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Hypocritical Kool-aiders

Guest BushBacker

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Guest Patriot
How about Hill hugging Arafat's wife?

God help us all if Hilliary gets elected. Military budgets get slashed while social programs get infused with cash. Affirmative Action will get a boost, illegals get free college tuition while the rest of us pay. (And Bill will be on Viagra chasing interns around the blue room).

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Guest Guest
God help us all if Hilliary gets elected. Military budgets get slashed while social programs get infused with cash.  Affirmative Action  will get a boost, illegals get free college tuition while the rest of us pay. (And Bill will be on Viagra chasing interns around the blue room).

Maybe Rush 'Limpbaugh' can get Willy a good deal on Vitamin V. And YOU will be jailed just on general principles ;o)

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Maybe Rush 'Limpbaugh' can get Willy a good deal on Vitamin V.  And YOU will be jailed just on general principles ;o)

Obviously, more understanding from the "big tent" party. If it was a street drug, and a cop were killed we would be preaching compassion.

You need to learn to be a happy person, I am. All this hatred of those you disagree with will eat you up one day.

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Guest Guest
Obviously, more understanding from the "big tent" party.  If it was a street drug, and a cop were killed we would be preaching compassion.

You need to learn to be a happy person, I am.  All this hatred of those you disagree with will eat you up one day.

If it was SOMEBODY else with a street drug gasbag limpbaugh would be whining he should be executed.

Htred? No hatred here, pity for those with such a narrow view they can't even but a pair of sunglasses that fit.

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Guest BushBacker
;)  You need to go back to school.  And fast!

What relevance does Rush Limbaugh have to the subject of left-wing radical bleeding-heart tax-and-spend Kool-aid drinkers being out of touch with reality ?? He's a conservative radio talk show host, so what ?

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Guest Guest
What relevance does Rush Limbaugh have to the subject of left-wing radical  bleeding-heart tax-and-spend Kool-aid drinkers being out of touch with reality ??  He's a conservative radio talk show host, so what ?

What relevance does a private citizen who once got a BJ have to the sub-par performance of the current president. He's a horny little bastard, So what?

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Guest Guest
What relevance does Rush Limbaugh have to the subject of left-wing radical  bleeding-heart tax-and-spend Kool-aid drinkers being out of touch with reality ??  He's a conservative radio talk show host, so what ?

YOU started this thread with another one of your asinine Kool-Aid remarks about hypocrites. GasBag Rush is relevant to that statement as a primo example of a conservative HYPOCRITE. Go back to your barstool.

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Guest Guest

OK BushBacker, since you like to whine about hypocrites why don't you attempt to justify the Iraqi PM asking Congress for more $ and troops to fight terrorism yet refusing to denounce the terrorist group Hezbollah? Why don't you try to explain why supporting that hypocrite and his democratic election is worth the huge effort the US has made? Why should make this huge effort and only fight selected terror groups and ignore others? You really should try to experience reality someday.

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Guest BushBacker
YOU started this thread with another one of your asinine Kool-Aid remarks about hypocrites.  GasBag Rush is relevant to that statement as a primo example of a conservative HYPOCRITE.  Go back to your barstool.

Limbaugh is not a personal hero of mine. If he's been hypocritical then he's a hypocrit. So what. You still have your head in the Kool-aid jar.

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Guest BushBacker
OK BushBacker, since you like to whine about hypocrites why don't you attempt to justify the Iraqi PM asking Congress for more $ and troops to fight terrorism yet refusing to denounce the terrorist group Hezbollah?  Why don't you try to explain why supporting that hypocrite and his democratic election is worth the huge effort the US has made?  Why should make this huge effort and only fight selected terror groups and ignore others?  You really should try to experience reality someday.

Every time you post, you demonstrate your lack of thinking ability. Let me recap for you; We are in WW III. Unlike WW's I & II, This is an undeclared war against terrorism. Today it's Iraq, Afganistan and Lebanon. Tomorrow it may be Syria, North Korea and/or Iran. Your nit-picking of news bites to make a point doesn't change anything. Pull your head out of the Kool-aid jar.

