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I was watching the Macys Thanksgiving day parade yesterday and was delighted to see a contingent of fireman dressed as clowns. It could not have been more appropriate. I agree that the Police Chief has created an ineffective DB and subscribes by the teachers pet philosophy just like McMole and company while handing out way overvalued jobs to friends and relatives. The clubhouse/firehouse however dwarfs (sorry Powell - no offense) all jobs in lack of need or efficiency. What I have heard is an estimated $10 million dollar budget for the FD should that should offend even the richest of Harrisons residents (teachers, council, secretarys, appointed positions). Many towns with larger goegraphical areas and more residents are doing just fine with volunteer fire depts. Eleven months have almost gone by and there is nothing, absolutely nothing, to justify this shamefull cost to the taxpayers of Harrison other than giving large amounts of money to relatives and friends for services not needed. How many fires have there been this year? It might be two at most so do the math-$5 million dollars each. The FD is the bulk of the tax bills. I also saw earlier in the week news about a fire, not in Harrison, and 5 fireman were grouped together and interviewed about how they were heroes in saving a cat. Unfortunately, 4 people died in that same fire and the reporter mentioned it as a footnote and the fireman had no reaction in the picture. Sad. Vote McMole out or let your house go into foreclosure. The banks are bailing the unfortunate people who can't or refuse to kiss ass to get a town job. I would estimate that the number of fireman whose homes are going into foreclosure is 0. They make much too much money but a drug problem could be the answer if there is one. These are my opinions.

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Guest Harrison's Bravest
I was watching the Macys Thanksgiving day parade yesterday and was delighted to see a contingent of fireman dressed as clowns. It could not have been more appropriate. I agree that the Police Chief has created an ineffective DB and subscribes by the teachers pet philosophy just like McMole and company while handing out way overvalued jobs to friends and relatives. The clubhouse/firehouse however dwarfs (sorry Powell - no offense) all jobs in lack of need or efficiency. What I have heard is an estimated $10 million dollar budget for the FD should that should offend even the richest of Harrisons residents (teachers, council, secretarys, appointed positions). Many towns with larger goegraphical areas and more residents are doing just fine with volunteer fire depts. Eleven months have almost gone by and there is nothing, absolutely nothing, to justify this shamefull cost to the taxpayers of Harrison other than giving large amounts of money to relatives and friends for services not needed. How many fires have there been this year? It might be two at most so do the math-$5 million dollars each. The FD is the bulk of the tax bills. I also saw earlier in the week news about a fire, not in Harrison, and 5 fireman were grouped together and interviewed about how they were heroes in saving a cat. Unfortunately, 4 people died in that same fire and the reporter mentioned it as a footnote and the fireman had no reaction in the picture. Sad. Vote McMole out or let your house go into foreclosure. The banks are bailing the unfortunate people who can't or refuse to kiss ass to get a town job. I would estimate that the number of fireman whose homes are going into foreclosure is 0. They make much too much money but a drug problem could be the answer if there is one. These are my opinions.

You're never going to have a chance at making Sargeant if you spend all your time on KOTW instead of studying. Although my guess is you know you're too stupid to get promoted so you don't bother studying. But to show you there's no hard feelings, stop in the firehouse for lunch tomorrow and I'll grill you up a nice filet mignon and lobster tail. There's no reason we can't get along, after all we're all "Brothers in Blue". LOL.

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I was watching the Macys Thanksgiving day parade yesterday and was delighted to see a contingent of fireman dressed as clowns. It could not have been more appropriate. I agree that the Police Chief has created an ineffective DB and subscribes by the teachers pet philosophy just like McMole and company while handing out way overvalued jobs to friends and relatives. The clubhouse/firehouse however dwarfs (sorry Powell - no offense) all jobs in lack of need or efficiency. What I have heard is an estimated $10 million dollar budget for the FD should that should offend even the richest of Harrisons residents (teachers, council, secretarys, appointed positions). Many towns with larger goegraphical areas and more residents are doing just fine with volunteer fire depts. Eleven months have almost gone by and there is nothing, absolutely nothing, to justify this shamefull cost to the taxpayers of Harrison other than giving large amounts of money to relatives and friends for services not needed. How many fires have there been this year? It might be two at most so do the math-$5 million dollars each. The FD is the bulk of the tax bills. I also saw earlier in the week news about a fire, not in Harrison, and 5 fireman were grouped together and interviewed about how they were heroes in saving a cat. Unfortunately, 4 people died in that same fire and the reporter mentioned it as a footnote and the fireman had no reaction in the picture. Sad. Vote McMole out or let your house go into foreclosure. The banks are bailing the unfortunate people who can't or refuse to kiss ass to get a town job. I would estimate that the number of fireman whose homes are going into foreclosure is 0. They make much too much money but a drug problem could be the answer if there is one. These are my opinions.

