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Guest 2smart4u

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Guest 2smart4u

It's a mystery to me how this mayor got 1100 votes. Everyone in town knows that the council meetings are a joke. Harrison is the ONLY town I know of that doesn't have a public session where concerns of the town residents can be heard. Last year I called the town hall's in 38 towns to ask if their council meetings had an open public session. EVERY one of them replied YES, there was an open public session during which time the public could ask any question about anything concerning their town.

Knowing how upsetting this issue is to Harrison residents, where the police will be told to eject anyone trying to ask a question about something not on the agenda, I thought the voters would kick this mayor out of office.

What happened ?? Are there 1100 voters in town that enjoy being treated like dirt ?? Are there really 1100 voters ( the people that pay the salaries and the bills in town) that think the mayor is right to not permit people to speak ?? I don't get it.

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Guest To Smart but No Common Sense

For the most part you do have insightful messages. But there is a underlining tone of constant negative critiicism, resentment and arrogance. If you don't like the way things are run and you have the time to call 38 different towns to question their policys, common sense should prevail. Step away from this site and go get a petition to run in Nov. Then instead of complaining you could try to make a difference. You could have an IQ of a rocket scientist, but without common sense you can't find your way to the launch pad.

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Guest employees

300 employees + 1 father & 1 mother & 1 brother or sister = 1,200 votes

Got a few employees who don't like him, but you have good old PVSC

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Guest uranass

Last year I called the town hall's in 38 towns to ask ......

Do you really think that any one believes you???

No one in their right mind would call 38 Towns and for sure you didn't!!!

Get a life and go to the House of Millan, Spanish Pavillion and have a drink with the whinning brothers on their withering business. If you don't like it move.

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Guest guest
It's a mystery to me how this mayor got 1100 votes.  Everyone in town knows that the council meetings are a joke. Harrison is the ONLY town I know of that doesn't have a public session where concerns of the town residents can be heard.  Last year I called the town hall's in 38 towns to ask if their council meetings had an open public session. EVERY one of them replied YES, there was an open public session during which time the public could ask any question about anything concerning their town.

  Knowing how upsetting this issue is to Harrison residents, where the police will be told to eject anyone trying to ask a question about something not on the agenda, I thought the voters would kick this mayor out of office.

  What happened ??  Are there 1100 voters in town that enjoy being treated like dirt ??  Are there really 1100 voters ( the people that pay the salaries and the bills in town) that think the mayor is right to not permit people to speak ??  I don't get it.

Well do you think it would upset them if your tax bill was not paid on time? If they don't give you the floor which you have a right as a taxpayer to speak your mind, it is ridiculous that we are not allowed to speak.

1100 votes? How many people live in this town? I think that is pretty sad.

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Guest 2smart4u
Last year I called the town hall's in 38 towns to ask ......

Do you really think that any one believes you???

No one in their right mind would call 38 Towns and for sure you didn't!!!

Get a life and go to the House of Millan, Spanish Pavillion and have a drink with the whinning brothers on their withering business.  If you don't like it move.

I know it's difficult for any of Ray's Zombie Groupies to even think about counting to 38, you don't have that many fingers and toes. When I got to about 9 or 10 and still hadn't found a town that DIDN'T have a public session, I decided to keep trying until I found one. When I still hadn't found one after 38 towns, I gave up.

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Guest 15,000 live in Harrison
Well do you think it would upset them if your tax bill was not paid on time?  If they don't give you the floor which you have a right as a taxpayer to speak your mind, it is ridiculous that we are not allowed to speak.

1100 votes? How many people live in this town? I think that is pretty sad.

15,000 live in harrison. Thats only 7.3% of the people vote for him

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Guest guest
300 employees + 1 father & 1 mother & 1 brother or sister = 1,200 votes

Got a few employees who don't like him, but you have good old PVSC

However, don't approx. half of those emplyees and most of their families live 'out of town'?

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Guest guest
Last year I called the town hall's in 38 towns to ask ......

Do you really think that any one believes you???

No one in their right mind would call 38 Towns and for sure you didn't!!!

Get a life and go to the House of Millan, Spanish Pavillion and have a drink with the whinning brothers on their withering business.  If you don't like it move.

