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Friends of God: A Road Trip with Alexandra Pelosi

Guest Keith

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Guest Keith

I invite everyone here to check out this documtary "Friends of God: A Road Trip with Alexandra Pelosi"(Netflix has it) and discuss.

Should be intersting conversation.

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Guest Guest
I invite everyone here to check out this documtary "Friends of God: A Road Trip with Alexandra Pelosi"(Netflix has it) and discuss.

Should be intersting conversation.

Your post reminded me of an interview on the Daily Show (the May 27th episode, if you want to see the clip once it's put up on the show's website) from a guy who joined Hagee's church for a while just to see what it was like. He was talking about how he had to go on this big retreat, and how Hagee preached that childhood sins or something like that filled people with demons (he described them as "not metaphorical demons, but *hiss* demons"). After that, they were all given bags, and the goal was literally to vomit out the demons. Hagee started by talking about the demon of lust, and kinda went through the obvious ones that are like the big sins. But then the guy says that after a while, all the obvious ones were exhausted, so Hagee started commanding the people to expel more obscure demons like...the demon of HANDWRITING ANALYSIS.

Jon Stewart mused that that demon probably gets picked on by all the other demons.

I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. You really know how to pick 'em, don't you McCain? :)

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Guest Keith
Your post reminded me of an interview on the Daily Show (the May 27th episode, if you want to see the clip once it's put up on the show's website) from a guy who joined Hagee's church for a while just to see what it was like. He was talking about how he had to go on this big retreat, and how Hagee preached that childhood sins or something like that filled people with demons (he described them as "not metaphorical demons, but *hiss* demons"). After that, they were all given bags, and the goal was literally to vomit out the demons. Hagee started by talking about the demon of lust, and kinda went through the obvious ones that are like the big sins. But then the guy says that after a while, all the obvious ones were exhausted, so Hagee started commanding the people to expel more obscure demons like...the demon of HANDWRITING ANALYSIS.

Jon Stewart mused that that demon probably gets picked on by all the other demons.

I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. You really know how to pick 'em, don't you McCain? :)

Yes, that was hilarious! Don't forget when they wanted to expel the demons of ANAL FISSURES!

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