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One sure way to get rid of alot of the dead wood in town is to drug test everyone who gets a paycheck in town. Unannounced and random, but consistently. The Police are all for it and have been doing it for some time. Why does the HFD threaten the town with lawsuits when asked to comply and then the town drops the issue. A grown man, the "bravest" they call themselves, are afraid to pee into a cup. That shows you how brave they really are and what hidden secrets do they have. One dumb cop was nailed and got the boot. The fireman still get a disability pension (for stress if you can believe that crap. What kind of stress could a HFD member have except some cop banging their fat wife while they are at work. If they test dirty so whats the problem? Others depts. in town would possibly be cut in half, in my opinion, if this were to occur. Step up to plate and show the real you.

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Guest Guest
One sure way to get rid of alot of the dead wood in town is to drug test everyone who gets a paycheck in town. Unannounced and random, but consistently. The Police are all for it and have been doing it for some time. Why does the HFD threaten the town with lawsuits when asked to comply and then the town drops the issue. A grown man, the "bravest" they call themselves, are afraid to pee into a cup. That shows you how brave they really are and what hidden secrets do they have. One dumb cop was nailed and got the boot. The fireman still get a disability pension (for stress if you can believe that crap. What kind of stress could a HFD member have except some cop banging their fat wife while they are at work. If they test dirty so whats the problem? Others depts. in town would possibly be cut in half, in my opinion, if this were to occur. Step up to plate and show the real you.

Such anger. Like a little kid who got his Legos taken away from mommy. Its obvious how jealous you are of the men who were able to pass the FD test. You ask people to step up to the plate and show the real them, but you hide behind a computer like a little girl. Makes sense.

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Once again a fireman skirts the idea of drug testing by saing that you couldn't paa the firemans test. Passing the test to be a fireman was never an issue. Maybe if the towns kids can use the firemans bookcase, what a joke, at the library they can paa the firemans test. You lucky devils.

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Guest Guest
One sure way to get rid of alot of the dead wood in town is to drug test everyone who gets a paycheck in town. Unannounced and random, but consistently. The Police are all for it and have been doing it for some time. Why does the HFD threaten the town with lawsuits when asked to comply and then the town drops the issue. A grown man, the "bravest" they call themselves, are afraid to pee into a cup. That shows you how brave they really are and what hidden secrets do they have. One dumb cop was nailed and got the boot. The fireman still get a disability pension (for stress if you can believe that crap. What kind of stress could a HFD member have except some cop banging their fat wife while they are at work. If they test dirty so whats the problem? Others depts. in town would possibly be cut in half, in my opinion, if this were to occur. Step up to plate and show the real you.

Why don't you open your mouth so I can pee in that.

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Guest Guest
Once again a fireman skirts the idea of drug testing by saing that you couldn't paa the firemans test. Passing the test to be a fireman was never an issue. Maybe if the towns kids can use the firemans bookcase, what a joke, at the library they can paa the firemans test. You lucky devils.

Nobody was skirting any issue. You were being called out for being a coward just as you were calling other people out for the same. I guarantee if you do background checks on both the P.D and F.D you will see that people supposed to be putting away the bad guys are criminals also. Your comments keep further proving your a moron and a coward.

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Why don't you open your mouth so I can pee in that.

Harrison, damn, we got some real intellectuals living here. Rhodes Scholar it seems got overlooked- maybe there was a mix up. You are obviously over qualified.

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Good idea - everyone who gets a paycheck from the town should be randomly drug tested.........lets not forget our councilpeople get a paycheck too.......some of them should be drug tested too - especially the ones who don't follow the rules and already owe the town lots of money in fines...................let them pee in a cup and see what happens..................................

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  • 1 month later...
Why don't you open your mouth so I can pee in that.


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