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Harrison Little League Championship

Guest Harrison Living

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Guest Harrison Living

I would just like to take a moment to say congratulations to the two teams that made it to the Harrison Little League Championship this year.

They both had fantastic seasons in addition to the exceptional 3 game series. The players on both the Firemen and the Police should really be proud of their performance in the games.

They were truly exciting games to watch and it was a shame only one team would be declared the Champion.

So if you happened to come out and watch the games, let those kids know the next time you see one of them, just how well they played - they played like Champs, each one.

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Guest Guest
I would just like to take a moment to say congratulations to the two teams that made it to the Harrison Little League Championship this year. 

They both had fantastic seasons in addition to the exceptional 3 game series.  The players on both the Firemen and the Police should really be proud of their performance in the games. 

They were truly exciting games to watch and it was a shame only one team would be declared the Champion. 

So if you happened to come out and watch the games,  let those kids know the next time you see one of them,  just how well they played - they played like Champs, each one.

Si. I hit de ball wit de bats! :rolleyes:

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Guest Apples

The Little League is garbage and the talent is very diluted from years past. I think the Little League is a waste of our tax payers money.

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Guest Guest
I would just like to take a moment to say congratulations to the two teams that made it to the Harrison Little League Championship this year. 

They both had fantastic seasons in addition to the exceptional 3 game series.  The players on both the Firemen and the Police should really be proud of their performance in the games. 

They were truly exciting games to watch and it was a shame only one team would be declared the Champion. 

So if you happened to come out and watch the games,  let those kids know the next time you see one of them,  just how well they played - they played like Champs, each one.

it that part of the plea bargain? community posting? any other person would now be writing from hudson county jail. it's great to know our justice system works only for a few. :rolleyes:

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Guest Guest
The Little League is garbage and the talent is very diluted from years past. I think the Little League is a waste of our tax payers money.

:blink: Why in the world would you put down an activity that is good for the children? Is it because when you were a child you sucked at sports? Do you have a grudge against anybody that is better than you? For once in your life think about what you are saying, really think. You are a very sad soul. :ph34r:

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Guest Guest
The Little League is garbage and the talent is very diluted from years past. I think the Little League is a waste of our tax payers money.

You are an absolute IDIOT, get off this site if you have nothing good to say about these children that work very hard at the sport they love, whether it be football, soccer, baseball, softball, basketball or any other sport. Congratulations to both the Police and Firemen for a good 3 game series. CONGRATULATIONS

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Guest Guest
The Little League is garbage and the talent is very diluted from years past. I think the Little League is a waste of our tax payers money.

You are really some kind of f@cking idiot!

Bash the mayor, the hacks, the cops & and firemen; but the kids, ya a--hole!

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Guest Guest
The Little League is garbage and the talent is very diluted from years past. I think the Little League is a waste of our tax payers money.

is this coming from the guy that got beat down at the Little League that day ? only a guy would have that much anger after that :lol::angry:

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Guest NJ Neighbor
The Little League is garbage and the talent is very diluted from years past. I think the Little League is a waste of our tax payers money.

If your town pays for your little league you are lucky.

Where I live now it cost $150.00 for each kid and no sibling discouts or discounts for parents who volunteer their time. By the time you buy a decent glove, bat and game pants, belt, cleats ..you are close to $300.

I grew up Harrison where local business pitched in with uniforms and kids also had what they needed regardless of income. Volunteers were always ready to pitch in.

Little League and any other youth activity is awesome and if Harrison has the volunteers and that little patch of green on Hiram Place.....then play ball and let the kids have SOMEPLACE they can play and be kids.

You sound bitter........bet you didn't have any toys? No one to have a catch with?

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Guest Angry Taxpayer

If your town pays for your little league you are lucky.

Where I live now it cost $150.00 for each kid and no sibling discouts or discounts for parents who volunteer their time. By the time you buy a decent glove, bat and game pants, belt, cleats ..you are close to $300.

I grew up Harrison where local business pitched in with uniforms and kids also had what they needed regardless of income. Volunteers were always ready to pitch in.

Little League and any other youth activity is awesome and if Harrison has the volunteers and that little patch of green on Hiram Place.....then play ball and let the kids have SOMEPLACE they can play and be kids.

You sound bitter........bet you didn't have any toys? No one to have a catch with?

That little patch of green on Hiram is the ONLY patch of green in Harrison. The children of Harrison are being cheated out of a very important part of childhood, some grass to play on. Every lot has been built on or paved over for a parking lot.

We're in the middle of an enormous redevelopment that will build thousands of new housing units, but not one square foot of grass for the kids. This mayor apparently doesn't think it's important for our kids to have any recreation space. So my advice to you is pay the $150-300 and be thankful you have the space to play on, Harrison's not that fortunate.

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That little patch of green on Hiram is the ONLY patch of green in Harrison. The children of Harrison are being cheated out of a very important part of childhood, some grass to play on.  Every lot has been built on or paved over for a parking lot.

    We're in the middle of an enormous redevelopment that will build thousands of new housing units, but not one square foot of grass for the kids. This mayor apparently doesn't think it's important for our kids to have any recreation space. So my advice to you is pay the $150-300 and be thankful you have the space to play on, Harrison's not that fortunate.

The mayor has no kids, so he doesn't care if they have a place to play or not.

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The mayor has no kids, so he doesn't care if they have a place to play or not.


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Guest guest
How the f--- did this mayor get 1100 votes ??  Are there that many brainless people in Harrison ??

No you are brainless not everyone else

I am sick and tired of reading your BullSh*t complaint's and yes Mr Harrison that goes for you to we now have Blue Tide Backer the only thing he does like are that back sides of men.

Move the hell out if Harrison is so bad, The three of you make this town look ten times worse than it is.

Sell your homes and MOVE

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Guest Guest
No you are brainless not everyone else

I am sick and tired of reading your BullSh*t complaint's and yes Mr Harrison that goes for you to we now have Blue Tide Backer the only thing he does like are that back sides of men.

Move the hell out if Harrison is so bad, The three of you make this town look ten times worse than it is.

Sell your homes and MOVE

You must work for a real estate company. You people have already forced most residents to move, There are very few long time residents left. Why don't you go back into the wood work where you belong while the rest of us try to salvage what's left of our beloved town.

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