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How many times have you heard one j*rkoff or another bellow that Barack Obama is a Muslim or that he was NOT born in the USA or whatever OTHER outrageous "swiftboat" falsehood that can be passed off? Now you can get the FACTS, not "FIX" (noose).......if you have the decency to seek the truth! :P


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Guest Guest
How many times have you heard one j*rkoff or another bellow that Barack Obama is a Muslim or that he was NOT born in the USA or whatever OTHER outrageous "swiftboat" falsehood that can be passed off? Now you can get the FACTS, not "FIX" (noose).......if you have the decency to seek the truth! :P


There's no nice word for what the scumbags on the right are doing. They're lying. They've done it before and they're doing it again. It's the one thing you could predict for sure about this election.

Only this time, it's not going to work.

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Guest Not for either candidate
How many times have you heard one j*rkoff or another bellow that Barack Obama is a Muslim or that he was NOT born in the USA or whatever OTHER outrageous "swiftboat" falsehood that can be passed off? Now you can get the FACTS, not "FIX" (noose).......if you have the decency to seek the truth! :P


Unfortunately, we are screwed with either McCain or Obama. Both candidates stink! Just saying..

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Guest Guest
How many times have you heard one j*rkoff or another bellow that Barack Obama is a Muslim or that he was NOT born in the USA or whatever OTHER outrageous "swiftboat" falsehood that can be passed off? Now you can get the FACTS, not "FIX" (noose).......if you have the decency to seek the truth! :angry:


Barack Hussain Obama is suspected of being a Taliban spy planted in the U.S. Congress . Michelle is believed to be a man (also a Taliban spy).

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Guest Nodem Thisyear
How many times have you heard one j*rkoff or another bellow that Barack Obama is a Muslim or that he was NOT born in the USA or whatever OTHER outrageous "swiftboat" falsehood that can be passed off? Now you can get the FACTS, not "FIX" (noose).......if you have the decency to seek the truth! :angry:


I agree. Those statements are false and outrageous. Most thinking people can see the truth.

The real truth is revealed in his books. Read them and then think long and hard before you vote.

Nodem Thisyear

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Obama should hire Paul LaClair to respond to all the false accusations. He is extremely diligent and used to fending off false statements. He got a lot of practice defending his son.

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I agree. Those statements are false and outrageous. Most thinking people can see the truth.

The real truth is revealed in his books. Read them and then think long and hard before you vote.

Nodem Thisyear

I'll take my chances with Barack Obama's written/spoken representation of himself and you can bet your prostate I'm NO Dem.

At this late date, after the Bush regime epic disasters, anyone opting to reward Reublican John McCain with a vote is either a party cultist, a racist who won't vote for a black guy (a mullato actually) or a ravishing nincompoop. :angry:

Do you people have ANY concept of the hypocritical embarassment silver spoon raised Keating Five member wrecker of 5 fighter jet planes and accused cause of the USS Forrestal aircraft carrier disaster that Bulgeface John McCain is?

John McCain's Skeleton Closet

John McCain is a maverick senator, Vietnam veteran and former prisoner of war for 5 years in North Vietnam. In 2000, he nearly beat George W. Bush by being an outspoken, even honest politician, which stunned everybody. He also is known for crafting bipartisan approaches to issues such as smoking and campaign reform.

This time around though, at 71, he apparently decided "now or never" and seems to have sold his soul, suddenly adopting a bunch of boilerplate conservative positions he was brave enough to resist 8 years ago. Now, conveniently, he's even claiming to be a Baptist instead of an Episcopalian.

It didn't look like anyone was buying it for a while there, but danged if he hasn't come back and pretty much sewed up the Republican nomination. McCain went from front runner to 3rd or 4th in various polls, spent all of his huge pile of cash and lost most of his staff, and worked his way back into a dominant position.

Here are some negative allegations:

Affairs -- Religion Shopping -- A Junkie Wife -- Keating 5 -- Mafia Ties -- Quotes -- Sources

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That New Time Religion

John McCain grew up Episcopalian. He went to an Episcopalian high school. For at least 15 years, he has been listed as an Episcopalian in authoritative directories such as the Almanac of American Politics and Congressional Quarterly's Politics in America 2008. He told a reporter from McClatchy News Service in June 2007 that he was an Episcopalian.

Suddenly, in September 2007, he's campaigning in South Carolina, the heavily Baptist state where George W. Bush barely managed to stop McCain's presidential campaign 8 years ago. And guess what? McCain tells a reporter "By the way, I'm not Episcopalian. I'm Baptist."

When pressed, he said he's attended the North Phoenix Baptist Church in Arizona for more than 15 years, though he has never been baptized in that church. Now see, that's exactly the problem. Baptism is kind of a big thing in the Baptist Church. (That's how they got the name.) No baptism, not Baptist.

Anyway, details aside, this is one very clear indication of how McCain has changed. Now, he's just another hungry politician, happy to pander if it helps him win. Which eliminates the very reason people were excited about him in 2000 -- his honesty.