Well, you know what they say about opinions? There just like as-holes, everyone has one. Now please do us all a favorite, start doing your job, or quit, or transferre to the town that you live. Or if you live in Harrison (LOL) fun for Mayor.

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I was watching the Macys Thanksgiving day parade yesterday and was delighted to see a contingent of fireman dressed as clowns. It could not have been more appropriate. I agree that the Police Chief has created an ineffective DB and subscribes by the teachers pet philosophy just like McMole and company while handing out way overvalued jobs to friends and relatives. The clubhouse/firehouse however dwarfs (sorry Powell - no offense) all jobs in lack of need or efficiency. What I have heard is an estimated $10 million dollar budget for the FD should that should offend even the richest of Harrisons residents (teachers, council, secretarys, appointed positions). Many towns with larger goegraphical areas and more residents are doing just fine with volunteer fire depts. Eleven months have almost gone by and there is nothing, absolutely nothing, to justify this shamefull cost to the taxpayers of Harrison other than giving large amounts of money to relatives and friends for services not needed. How many fires have there been this year? It might be two at most so do the math-$5 million dollars each. The FD is the bulk of the tax bills. I also saw earlier in the week news about a fire, not in Harrison, and 5 fireman were grouped together and interviewed about how they were heroes in saving a cat. Unfortunately, 4 people died in that same fire and the reporter mentioned it as a footnote and the fireman had no reaction in the picture. Sad. Vote McMole out or let your house go into foreclosure. The banks are bailing the unfortunate people who can't or refuse to kiss ass to get a town job. I would estimate that the number of fireman whose homes are going into foreclosure is 0. They make much too much money but a drug problem could be the answer if there is one. These are my opinions.
Do you hate everyone? Are you on medication? Do you carry a gun? Please tell me your not a H.P.D. officer....
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Don't you get it................... if they lay everyone off I GET MORE MONEY $$$$$$$$$$ I believe that i do such a good job that the town would have to give ME more money. i can do it all . I get more money. who needs anybody else. I get more money..................... if you cant tell.... I'M NUTS....

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Lets not bring up Lobster again. The last time their was one lobster short at the fireladies dinner it broke out into a brawl because of their greediness and almost killed each other. Real classy. Saving the cat and letting the 2 children and parents die was also important because its the only pussy the fireladies get other than the sloppy seconds at home, if at all. The FD openly show their disdain and how they can care less about the reidents by the replies you have seen under this topic. As to doing it all, there are many people in town with multiple jobs and pensions who are making that idiotic statement seem true to a jerkoff like you. The Fire Chief ( Big Pun) is one of the main violaters. Fire Chief/Fema Coordinator/pall bearer/etc....The HFD was using the ambulance and providing treatment without certifications. They do nothing and cannot even keep track of that. DISBAND THE FIRE DEPT. AND LOWER THE TAXES!!!!!!! Those are my opinions.

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Don't you get it................... if they lay everyone off I GET MORE MONEY $$$$$$$$$$ I believe that i do such a good job that the town would have to give ME more money. i can do it all . I get more money. who needs anybody else. I get more money..................... if you cant tell.... I'M NUTS....

Are you the Chief of Police? You sound just like him!
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Lets not bring up Lobster again. The last time their was one lobster short at the fireladies dinner it broke out into a brawl because of their greediness and almost killed each other. Real classy. Saving the cat and letting the 2 children and parents die was also important because its the only pussy the fireladies get other than the sloppy seconds at home, if at all. The FD openly show their disdain and how they can care less about the reidents by the replies you have seen under this topic. As to doing it all, there are many people in town with multiple jobs and pensions who are making that idiotic statement seem true to a jerkoff like you. The Fire Chief ( Big Pun) is one of the main violaters. Fire Chief/Fema Coordinator/pall bearer/etc....The HFD was using the ambulance and providing treatment without certifications. They do nothing and cannot even keep track of that. DISBAND THE FIRE DEPT. AND LOWER THE TAXES!!!!!!! Those are my opinions.

