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Latest Poll Results

Guest Patriot

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Guest Patriot

All the Obamaiacs are taking tranquilizers this morning. Latest poll results show 29% of Hillariacs will

vote for McCain if Obama get the nomination. Since McCain is running in a virtual tie with Obama now,

that much of a swing in the defeatocratic vote will result in a McCain landslide, a 50 state sweep.

Can't wait to post my "Told You So" post in Nov.

Interesting news item today: Notice how Oprah has been conspicuously absent from Obama's

campaign ?? She stated that when she joined Rev. Wright's church some years ago, she noticed

"something wrong" with the Rev.'s sermons so she quit. Wonder why Obama wasn't that

perceptive ?? Or maybe he agreed with the vile racist vitriolic spewing from the good Rev.'s

mouth. In any event, Oprah has realized Obama is damaged goods and is staying away. Most of

white middle America realizes that too, ergo the freefall in the polls.

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Guest Guest
All the Obamaiacs are taking tranquilizers this morning. Latest poll results show 29% of Hillariacs will

vote for McCain if Obama get the nomination. Since McCain is running in a virtual tie with Obama now,

that much of a swing in the defeatocratic vote will result in a McCain landslide, a 50 state sweep.

Can't wait to post my "Told You So" post in Nov.

LOL! Fifty state sweep! ROFL!

You do realize that those "Obama/Clinton vs. McCain" polls ALREADY FACTOR IN the possibility of the Democrat they don't want getting the nomination, right? Imbecile: any Hillary supporter polled in an "Obama vs. McCain" poll has already made their voice clear--the "virtual tie" is AFTER that is taken into account, stupid.

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LOL! Fifty state sweep! ROFL!

You do realize that those "Obama/Clinton vs. McCain" polls ALREADY FACTOR IN the possibility of the Democrat they don't want getting the nomination, right? Imbecile: any Hillary supporter polled in an "Obama vs. McCain" poll has already made their voice clear--the "virtual tie" is AFTER that is taken into account, stupid.

A mere fifty states, eh?

If Obama sweeps, I'll bet he takes all 58 (contiguous) states.


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