Founding Member of the Keating Five

Back in the old days, defendants in famous trials got numbers -- the Chicago Eight, the Gang of Four, the Dave Clark Five, the Daytona 500. McCain was one of the "Keating Five," congressmen investigated on ethics charges for strenuously helping convicted racketeer Charles Keating after he gave them large campaign contributions and vacation trips.

Charles Keating was convicted of racketeering and fraud in both state and federal court after his Lincoln Savings & Loan collapsed, costing the taxpayers $3.4 billion. His convictions were overturned on technicalities; for example, the federal conviction was overturned because jurors had heard about his state conviction, and his state charges because Judge Lance Ito (yes, that judge) screwed up jury instructions. Neither court cleared him, and he faces new trials in both courts.)

Though he was not convicted of anything, McCain intervened on behalf of Charles Keating after Keating gave McCain at least $112,00 in contributions. In the mid-1980s, McCain made at least 9 trips on Keating's airplanes, and 3 of those were to Keating's luxurious retreat in the Bahamas. McCain's wife and father-in-law also were the largest investors (at $350,000) in a Keating shopping center; the Phoenix New Times called it a "sweetheart deal."

Mafia ties:

In 1995, McCain sent birthday regards, and regrets for not attending, to Joseph "Joe Bananas" Bonano, the head of the New York Bonano crime family, who had retired to Arizona. Another politician to send regrets was Governor Fife Symington, who has since been kicked out of office and convicted of 7 felonies relating to fraud and extortion.

Family Problems

McCain has a reputation as a politician who has difficulty keeping his pants zipped, according to Republican sources. He acknowledges that his adultery broke up his first marriage. His second wife Cindy, the daughter of a wealthy Budweiser beer distributor, was addicted to prescription narcotics and even stole hard drugs from a medical charity that she ran. McCain acknowledges that she didn't want him to run, and only agreed once he promised that she doesn't have to go to New Hampshire or Iowa.


- Leonardo DiCaprio is "an androgynous wimp." -- McCain.

- "The thought of [McCain] being president sends a cold chill down my spine. He is erratic. He is hotheaded. He loses his temper and he worries me." -- Senator Thad Cochran of Mississippi, who has known McCain for 35 years.


"McCain Says He's Been Baptist For Years", by Bruce Smith, The Associated Press, September 12, 2007

"Candidates invite questions about their faith", by Stephen Dinan, Washington Times, September 18, 2007

"The Pampered Politician", by Amy Silverman, The Phoenix New Times, May 15, 1997

"See John Run Off at the Mouth", Phoenix New Times, October 1, 1998

"Opiate for the Mrs.", Phoenix New Times, September 8, 1994

"Flashes: What's Up, Murdoch?", Phoenix New Times, September 17, 1998

the US Veteran's Dispatch web site.

"Symington Gets Slammer", Phoenix New Times, February 2, 1998

Election 98: Arizona Governor, Fox News web site, 1998 coverage (no longer on web)

"Keating Gets New Trial", CNNfn Web Site, December 2, 1996

"No More Wagging,", (editorial) by Maureen Dowd, The New York Times, January 3, 1999

"John McCain, rock-and-roll dad", by Andrew Essex, The New Yorker Magazine, December 6, 1999 p52

"Unmasking Darth McCain", by William Cleeland, The Daily Illini, March 9, 2001

"Famed McCain Temper is Tamed", By Michael Kranish Boston Globe, January 27, 2008


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and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Copyright 2007 Real People For Real Change

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Guest Guest
Unfortunately, we are screwed with either McCain or Obama. Both candidates stink! Just saying..

What are you looking for in a candidate, exactly? Just curious.

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Guest Guest
There's no nice word for what the scumbags on the right are doing. They're lying. They've done it before and they're doing it again. It's the one thing you could predict for sure about this election.

Only this time, it's not going to work.

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman", that lying leftist scumbag got impeached. BTW, McCain is our next president. The

office of president is not the place for "on the job training". Obama is an uninformed, naive lightweight who needs to get another ten

years of experience in congress.

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Guest Guest
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman", that lying leftist scumbag got impeached. BTW, McCain is our next president.

Good luck with a candidate that doesn't understand the economy, and is against the American people on the war, the two biggest issues to American citizens. And good luck with a candidate who doesn't think it's important when our troops are coming home.

McCain fails miserably on the issues, he doesn't know anything about the economy, he doesn't know how many troops are on the ground in the Middle East, he doesn't know the difference between Sunni and Shia, he can't even define "victory" in Iraq, and he runs the Double Talk Express 24/7.


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"I did not have sexual relations with that woman", that lying leftist scumbag got impeached. BTW, McCain is our next president. The

office of president is not the place for "on the job training". Obama is an uninformed, naive lightweight who needs to get another ten

years of experience in congress.



