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Guest 2smart4u

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Guest 2smart4u

The latest Rasmussen Poll has the percentage of people who "trust the NY Times" at 24%.

Further proof that the american public is rejecting the leftist journalism of this once proud


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The latest Rasmussen Poll has the percentage of people who "trust the NY Times" at 24%.

Further proof that the american public is rejecting the leftist journalism of this once proud


Do you have a citation? I Googled "Rasmussen - New York Times" and "Rasmussen - NY Times" and came up with no such poll. Are you sure you're not making up another one?

Oh, and even if there was such a poll - how many of the 24% read the paper, or for that matter any newspaper?

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Do you have a citation? I Googled "Rasmussen - New York Times" and "Rasmussen - NY Times" and came up with no such poll. Are you sure you're not making up another one?

Just 24% of American voters have a favorable opinion of the New York Times. Forty-four percent (44%) have an unfavorable opinion and 31% are not sure. The paper’s ratings are much like a candidate’s and divide sharply along partisan and ideological lines.


(Thank heaven for Ask.com)

Oh, and even if there was such a poll - how many of the 24% read the paper, or for that matter any newspaper?

Well of course only stupid people would have an unfavorable opinion of the New York Times.

The Times recently became enmeshed in controversy over an article published concerning John McCain. Sixty-five percent (65%) of the nation’s likely voters say they have followed that story at least somewhat closely.

Of those who followed the story, 66% believe it was an attempt by the paper to hurt the McCain campaign. Just 22% believe the Times was simply reporting the news. Republicans, by an 87% to 9% margin, believe the paper was trying to hurt McCain’s chances of winning the White House. Democrats are evenly divided.


Almost all Republicans are stupid, and about half of Democrats. :lol:

BETTY ANN BOWSER: Most analysts agree that with so many candidates fighting for conservative votes, Bentsen is likely to make the runoff just by getting most of the Democratic vote. But the bad news for Bentsen is in the runoff process. University of Houston political scientist Richard Murray.

RICHARD MURRAY, University of Houston: Without question in Texas, runoffs (a) call fewer voters back, Republican voters, who are better educated, probably following the news more closely, maybe feel more passionately, they get back to the polls. That's how we got Sen. John Tower way back in 1961, when Texas was a very Democratic state. Republicans have a long history in this state of winning special elections when there's low turnout.


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