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Grant Money

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Why is it I always read about Kearny receiving grant money, especially for the police and fire departments. Does the town of Harrison have grant writers? There seems to be alot of monies given away but we don't see a dime. The police cars are falling apart, and the radios are garbage.

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250,000 for a fire dept engine that pumps foam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All grant money used for the F.D. the golden boys! Almost as useful as our 2 snow melters. The grant writers from clifton get 75,000 a yr to write grants, i would like to see 1 grant written in the name of the Harrison PD. WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEPOTISM AT IT'S BEST

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Why is it I always read about Kearny receiving grant money, especially for the police and fire departments. Does the town of Harrison have grant writers? There seems to be alot of monies given away but we don't see a dime. The police cars are falling apart, and the radios are garbage.


Don't worry the ex poilice chief is here from the DCA interviewing the members of the police dept. I'M SURE HE WILL DO EVERYTHING in his power to get better equipment,cars,and new radios. And hopefully he will not suggest that STUPID 2 on 2 off schedule that he is brainwashing chief Kearns with.

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Why is it I always read about Kearny receiving grant money, especially for the police and fire departments. Does the town of Harrison have grant writers? There seems to be alot of monies given away but we don't see a dime. The police cars are falling apart, and the radios are garbage.


Dont't worry the town garage does a GREAT job fixing them!!!!!! yeah right!!!!! they do not know their ass from their elbow!!! every time there is problem they send them back saying its fixed!!!!!!! what a waste of taxpayers money!!!

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Guest Mahogany Raymundo
Why is it I always read about Kearny receiving grant money, especially for the police and fire departments. Does the town of Harrison have grant writers? There seems to be alot of monies given away but we don't see a dime. The police cars are falling apart, and the radios are garbage.


There's no one in Harrison with the capacity to write a Grant! You would think with the money Peter B. receives from all Town Accounts and his Title, Director of Re-

Development, his capacity would provide the Town with a Smart Intellectual well versed in this area of expertise.

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Why is it I always read about Kearny receiving grant money, especially for the police and fire departments. Does the town of Harrison have grant writers? There seems to be alot of monies given away but we don't see a dime. The police cars are falling apart, and the radios are garbage.

The town got $6,000,000 from Corzine in extraordinary aid up from $2,700,000 from last year. That my friends is a huge grant. If not for that money and the schools being paid by Abbott money, the taxes would triple. Corzine is a crook just like McDonough and Company. Keeping the Harrison politicians in power so he can get money from vendors because of new play to play regulations.

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Guest crapper
The town got $6,000,000 from Corzine in extraordinary aid up from $2,700,000 from last year. That my friends is a huge grant. If not for that money and the schools being paid by Abbott money, the taxes would triple. Corzine is a crook just like McDonough and Company. Keeping the Harrison politicians in power so he can get money from vendors because of new play to play regulations.

i find it highly insulting to know that a handful of these imbreds are stealing money from under our noses and getting away with it. why aren't the heads rolling by now? where is this major investigation from superior goverment? we have no security basically is what i'm understanding from these posts and other residents. crime is on the rise and the concern of the town are the lawsuits the cops are presenting to their chief. you have to be kidding me! where the hell did you find this idiot?what are his creditials? seriously, the best the staTE CAN DO IS SEND SOME LOSER FROM THE DCA TO POINT OUT SCHEDULE CHANGES?

MAYOR WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU AND YOUR PUPPETS? I KNOW YOU HAVE YOUR GHOULS READ THESE POSTS SO PLEASE Answer! when do you plan on establishing a pro active police department? your stupidier then i thought if you think you don't have a problem and sending this monkey to bat for you well that's just classic. meanwhile he's safe in lynhurst sipping down brand name products as oppose to the garden koolaid he drank for many years. :angry:

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The town got $6,000,000 from Corzine in extraordinary aid up from $2,700,000 from last year. That my friends is a huge grant. If not for that money and the schools being paid by Abbott money, the taxes would triple. Corzine is a crook just like McDonough and Company. Keeping the Harrison politicians in power so he can get money from vendors because of new play to play regulations.

That "Extraordinary Aid" comes with many strings attatched.

It is not a true "Grant".

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Kearny grant writers do it again! $71,000 from the dept of homeland security to purchase new police equipment, and $13,000 for new body armor. Wake up Harrison grant writers the money is there, help the boys in blue.

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