Well, if he 'really'called 38 towns, then he should list the names of those particular towns and that will settle the matter one way or another, as to whether you or he is right.

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Guest 2smart4u
For the most part you do have insightful messages.  But there is a underlining tone of constant negative critiicism, resentment and arrogance.  If you don't like the way things are run and you have the time to call 38 different towns to question their policys, common sense should prevail.  Step away from this site and go get a petition to run in Nov.  Then instead of complaining you could try to make a difference.  You could have an IQ of a rocket scientist, but without common sense you can't find your way to the launch pad.

"constant negative criticism, resentment and arrogance". You think ?? What other emotions and feelings does one have toward this mayor and council ?? How should a person feel when you can't stand up at a council meeting and question the actions of the mayor and council ?? Unless you're a zombie (and we have 1100 of them in town) you have to feel like me.

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Guest guest
15,000 live in harrison.  Thats only 7.3% of the people vote for him

I am sure there are more than 15,000 in some houses there are 30 people living in a 2 bedroom apartment, who all send their children for the free school, do you think those people vote? the chinese are handed everything do they vote? Come on I think that is pretty pathetic that 1,100 out of 15,000 + voted.

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15,000 live in harrison.  Thats only 7.3% of the people vote for him


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Guest Guest
Well, if he 'really'called 38 towns, then he should list the names of those particular towns and that will settle the matter one way or another, as to whether you or he is right.

Wait till Shame On You or 60 Minutes airs it then you will know, why ruin a good thing you will be told when it airs, be patient the story will air soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest New Jersey Neighbor
It's a mystery to me how this mayor got 1100 votes.  Everyone in town knows that the council meetings are a joke. Harrison is the ONLY town I know of that doesn't have a public session where concerns of the town residents can be heard.  Last year I called the town hall's in 38 towns to ask if their council meetings had an open public session. EVERY one of them replied YES, there was an open public session during which time the public could ask any question about anything concerning their town.

  Knowing how upsetting this issue is to Harrison residents, where the police will be told to eject anyone trying to ask a question about something not on the agenda, I thought the voters would kick this mayor out of office.

  What happened ??  Are there 1100 voters in town that enjoy being treated like dirt ??  Are there really 1100 voters ( the people that pay the salaries and the bills in town) that think the mayor is right to not permit people to speak ??  I don't get it.

I happened to find this message board today because a friend told me about it. I was so suprised to read that someone actually called 38 towns..and yes I do believe he did. And..having been raised in Harrison with a behind the scenes view of how things run there...well yeah.....the former Mayor did have absolute RULE but he also ran the place for decades like a swiss watch with little if no opposition. And he took care of HIS people. Not meaning just his employees and constituents but

ALL his residents. Not just the ones he thought liked him.

His absence is kind of like a king passing away without any direct descendents to leave the kingdom to and all inhabitants are having a civil war. What happened to you guys? Harrison either has to do one of two things...move along with the times and allow people to speak their mind (as the rest of America has done for 230 years.....there is even an amendment about this) And if an elected official won an election, he needs to relax and not feel threatened by dissenting opinions but lead through example by pulling the opposing factions together. One town, one common goal of helping all citizens. The other choice is to move. You would be surprised how many great communities there are in NJ and in most communities if you support a particular candidate..no....your business is not threatened, your homes are not taken for eminent domain and ...well no one is going to care who you voted for. It is not Northern Ireland for God sake!!!

And yes........if you study NJ politics...the rest of the state has more of a democratic form of government where you can be heard at town council meetings and if not...the Asbury Park Press, the Star Ledgar or the Bergen Record will be glad to voice your concerns. You all need to move into the 21st century.

You are a great little town with wonderful history to be proud of, contributions to our nation in industry and technology.....so many things.......don' t let the politics of the day blow the good citizen that lies in each and everyone of you! You are bigger than that and there are much bigger problems outside of that square mile to inspire your political emotions and if you can't speak in your own town..how can you ever feel safe to voice your feelings about state or federal government, about war, about peace, about anything of social relevance that may matter to you if you can't speak in your very own HOME town.

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Guest Guest
i quess you are a salesman of some sorts,  now pass the shovel.............