What fire are you talking about? HFD saved a cat instead of people? Huh..... I never read about this in the paper, and haven't seen anything on the news. Did you make this up? PLEASE, TRY AND GET THE HELP YOU DESPERATELY NEED............

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Guest Harrison Senior
Lets not bring up Lobster again. The last time their was one lobster short at the fireladies dinner it broke out into a brawl because of their greediness and almost killed each other. Real classy. Saving the cat and letting the 2 children and parents die was also important because its the only pussy the fireladies get other than the sloppy seconds at home, if at all. The FD openly show their disdain and how they can care less about the reidents by the replies you have seen under this topic. As to doing it all, there are many people in town with multiple jobs and pensions who are making that idiotic statement seem true to a jerkoff like you. The Fire Chief ( Big Pun) is one of the main violaters. Fire Chief/Fema Coordinator/pall bearer/etc....The HFD was using the ambulance and providing treatment without certifications. They do nothing and cannot even keep track of that. DISBAND THE FIRE DEPT. AND LOWER THE TAXES!!!!!!! Those are my opinions.

I sincerely hope you're not a Harrison police officer. You're an angry and mean-spirited person.

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The original poster stated, "NOT IN HARRISON." Go to the library to the firemans bookshelf and read a book, maybe this will help you. Say hello to all the unqualified people working their at professional athlete salaries to help you if you can't find it.

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Lets not bring up Lobster again. The last time their was one lobster short at the fireladies dinner it broke out into a brawl because of their greediness and almost killed each other. Real classy. Saving the cat and letting the 2 children and parents die was also important because its the only pussy the fireladies get other than the sloppy seconds at home, if at all. The FD openly show their disdain and how they can care less about the reidents by the replies you have seen under this topic. As to doing it all, there are many people in town with multiple jobs and pensions who are making that idiotic statement seem true to a jerkoff like you. The Fire Chief ( Big Pun) is one of the main violaters. Fire Chief/Fema Coordinator/pall bearer/etc....The HFD was using the ambulance and providing treatment without certifications. They do nothing and cannot even keep track of that. DISBAND THE FIRE DEPT. AND LOWER THE TAXES!!!!!!! Those are my opinions.

Please, for the love of GOD, SEEK HELP.........

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The original poster stated, "NOT IN HARRISON." Go to the library to the firemans bookshelf and read a book, maybe this will help you. Say hello to all the unqualified people working their at professional athlete salaries to help you if you can't find it.

I don't think those ladies are paid enough for the crap they have to put up with everyday and for your information the place has never been so nice since the woman started working there. The guy before her was a waste and the place was filthy, they had no children's room, they had no computers, they had no books...another unhappy person in town that didn't get a job. I have a news flash for you pal the woman running the show in there has a college degree the 100,000.00 secretary doesn't neither does the criminal running the town.

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  • 3 months later...
I don't think those ladies are paid enough for the crap they have to put up with everyday and for your information the place has never been so nice since the woman started working there. The guy before her was a waste and the place was filthy, they had no children's room, they had no computers, they had no books...another unhappy person in town that didn't get a job. I have a news flash for you pal the woman running the show in there has a college degree the 100,000.00 secretary doesn't neither does the criminal running the town.





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Guest guest
I don't think those ladies are paid enough for the crap they have to put up with everyday and for your information the place has never been so nice since the woman started working there. The guy before her was a waste and the place was filthy, they had no children's room, they had no computers, they had no books...another unhappy person in town that didn't get a job. I have a news flash for you pal the woman running the show in there has a college degree the 100,000.00 secretary doesn't neither does the criminal running the town.

They have enough employees there to handle the place and then some.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest guest
I don't think those ladies are paid enough for the crap they have to put up with everyday and for your information the place has never been so nice since the woman started working there. The guy before her was a waste and the place was filthy, they had no children's room, they had no computers, they had no books...another unhappy person in town that didn't get a job. I have a news flash for you pal the woman running the show in there has a college degree the 100,000.00 secretary doesn't neither does the criminal running the town.

No Masters Degree in Library Science as required by NJ state law in a town in NJ that has over 10000 residents as does Kearny who has 2-3 with one.

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You must be from KearNEY......please just becuase you are a breeder of shit don't start attacking other people.

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No Masters Degree in Library Science as required by NJ state law in a town in NJ that has over 10000 residents as does Kearny who has 2-3 with one.

This is the Harrison website if oyu want to talk aobut Kearny please go tot the Kearny site we don't care about Kearny trash.

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