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Guest Crack

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The Town is gonna need plenty of money for overtime for the cops and fireman when the new tax bills are sent out due to rioting and heart attacks. Corzine might as well call for the National Guard in advance. This is enron, tyco, lehman brothers, and la cosa nostra all in one. The perfect storm of corruption. Thats my opinion.

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The Town is gonna need plenty of money for overtime for the cops and fireman when the new tax bills are sent out due to rioting and heart attacks. Corzine might as well call for the National Guard in advance. This is enron, tyco, lehman brothers, and la cosa nostra all in one. The perfect storm of corruption. Thats my opinion.



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Do I have to actually work in Harrison or can I apply for a pension without doing anything? I know most people employed by the town of Harrison get their pensions by doing practically no work, being a convicted felon, or a fire dept. crack addict. IMO, I should be able to get a pension just because I am related to a politician. Please have one of McMoles suckretarys arrange this. Thank you.

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Please give me a pension like Pete. I will not even show up in town or steal from the town like quarter man Bill. I will stay under the radar like Tom P. (get it) and not even have a secret job like him that he cannot reveal to the taxpayers. I will not drink on duty at vinnies like the bored 9 Million dollar fireman at the clubhouse or fall asleep in the office like the two suckcretaries out of boredom except when McMole comes in for his daily ****** At least the ***** ** ** getting doesn't use ***. I won't even fill up my car at the fire dept. like them and the other special people. A pension (or is it a chicken) in every pot and elect Mcmole and other council members that cannot speak english. I cannot wait to see the tax bills, it will be like a phone book in your mailbox due to the board of Ed. and inept handling of the redevelopement that will probably be finished in 2020. IMO, thats it!!!

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