in a period of about 6 weeks. Which is it, and whatever it is why is her starting salary more than a Police LT. makes. Gary Garison, last month, was listed at making $75,000.00 (which is more than a top step Police Officer) is not even on the list now. Was he fired? Any explanation? Is the old DB unit he uses for transporting the elderly insured for this purpose. I will find out thru DMV and get back to you. An arrest may be in order. Those are my opinions.

:lol: You Go Baby....Make sure You put it up so We all can see.....To Many People in this Town are way way way overpaid....I think it is a disgrace that most 90% of the people working for this Town are overpaid and Crooked as the letter s....Who suffers ...It is time for people to start packing and get out of this Town...If You do not Kiss as- or are a close Friend or relative of a Politician You are screwed in This Town.....NO SHAME......is Rite Marie Mc Cormick the Mayor is a disgrace Rodgers is probably rolling over in His Grave and has done many times since McDumass and Boy He has a big one became Mayor....at Least Rodgers listened and helped everyone and had time for everyone...I do not recall Him ever walking out of a meeting and on His People....May He rest in peace....

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so Pete Higgins is making decisions for what's good for the developers and the Mayor and Council with exception of the McCormicks just rubber stamp Pete's decisions.

How is it that Pete got so powerful.

Well, McDonough isn't that smart, he relies on Pete for all his economic decisions (personal and public).

Doran was paid off with the promise and now the reality of a $200,000+ Superintendent's job. $100,000 would have been enough for a guy like Doran.

Dolaghan was paid off with supervisor of Custodians for Harrison High at 80,000+ (not bad for a guy without barely a high school degree). Don't worry it's Abbott District money as the Mayor is fond of saying.

Doran should insist that if Dolaghan got $80,000+ that since he has a college and graduate degree that he should get 350,000+. Fair is fair.

Nascimento got paid off with his principal job. Bennett gets to keep his PVSC job if he keeps his mouth shut.

Huaranga, his family gets to keep their new found jobs and because of his language barrier he doesn't speak only votes Yes.

The McCormicks they haven't been bought off and keep hammering away.

McDonough almost left the meeting again.

Corzine why do you keep supporting these band of thieves.

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Guest Smoke & Mirrors
so Pete Higgins is making decisions for what's good for the developers and the Mayor and Council with exception of the McCormicks just rubber stamp Pete's decisions.

How is it that Pete got so powerful.

Well, McDonough isn't that smart, he relies on Pete for all his economic decisions (personal and public).

Doran was paid off with the promise and now the reality of a $200,000+ Superintendent's job. $100,000 would have been enough for a guy like Doran.

Dolaghan was paid off with supervisor of Custodians for Harrison High at 80,000+ (not bad for a guy without barely a high school degree). Don't worry it's Abbott District money as the Mayor is fond of saying.

Doran should insist that if Dolaghan got $80,000+ that since he has a college and graduate degree that he should get 350,000+. Fair is fair.

Nascimento got paid off with his principal job. Bennett gets to keep his PVSC job if he keeps his mouth shut.

Huaranga, his family gets to keep their new found jobs and because of his language barrier he doesn't speak only votes Yes.

The McCormicks they haven't been bought off and keep hammering away.

McDonough almost left the meeting again.

Corzine why do you keep supporting these band of thieves.

I just love how you knuckleheads keep saying that Bennett will keep his job at PVSC!

He has almost 30 years there. Way longer than any of the game players, and he actually does work. Unlike some of the guys who go find places to hide all day!

As for the Mc Comics... Please! My sides are sore from laughing...

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Guest Guest
so Pete Higgins is making decisions for what's good for the developers and the Mayor and Council with exception of the McCormicks just rubber stamp Pete's decisions.

How is it that Pete got so powerful.

Well, McDonough isn't that smart, he relies on Pete for all his economic decisions (personal and public).

Doran was paid off with the promise and now the reality of a $200,000+ Superintendent's job. $100,000 would have been enough for a guy like Doran.

Dolaghan was paid off with supervisor of Custodians for Harrison High at 80,000+ (not bad for a guy without barely a high school degree). Don't worry it's Abbott District money as the Mayor is fond of saying.

Doran should insist that if Dolaghan got $80,000+ that since he has a college and graduate degree that he should get 350,000+. Fair is fair.

