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Vote for Millan

Guest Peter Boy

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Guest Peter Boy

I urge all Harrison voters to vote for Millan in Nov. The only hope for Harrison is to boot McDonough and put in a man of honesty and character. That man is Millan and he has my vote.

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Guest Guest
I urge all Harrison voters to vote for Millan in Nov.  The only hope for Harrison is to boot McDonough and put in a man of honesty and character. That man is Millan and he has my vote.

Honesty and character !!!!!!!!!!

Thanks so much for the laugh

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Guest Guest
I urge all Harrison voters to vote for Millan in Nov.  The only hope for Harrison is to boot McDonough and put in a man of honesty and character. That man is Millan and he has my vote.

I will have no other choice, I want to make a difference in this town so that means giving someone else a chance at this Mayor thing, if we don't like him we vote for someone else in 4 years. WAKE UP HARRISON YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE A MAYOR IN FOR HIS OR HER INTIRE LIFE. Someone else needs a chance to see if they can rectify the problems in which we are faced with in Harrison, haven't you people been reading the newspapers, when Mr. Hinchcliffe announced his candidacy for Mayor I have been educated on what is going on in my town Harrison. Hinchcliffe wrote some true facts letters so that we the PEOPLE of HARRISON would understand why he was running for Mayor and why he wanted to make a change in this town, and the newspapers have been providing us with some information about our town, just like Mr. Tanski he STOLE our money, did we even know? absolutely not, and no one would let us know either in this town, they keep everything a secret. Tanski was working in Harrison for over 30 years, YOU FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF. MR. HINCHCLIFFE DESERVED A CHANCE TO BE OUR MAYOR FOR 4 YEARS I CERTAINLY VOTED FOR HIM AND WILL SUPPORT HIM IN HIS VENTURES IN POLITICS, BECAUSE I KNOW HE WOULD HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE. DON'T COMPLAIN IF YOU DECIDED TO VOTE THE OTHER WAY, YOU MADE YOUR CHOICE DON'T COME TALKING TO ME ABOUT HOW THIS TOWN IS GOING, YOU VOTED, B**ch SOMEWHERE ELSE, I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THE NEIGHBORS AND ACQUAINTENCES TALKING ABOUT THEIR WATER AND TAXES AND KIDS AND GARBBAGE I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT FROM YOU IF YOU VOTED FOR MCDOUGNAH YOU PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP, CHANGE THIS ADMINISTRATION IF YOU ARE SO SICK OF IT.

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Can someone please tell me what Mr Milan does for a living? is he retired?

I see him almost every day in the afternoon driving a red car.

this is before 3pm because I start work at 3

seems to be well dressed all the time so what does he do.

Does he work at the son-n-laws rest. and that why I see him at the time of day?

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Guest Guest
Can someone please tell me what Mr Milan does for a living? is he retired?

I see him almost every day in the afternoon driving a red car.

this is before 3pm because I start work at 3

seems to be well dressed all the time so what does he do.

Does he work at the son-n-laws rest. and that why I see him at the time of day?

He works for Hudson county...however I hear his daughter's been sick and he's been taking her to the docs.

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Guest Guest
Can someone please tell me what Mr Milan does for a living? is he retired?

I see him almost every day in the afternoon driving a red car.

this is before 3pm because I start work at 3

seems to be well dressed all the time so what does he do.

Does he work at the son-n-laws rest. and that why I see him at the time of day?

get a life.

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Guest Guest
Can someone please tell me what Mr Milan does for a living? is he retired?

I see him almost every day in the afternoon driving a red car.

this is before 3pm because I start work at 3

seems to be well dressed all the time so what does he do.

Does he work at the son-n-laws rest. and that why I see him at the time of day?

I know that approx. 12 yrs ago, when he became a councilman, the mayor helped get him an office management job at the county govn. in Jersey City. The hours are 9-5 pm. I don't know if he is still there or not.

Anybody have an update on the question?

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Guest Guest
I urge all Harrison voters to vote for Millan in Nov.  The only hope for Harrison is to boot McDonough and put in a man of honesty and character. That man is Millan and he has my vote.

no thanks already too many latino 's working in town :angry::angry::angry::angry:

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Guest 2smart4u
I know that approx. 12 yrs ago, when he became a councilman, the mayor helped get him an office management job at the county govn. in Jersey City.  The hours are 9-5 pm.  I don't know if he is still there or not.

Anybody have an update on the question?

He's very busy these days. He's shopping around for big brooms to use after the election.

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Guest Guest

not brooms, suitcases maybe, he will be run out of town because he is a nobody and allways will be a nobody and maybe his job in the county might be removed because you don't s__t where you eat , a lesson he is about to learn..............

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