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Guest Guest
Limbaugh is not a personal hero of mine.  If he's been hypocritical then he's a hypocrit. So what.    You still have your head in the Kool-aid jar.

And YOU STILL have your head up your butt, what's your point?

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Guest Guest
Every time you post, you demonstrate your lack of thinking ability.  Let me recap for you;  We are in WW III.  Unlike WW's  I & II, This is an undeclared war against terrorism. Today it's Iraq, Afganistan and Lebanon. Tomorrow it may be Syria, North Korea and/or Iran.  Your nit-picking of news bites to make a point doesn't change anything.  Pull your head out of the Kool-aid jar.

YOU pull your head out of your butt and attempt to answer the question that was asked.

The PM of Iraq refuses to denounce a well known terror group. Why should Americans be willing to fight and die in support of a man who doesn't even have enough backbone, conviction, and commitment to even SPEAK against an enemy?

Do you have an answer or will you just mutter Kool-Aid and stick your head back up your butt?

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Guest Guest
Every time you post, you demonstrate your lack of thinking ability.  Let me recap for you;  We are in WW III.  Unlike WW's  I & II, This is an undeclared war against terrorism. Today it's Iraq, Afganistan and Lebanon. Tomorrow it may be Syria, North Korea and/or Iran.  Your nit-picking of news bites to make a point doesn't change anything.  Pull your head out of the Kool-aid jar.

An UNDECLARED WORLD WAR? You are stupid beyond words. If it's undeclared what is all this blather from the cowboy about? If it's a WORLD WAR why isn't the world fighting? Why aren't the Saudis and Kuwaitis fighting instead of sitting on their asses counting their oil $?

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Guest Guest
Limbaugh is not a personal hero of mine.  If he's been hypocritical then he's a hypocrit. So what.    You still have your head in the Kool-aid jar.

Since YOU started by accusing people of hypocrisy we were just trying to help you by pointing out what a champion hypocrite looks like.

Tomorrow's lesson will be lying bitches as exemplified by Ann Coulter.

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Guest Patriot
Since YOU started by accusing people of hypocrisy we were just trying to help you by pointing out what a champion hypocrite looks like.

Tomorrow's lesson will be lying bitches as exemplified by Ann Coulter.

All of Ann Coulters books have hit #1 on the best-seller lists. Obviously, many people like her and agree with her politics. She won't be too upset if you think she's a B**ch.

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Guest Guest
All of Ann Coulters books have hit #1 on the best-seller lists.  Obviously, many people like her and agree with her politics. She won't be too upset if you think she's a B**ch.

Well..............BOTH Clinton's books have hit #1 too and I don't think either one of them give a rat's ass what you think of them.

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Guest Patriot
Well..............BOTH Clinton's books have hit #1 too and I don't think either one of them give a rat's ass what you think of them.

That's not true. Neither of their books reached #1. I have to give you credit though. You're behaving like a good democrat; when the facts don't support your argument, lie.

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Guest Guest
That's not true. Neither of their books reached #1.  I have to give you credit though. You're behaving like a good democrat; when the facts don't support your argument, lie.

As usual YOU refuse to be burdened by FACTS.

Both Hillary and Bill Clinton have had #1 books on the NY Times bestseller lisr, the SAME list you WANKERS delight in pointing to when Ann Coulter's book is on it.

To much work to get off your ass and find the TRUTH or are you just allergic to it? Or are you reading GasBag Limpbaugh's personal crapper bestsellers list?

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Guest Tail Gunner Joe
That's not true. Neither of their books reached #1.  I have to give you credit though. You're behaving like a good democrat; when the facts don't support your argument, lie.

Hey! It's Joe here. I just want to tell all my disciples how proud I am that you continue my work. Remember, just spout a bunch of lies and you'll always find some suckers that believe them because they're too damn lazy to look beyond their nose.

