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Guest puff daddy
What I hear:

A. Millan

Jimmy Doran

Steve McCormick

Larry Bennit

are all running for Mayor

Are these our only options????? How sad!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our town just keeps getting worse and worse....

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Guest Frank Hague
What I hear:

A. Millan

Jimmy Doran

Steve McCormick

Larry Bennit

are all running for Mayor

Hey, What about me Frank Hague. I'm looking for a job. I know the Mayors job is partime but I could maybe also get one of those jobs like Pete watching the Rabbit District School Buildings being built.

I promise that I would do just as good a job. What the hell they started to build a big school with a small swimming pool. They wound up with a big swimming pool with a few classrooms and then had to start all over. At one point we had more sandbags in Harrison than the New Orleans.

What the heck it can't be that hard. Thank God the State of New Jersy is too embarassed to investigate what went on. Mr. Christie would blow a gassket if he wasn't so busy across the river. Thank God for Essex County.

It is great living here in a rabbit district. Our school taxes would be about 80% higher if we weren't Rabbit certified. The only thing is the boys should share the wealth.

we could all take turns between the Rabbit district, redevelopment, and the normal goodies we all could make a good living and have at least 2 pensions.

Right now where are all the goodies going they are wacked up between 3-6 people. We could divide those jobs into 2-3 and give them to those who really need them in town.

Instead of 2-4 pensions for each of the boys. We could try each of us settle for a pension or a pension and a half or 2.

What a wonderful world it would be without greed. Look at all the trouble it has caused here in the past few years. People cheating each other taking things. The mayor being called names on this site.

That would be a thing of the past if we could just share those jobs and pensions.

The mayor is losing friends and his council are all starting to have dreams of being mayor.

Alls Hague wants is a fair shake. A bit of the action so to say.

Frank Hague

Sides if your reding this I'm going to AC with my daughter. One big hit and I won't serve if elected. I'm not greedy.

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Guest Guest
What I hear:

A. Millan

Jimmy Doran

Steve McCormick

Larry Bennit

are all running for Mayor

Doran's the sure thing. His vote tally would beat the three others combined. He's got the experience, he's got the political savvy, he's got the the money, he's got the county connections, he's the got the personality, he's got the social skills. The question becomes: does he want it???

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Guest Guest
Doran's the sure thing. His vote tally would beat the three others combined. He's got the experience, he's got the political savvy, he's got the the money, he's got the county connections, he's the got the personality, he's got the social skills. The question becomes: does he want it???

He is also under the thumb of the big fat waste. Lets face it no matter who you put in the Mayor's seat Fat Boy is still calling the shots.....the Town wasn't under when Billy T. was still here then they hired Big Shot and now they are talking layoffs go figure....Who is doing the stealing?

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Guest Guest
Doran's the sure thing. His vote tally would beat the three others combined. He's got the experience, he's got the political savvy, he's got the the money, he's got the county connections, he's the got the personality, he's got the social skills. The question becomes: does he want it???

and he has the taint of the previous administrations corruption all over him. We need new people

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Guest Guest
and he has the taint of the previous administrations corruption all over him. We need new people

Jim has betrayed those who originally supported him and has has exploited his Political connections for personal financial gain. Unfortunately he is nothing but a YES man and takes commands from the "Feline Man". When everything comes out in the wash and I think it will, Jimmy Boy will face the music. Frank can't save him from grave and he is literally a Pee-on in County circles .The only Politcal aspirations he should entertain are out at the end of the Cape in Mass. or the place where Bobby J. went for a stay.

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Guest Barney
Jim has betrayed those who originally supported him and has has exploited his Political connections for personal financial gain. Unfortunately he is nothing but a YES man and takes commands from the "Feline Man". When everything comes out in the wash and I think it will, Jimmy Boy will face the music. Frank can't save him from grave and he is literally a Pee-on in County circles .The only Politcal aspirations he should entertain are out at the end of the Cape in Mass. or the place where Bobby J. went for a stay.

I agree. If it wasn't for Frank he still would be minding the pool at the old HS. He should move to ********** and *** ******** to his *******. He's afarid of his own shadow, and would fit in nicely in *** *********.