House GOP falls short on campaign cash By DAVID ESPO, AP Special Correspondent

Sat Jun 14, 4:09 PM ET

WASHINGTON - House rank and file Republicans are tens of millions of dollars short of meeting fundraising targets set by their own campaign committee in advance of this fall's elections, according to figures circulating among the leadership, heightening concerns inside the party about major losses in November.

Most recent figures show that GOP lawmakers have brought $27 million into the coffers of the National Republican Congressional Committee in the past 17 months, far short of the target of about $58 million. Compounding the challenge, they will soon be asked to raise another $20 million or more to help candidates in selected battleground districts.

Rep. Tom Cole of Oklahoma, chairman of the NRCC, provided the information recently to the leadership and to members of a newly formed committee charged with reinvigorating the campaign effort in the wake of the loss of three seats to Democrats in special elections.The AP obtained a copy of some of the documents involved in the presentations.

The disclosure comes in addition to other unsettling news for Republicans, who trail Democrats badly in cash on hand and are grappling with the alleged theft of more than $700,000 by a former employee.

The NRCC declined comment. Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, the party's leader in the House, is encouraging his colleagues to do more to help, a spokesman said.

"Mr. Boehner's focus right now is doing everything possible to help House Republicans be successful this fall, and that includes pushing all our members to do more to help our team," said his spokesman, Kevin Smith.

Republicans controlled the House for 12 years until they lost the majority in 2006. In the months since, their political position has eroded significantly, judging from polls, campaign fundraising and other factors.

The result has been a private acknowledgment among lawmakers and aides alike that the GOP is highly unlikely to regain the majority in 2008 and will be fortunate to hold its losses to a minimum.

Both parties have political committees that typically raise more than $100 million for the fall campaign. While much of the money comes from donors who receive mail or online solicitations or attend fundraising events, individual lawmakers also are expected to help.

The information Cole distributed included the total each Republican has been asked by the NRCC to raise, an amount that is highest for members of the leadership and lowest for first-term lawmakers facing competitive races in the fall. Republicans who hold the senior positions on each committee — the men and women who would take over in a Republican-controlled House — are given higher assessments than more junior colleagues.

The material also shows how much money individual lawmakers have brought in, either through fundraising calls to donors or from transfers from their own campaign treasury.

Cole has donated or transferred $1.4 million so far, more than anyone else. Boehner, at $1.26 million, is the only other Republican to top six figures. Both men had two-year assessments of nearly $1.13 million, according to NRCC figures.

Rep. David Dreier of California, who is the senior Republican on the Rules Committee, has raised more than $800,000, nearly meeting his assessment with several months remaining in the campaign.

But Rep. Thaddeus McCotter of Pennsylvania, a member of the leadership, is credited with only $8,500 of nearly $950,000 he's been tasked with raising. "I've always met and exceeded whatever number they pull out of the air, and I intend to do so again," McCotter said in an interview. He said he represents a swing seat and usually takes care of his commitments to the committee later in the election year.

And strikingly, Rep. Tom Davis of Virginia, who was appointed head of the committee formed after the three election defeats, has raised only $50,000 against his assessment of more than $605,000, according to NRCC figures. Davis was chairman of the NRCC while Republicans held the majority, and he recently warned in a blistering memo that the party faces a political environment that is "the worst since Watergate and far more toxic than the fall of 2006 when we lost 30 seats."

Republicans concede that the perception of another impending defeat makes potential donors even less inclined to contribute.

Democrats currently hold 235 seats in the House, compared to 199 for the Republicans, with one vacancy.

The loss of formerly GOP held seats in Illinois, Louisiana and Mississippi in three special elections are the most dramatic demonstrations of the party's difficulties and sent shockwaves through the leadership. As a result, the new group was created, to be headed by Davis, to offer advice. Additionally, Ed Brookover, a highly respected former campaign committee aide, was recruited to return for the final months of the campaign.

Compounding the problem, the committee has spent months trying to untangle the affairs of a former key staff member, Christopher Ward, who is alleged to have stolen at least $725,000 from the organization. An internal probe alleged that the former treasurer used his authority to siphon money from 2001 and 2007. The FBI is also investigating.

Ward's lawyer, Ronald Machen, declined comment on the internal probe. The NRCC said it spent $500,000 to pay for the investigation and another $300,000 to upgrade its accounting operations.

Overall, the NRCC, which began the election cycle with a debt of more than $10 million, showed cash on hand of $6.7 million as of April 30 in its most recent report to the Federal Election Commission. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee reported cash on hand of $45.2 million.

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Barack Hussain Obama is suspected of being a Taliban spy planted in the U.S. Congress . Michelle is believed to be a man (also a Taliban spy).

Yeah! And that's not the half of it. He eats babies! With a pitchfork! And he pretends to help little old ladies cross the street only to abandon them in the middle just as the light changes! And he KICKS PUPPIES!!!!!!!!! I swear it's all true. My mother's neighbor's gardener's friend's nephew's youth pastor read it somewhere.


I also heard that his barber is a PHILATELIST! And he's not even Mormon! Pretty scary to think that someone running for president would be associated with one of THEM.

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