And remember, check for commies under your bed every night.

Gotta run

Me and Satan got lots of good lies and fun things in the works

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Guest Guest
That's not true. Neither of their books reached #1.  I have to give you credit though. You're behaving like a good democrat; when the facts don't support your argument, lie.

You lie like a rug. YOU are behaving like a good WANKER. For once why don't you check the facts BEFORE you say something? I'll give you no credit at all, you're spouting BS with no factual basis.

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Guest Alexander Hamilton
YOU pull your head out of  your butt and attempt to answer the question that was asked.

The PM of Iraq refuses to denounce a well known terror group.  Why should Americans be willing to fight and die in support of a man who doesn't even have enough backbone, conviction, and commitment to even SPEAK against an enemy?

Do you have an answer or will you just mutter Kool-Aid and stick your head back up your butt?

You are not to educated on the situation. You hate Bush, but that doesn't mean everything you say is right. "Bush has no backbone, conviction, or commitment" huh..? We were in Afghanistan, when ever you liberals were 'hawks' stating we need to strike back. So 'shock and awe' occured. You idiots would have like to ended it there. Kinda like the old 'clinton-cruise missle' answer ot terrorism.

But when the towers came down that tragic day, it should have opened your eyes that this was absolutely a HUGE deal, and that it wasn't just one mastermind, it was a boatload of people whom had a boatload of planning and aboatload of hate to the free western World. So he Commited to fight terrorism. In a perfect world it would have been shock and awe, no american deaths, and lasted about 96 hours. Unfortuantley, the right thing ot do was let everyone know, we wont have this, and now we're pissed, hurt, deeply stung, astonished. We've have detained over 6.00 terrorist since 9/11, be it in France, the U.S, Spain, England, or the Middle East. We have captured and put a stop to the most ruthless dictator of the Past 60 years, given a former terrorist state a democracy, stop the raping of women and children and the production of WMD's ' yeah he had em-he used him on his own people', and cut major funds to terrorist.

So why don't We go be World Police and help Isreal? Because We have a War going on in Iraq that is AMERICA's main priority. And be serious, you don't think we're sending their people food, and their government money and weapons?? Why don't we denounce Hezbolah? Bush did that you idiot, with Blair. And he made NO BONES about saying he feels Iran and Syria are funding them. So that makes him scared? Hardly. The Isrealli Army outnumbers the opponent and their Weaponry pisses on Hezbolah. But its hard to fight an enemy who hide behind women and children in villages and unexplicatly send rockets into the middle of isreali cities with no idea where they will hit. So We dont need American's over there. Because Isreal is doing fine. What's the sense of a ceasefire if two weeks later isreali malls and buses are blowing up daily again. The longer they fight the enemy, the weaker the enemy will be. We just sent more money and troops to Iraq to make it safer for our hero's fighting over there. This additions will subtract overall time we inhabit there.

Bush is so hated because there is a war going on. He absolutely has saved our economy. It has risen the last 3 years, and oh yeah we dealt with 9/11, the many big company trials, i.e. Enron, that took place during the Clinton Adm. and didnt break until Bush was in office, and he has cut taxes every year since '04, and guess what, Reagonomics still works.

So, reply to that. please do. i'll be waitng. And make it relevant to the points i have just made, because i asnwered your questions.

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Guest Aaron Burr
You are not to educated on the situation. You hate Bush, but that doesn't mean everything you say is right. "Bush has no backbone, conviction, or commitment" huh..? 

Alex, lie down, you're still hit.

Who are you really? A NY Post reporter? YOUR quote is WRONG, learn how to read. NOWHERE does it refer to Bush. It refers to the PM of Iraq as a man with no backbone, conviction, or commitment.

I read your statment no further because you show your bias and lack of ubderstanding in the first line. YOU should stop saying anyone is not educated on the situation until your are educated on the situation yourself.

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