Not a SALESMAN just someone whose family lived there for generations and CANNOT believe how ignorant, ridiculous and petty the majority of the people on this message board are. My 13 year old son read along with me and was confused that adults were unaware of the way government is supposed to run, the manor in which elections are run and the rights of citizens especially in their own communities (yeah they teach all that in schools in OTHER communities..it is part of the curriculum)

Mostly he was blown away by the poor grammar and lower IQs.

You have a computer? You watch TV? You are not rednecks?

You live next to the savviest city in the world........just when or just how did you all become so stupid?

You have a beautiful librairy.......surely now that you are a grownup you can go behind that first aisle now......(although the ghost of the librairy nunn and

Shakey Rich probably don't allow for anyone going beyond aisle one)

go read and catch up on what you zoned out on back in 5th grade.........

if anything it might improve your vocabulary.

There is great stuff about Ellis Island....most of OUR townspeople came here in then. World War II.....we rocked in industry and were the number one support in materials that were needed by the military.

there is more to where ya live than who moved there after your family had grandchildren, how many bars are on a corner.

Stop being such losers and make the place better for yourself and your families.

If it s**ks there.....it is because you made it that way.

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Guest Guest

Mentioning Ellis Island brings back memories of tradition. I am confronted daily with our new immagrants, who are welcome by all means, but who have no interest in existing traditions? Up until now, immgrants from Europe tried to assimilate into the existing society. Our newer immagrants from Latin America have no interest in the existing tradition of our Countries hertiagor government. All they want is secularism and ignoring the current checks and balances the are in place so society will run smoothly. Certainly a conclusion I am drawing is that the newer immagrants only worry about themselves regardless of the impact on other individuals. Trying to beat the system. I think that in their minds this is not their system so why should I abide by it???

Sad but all so true.

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Guest Guest
Not a SALESMAN just someone whose family lived there for generations and CANNOT believe how ignorant, ridiculous and petty the majority of the people on this message board are.  My 13 year old son read along with me and was confused that adults were unaware of the way government is supposed to run, the manor in which elections are run and the rights of citizens especially in their own communities (yeah they teach all that in schools in OTHER communities..it is part of the curriculum)

Mostly he was blown away by the poor grammar and lower IQs.

You have a computer?  You watch TV?  You are not rednecks?

You live next to the savviest city in the world........just when or just how did you all become so stupid?

You have a beautiful librairy.......surely now that you are a grownup you can go behind that first aisle now......(although the ghost of the librairy nunn and

Shakey Rich probably don't allow for anyone going beyond aisle one)

go read and catch up on what you zoned out on back in 5th grade.........

if anything it might improve your vocabulary.

There is great stuff about Ellis Island....most of OUR townspeople came here in then.  World War II.....we rocked in industry and were the number one support in materials that were needed by the military.

there is more to where ya live than who moved there after your family had grandchildren, how many bars are on a corner.

Stop being such losers and make the place better for yourself and your families.

If it s**ks there.....it is because you made it that way.

listen butt hole,shut the FU*K UP ALREADY. GO JE*K OFF AT ANOTHER SITE! :D

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Guest 2smart4u
Not a SALESMAN just someone whose family lived there for generations and CANNOT believe how ignorant, ridiculous and petty the majority of the people on this message board are.  My 13 year old son read along with me and was confused that adults were unaware of the way government is supposed to run, the manor in which elections are run and the rights of citizens especially in their own communities (yeah they teach all that in schools in OTHER communities..it is part of the curriculum)

Mostly he was blown away by the poor grammar and lower IQs.

You have a computer?  You watch TV?  You are not rednecks?

You live next to the savviest city in the world........just when or just how did you all become so stupid?

You have a beautiful librairy.......surely now that you are a grownup you can go behind that first aisle now......(although the ghost of the librairy nunn and

Shakey Rich probably don't allow for anyone going beyond aisle one)

go read and catch up on what you zoned out on back in 5th grade.........

if anything it might improve your vocabulary.

There is great stuff about Ellis Island....most of OUR townspeople came here in then.  World War II.....we rocked in industry and were the number one support in materials that were needed by the military.

    !  Stop being such losers and make the place better for yourself and your families.

If it s**ks there.....it is because you made it that way.

You're able to determine a person's I.Q. over the internet ?? Amazing !!

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