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Obama a closet conservative?

Guest 2smart4u

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Guest 2smart4u

Obama has selected Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at the inauguration next month. Rick Warren, a anti abortion, anti gay marriage evangelical is hated by the far left loonies. Obama's references to God has angered atheists and now the loony Move-On crowd will be pissed over the selection of Rick Warren. I think I'm starting to like this Obama guy.

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Guest Combat Veteran
Obama has selected Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at the inauguration next month. Rick Warren, a anti abortion, anti gay marriage evangelical is hated by the far left loonies. Obama's references to God has angered atheists and now the loony Move-On crowd will be pissed over the selection of Rick Warren. I think I'm starting to like this Obama guy.

Maybe there is hope for you after all. You are finally realizing what those of us who supported and voted for him knew all along. Better late than never.

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Guest *Autonomous*
Obama has selected Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at the inauguration next month. Rick Warren, a anti abortion, anti gay marriage evangelical is hated by the far left loonies. Obama's references to God has angered atheists and now the loony Move-On crowd will be pissed over the selection of Rick Warren. I think I'm starting to like this Obama guy.

The Inauguration will also involve Reverend Joseph Lowery, who will be delivering the official benediction at the Inauguration. Reverend Lowery is a giant of the civil rights movement who boasts a proudly progressive record on LGBT issues. He has been a leader in the struggle for civil rights for all Americans, gay or straight. And for the very first time, there will be a group representing the interests of LGBT Americans participating in the Inaugural Parade.

But hey, feel free to stick your head up your ass like always.

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Guest Patriot
Maybe there is hope for you after all. You are finally realizing what those of us who supported and voted for him knew all along. Better late than never.

Hey "Combat Veteran", earned any more merit badges lately?

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Wow...a politician who is acting like a Politician..Go figure. One of the Gay Rights advocates was on the radio last night screaming about this "Betrayal" by Obama against the gay community since according to them this Warren guy was the driving force behind Prop 8 in California and then got REALLY pissy when it was pointed out that from the ebginning Obama has been opposed to gay marriage in faovr of Civil Unions.

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Guest Patriot
The Inauguration will also involve Reverend Joseph Lowery, who will be delivering the official benediction at the Inauguration. Reverend Lowery is a giant of the civil rights movement who boasts a proudly progressive record on LGBT issues. He has been a leader in the struggle for civil rights for all Americans, gay or straight. And for the very first time, there will be a group representing the interests of LGBT Americans participating in the Inaugural Parade.

But hey, feel free to stick your head up your ass like always.

Such anger and hostility! But i shouldn't be surprised, you motor-pool guys are like that.

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Guest *Autonomous*
Such anger and hostility! But i shouldn't be surprised, you motor-pool guys are like that.

Anger? Why would I be angry? You're never right!

I can't wait to see the reaction of the Loonies when their messiah loses. Latest polls show Obama with big drops in support among young people, a segment he is depending on. Making promises that everyone knows are rediculous are showing him as naive and inexperienced. His promises to raise taxes during a recession and his lack of military experience during wartime are both killers. His energy policy which doesn't include nuclear power is also a big loser for him. I really CAN'T WAIT to come on KOTW and gloat. Be sure not to cry on your keyboards, that can't be good.
The far left attacks on Palin have reached hysterical levels. I love it!! Let's hope they continue until the election, they will guarantee a McCain/Palin victory.

80% of Americans will reject the angry and mean-spirited attacks and will support Palin because of them.

Not being able to see the obvious is the exact meaning of the phrase "has his head up his ass."

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Guest *Autonomous*
Hey "Combat Veteran", earned any more merit badges lately?

Two posts later this so-called 'Patriot' insults thousands of our servicemen who are fighting and dying for their country. Shameful-especially coming from a guy who can't answer the simplest questions about his own service and hides behind multiple aliases. Anyone needing proof should look at 2Dim/Patriot/Bushbacker's posts from a few months ago. In addition to identical syntax and spelling errors, they used to make a simple typing error that made their identity painfully obvious until somebody pointed it out.

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Two posts later this so-called 'Patriot' insults thousands of our servicemen who are fighting and dying for their country. Shameful-especially coming from a guy who can't answer the simplest questions about his own service and hides behind multiple aliases. Anyone needing proof should look at 2Dim/Patriot/Bushbacker's posts from a few months ago. In addition to identical syntax and spelling errors, they used to make a simple typing error that made their identity painfully obvious until somebody pointed it out.

I think he was probably making fun of your angry post. Duh.

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