Nascimento got paid off with his principal job. Bennett gets to keep his PVSC job if he keeps his mouth shut.

Huaranga, his family gets to keep their new found jobs and because of his language barrier he doesn't speak only votes Yes.

The McCormicks they haven't been bought off and keep hammering away.

McDonough almost left the meeting again.

Corzine why do you keep supporting these band of thieves.

The Mc Comics and Joe Woods (illiterate as he is) are the disgraces! Pete is the head of the Redevelopment Agency, and does a good job. You'll see how far these three idiots go, what good do they do???

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Guest 4th warder
The Mc Comics and Joe Woods (illiterate as he is) are the disgraces! Pete is the head of the Redevelopment Agency, and does a good job. You'll see how far these three idiots go, what good do they do???

Nice! Joe Woods illiterate. He is so illiterate that he created a website that shows how intelligent and honest our elected officials are for the world to see. I wish there were more illiterate Joe Woods around. His illiterate self would do more for an honest open government than is currently being done by the very intelligent and obviously very literate Pete Higgins and Company.

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Guest Senior Guest
Nice! Joe Woods illiterate. He is so illiterate that he created a website that shows how intelligent and honest our elected officials are for the world to see. I wish there were more illiterate Joe Woods around. His illiterate self would do more for an honest open government than is currently being done by the very intelligent and obviously very literate Pete Higgins and Company.

Here Here....Isn't that the truth. Well said...I feel Joe Wood is very Honest and I sure Hope He Runs again .....People are tired of the crap and if they aren't they are either related or work for the Mayor or Town....TIME FOR A CHANGE, We need a volunteer Fire Dept as well....Do not need a full time fire Dept....., We need a larger Police Dept.....and a New Mayor and most of the Council ....No more Yes Men and Woman.....Need people who are going to fight for what is rite and not afraid to speek up or walk out on meetings , because they can,t answer a question or will not ...They lack integrity and Honesty...

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Guest Guest
I just love how you knuckleheads keep saying that Bennett will keep his job at PVSC!

He has almost 30 years there. Way longer than any of the game players, and he actually does work. Unlike some of the guys who go find places to hide all day!

As for the Mc Comics... Please! My sides are sore from laughing...

Then why did he not run for office long ago? He needed the Mayors permission so that he would not jeopardize his position at Passaic Valley. So he kissed the ass, I mean ring and was allowed to do so.

Just listen to him, all he says is I I I I I I I I I, does not asked not one question in regards to what he votes on, go figure. He is a good guy, but he forgets he does it on behalf of the ELKS, unless the ELKS are owned by him, who knows. The entire ELKS organization are the people responsible for the the fund raising... They should all get the credit... Take another picture of me Larry...

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Guest Matilda
Joan Woods sure looked like a million bucks at the meeting. Then again, with her astronomical starting salary, raises and compound interest she will be worth a million bucks in about 7 years. Why was her salary first listed as $93,000.00, then 108,000.00, and now $99,940.00 and this was all done in a period of about 6 weeks. Which is it, and whatever it is why is her starting salary more than a Police LT. makes. Gary Garison, last month, was listed at making $75,000.00 (which is more than a top step Police Officer) is not even on the list now. Was he fired? Any explanation? Is the old DB unit he uses for transporting the elderly insured for this purpose. I will find out thru DMV and get back to you. An arrest may be in order. Those are my opinions.

Where are you finding the recent salaries? Everywhere I look its for the year 2006! What happened to 2008?

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Guest *A friend*
You forgot Mandaglio. Her husband works for PVSC and she works for Hudson County. Say Yes or your husband's job is gone and your county job is in jeopardy.

for the record, Carol had that job many years before she even considered running for council

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Guest Guest
for the record, Carol had that job many years before she even considered running for council

An what about her kid who works there??????? just like the other former councilmans kids who got jobs

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Guest 1st warder
her husband works for burry biscuit , not for passiac vally

so if she isn't afraid why does she continue to vote yes on everything and never ask a question. If you look at the video of April 7th's meeting, she is leafing through the agenda as if its the first time she was reviewing it. She is a nice lady but she doesn't have a clue that McDonough is just using her. McDonough and Higgins call the shots and get all the profits.

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