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Guest Guest
Jim has betrayed those who originally supported him and has has exploited his Political connections for personal financial gain. Unfortunately he is nothing but a YES man and takes commands from the "Feline Man". When everything comes out in the wash and I think it will, Jimmy Boy will face the music. Frank can't save him from grave and he is literally a Pee-on in County circles .The only Politcal aspirations he should entertain are out at the end of the Cape in Mass. or the place where Bobby J. went for a stay.

Hey It's Frank Hague, I'm back from AC. I left about 130.00 $ down there. Mr. Trump and the State need the cash. I don't think I'll be doing that again. If you add it all up room , gambling ,gas and tolls. I need a real good town job to pay the freight.

I'm gonna spend my summer in Harrison and plan my run for office.

On the way home I was thinking. I should have invested that money in a gynocological study to see if I'm related to Pete, Ray or any other Political big wigs. Another thought was I should have donated that money to the Democratic party or used it to fund my run for Mayor.

I'm worried about all the rumors about Mr. Christie looking into Harrison. Just when I'm starting to get some nibbles. I guess that's Old Hague's luck. wether fishing or politics I'm always to late to make a catch.

They say if you go back far enough we're all related this can't be true or we would all have good jobs and pensions since we would all be related to the boys. You follow my line of thought.

Maybe Mr. Christie needs some help. Hague is willing to work on either side of the fence. I can smell corruption a mile away. So, I'm a busy guy here in a mile square town.

Maybe, I can draw some maps for the Feds. Do they pay well ?

Side's I looked into working in AC but they wanted me to do those Wrap music songs. There not easy to do!

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Guest Guest
He is also under the thumb of the big fat waste. Lets face it no matter who you put in the Mayor's seat Fat Boy is still calling the shots.....the Town wasn't under when Billy T. was still here then they hired Big Shot and now they are talking layoffs go figure....Who is doing the stealing?

Do you really think Doran's beholden to an idiot like McDonough? Get a life.

You know nothing about Harrison politics.

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Guest 5B420C
Hey It's Frank Hague, I'm back from AC. I left about 130.00 $ down there. Mr. Trump and the State need the cash. I don't think I'll be doing that again. If you add it all up room , gambling ,gas and tolls. I need a real good town job to pay the freight.

I'm gonna spend my summer in Harrison and plan my run for office.

On the way home I was thinking. I should have invested that money in a gynocological study to see if I'm related to Pete, Ray or any other Political big wigs. Another thought was I should have donated that money to the Democratic party or used it to fund my run for Mayor.

I'm worried about all the rumors about Mr. Christie looking into Harrison. Just when I'm starting to get some nibbles. I guess that's Old Hague's luck. wether fishing or politics I'm always to late to make a catch.

They say if you go back far enough we're all related this can't be true or we would all have good jobs and pensions since we would all be related to the boys. You follow my line of thought.

Maybe Mr. Christie needs some help. Hague is willing to work on either side of the fence. I can smell corruption a mile away. So, I'm a busy guy here in a mile square town.

Maybe, I can draw some maps for the Feds. Do they pay well ?

Side's I looked into working in AC but they wanted me to do those Wrap music songs. There not easy to do!

Dear Frank Hague!

In the line above where you reference Mahogany, Peter B., Doran, and the Catman as Political Big Wigs, didn't you actually mean Political *igs? In any future comments, I don't want to mis-quote you if in fact we are referencing *IGS!

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Guest O'Reilly Factor
Do you really think Doran's beholden to an idiot like McDonough? Get a life.

You know nothing about Harrison politics.

What connection does Doran have to Cape Mass. ? I thought he is fond of Cape Canaveral !

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Guest Guest
Do you really think Doran's beholden to an idiot like McDonough? Get a life.

You know nothing about Harrison politics.

Rumor has it that 2 polititians in Harrison are being indicted, so I guess someone will resign and someone will be appointed.

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Guest Guest
What connection does Doran have to Cape Mass. ? I thought he is fond of Cape Canaveral !

************* at the end of Cape Cod is a hangout for persons with ********** **********. KOTW how come you won't allow anything said about *** *******? It's always in the news.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest
************* at the end of Cape Cod is a hangout for persons with ********** **********. KOTW how come you won't allow anything said about *** *******? It's always in the news.

Try referrong to them as ""of another persuasion".

ex: at the end os Cape Cod is a hangout for persons "of another persuasion".

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