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Pathetic 1100 votes

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A Mayor for 10+ years was only able to garnish some 1100 votes against a first time opponent? That sends a strong message...

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Guest Tired of a split town. And Sore
A Mayor for 10+ years was only able to garnish some 1100 votes against a first time opponent? That sends a strong message...


Politics 101, you know, like the academy, at a loss as big as yours, a real man would have called the Mayor with a congratulatory call. Even if he was not sincere in his concession, the respect for the town and the office, would require such action. The little baby did not!

I mean come on Mike, Mrs. Clarke got 526 votes when she ran for Mayor, and did no campaigning, Liboniti got over 800 with some campaigning. Yet, according to the Jersey Journal, you got 651 votes and this was the closest race in a decade?

Please give it a break!

Ann would agree, "you can fool some of the people, some of the time, but not all the people, all the time".

Tell me what Mc Donough did to steal the election? You got beat in your own ward and district and the remaining 11 other districts!

Will you now back the misfits; each with their own agendas, further splitting the town?

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Politics 101,  you know, like the academy, at a loss as big as yours, a real man would have called the Mayor with a congratulatory call. Even if he was not sincere in his concession, the respect for the town and the office, would require such action. The little baby did not!

I mean come on Mike, Mrs. Clarke got 526 votes when she ran for Mayor, and did no campaigning, Liboniti got over 800 with some campaigning. Yet, according to the Jersey Journal, you got 651 votes and this was the closest race in a decade? 

Please give it a break!

Ann would agree, "you can fool some of the people, some of the time, but not all the people, all the time".

Tell me what Mc Donough did to steal the election?  You got beat in your own ward and district and the remaining 11 other districts!

Will you now back the misfits; each with their own agendas, further splitting the town?

11 other districts? in Harrison

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Guest BlueTideBacker

Politics 101,  you know, like the academy, at a loss as big as yours, a real man would have called the Mayor with a congratulatory call. Even if he was not sincere in his concession, the respect for the town and the office, would require such action. The little baby did not!

I mean come on Mike, Mrs. Clarke got 526 votes when she ran for Mayor, and did no campaigning, Liboniti got over 800 with some campaigning. Yet, according to the Jersey Journal, you got 651 votes and this was the closest race in a decade? 

Please give it a break!

Ann would agree, "you can fool some of the people, some of the time, but not all the people, all the time".

Tell me what Mc Donough did to steal the election?  You got beat in your own ward and district and the remaining 11 other districts!

Will you now back the misfits; each with their own agendas, further splitting the town?

What a crock !! The only misfits in town are the mindless followers of this mayor and council. How can you support a mayor who makes $40,000,000 deals behind closed doors, who makes deals with developers to build 6,000 housing units , all without a referendum to seek voter input. This mayor cares nothing for the taxpayers, the town treasury is his own personal bank. The 1100 people who voted for him can expect more of the same, too bad for Harrison.

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Guest Guest

Politics 101,  you know, like the academy, at a loss as big as yours, a real man would have called the Mayor with a congratulatory call. Even if he was not sincere in his concession, the respect for the town and the office, would require such action. The little baby did not!

I mean come on Mike, Mrs. Clarke got 526 votes when she ran for Mayor, and did no campaigning, Liboniti got over 800 with some campaigning. Yet, according to the Jersey Journal, you got 651 votes and this was the closest race in a decade? 

Please give it a break!

Ann would agree, "you can fool some of the people, some of the time, but not all the people, all the time".

Tell me what Mc Donough did to steal the election?  You got beat in your own ward and district and the remaining 11 other districts!

Will you now back the misfits; each with their own agendas, further splitting the town?

Finally some intelligence on this board!

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Guest Guest

Politics 101,  you know, like the academy, at a loss as big as yours, a real man would have called the Mayor with a congratulatory call. Even if he was not sincere in his concession, the respect for the town and the office, would require such action. The little baby did not!

I mean come on Mike, Mrs. Clarke got 526 votes when she ran for Mayor, and did no campaigning, Liboniti got over 800 with some campaigning. Yet, according to the Jersey Journal, you got 651 votes and this was the closest race in a decade? 

Please give it a break!

Ann would agree, "you can fool some of the people, some of the time, but not all the people, all the time".

Tell me what Mc Donough did to steal the election?  You got beat in your own ward and district and the remaining 11 other districts!

Will you now back the misfits; each with their own agendas, further splitting the town?

McDonugh Backer 101, did you know that ***** ******* told one of Hinchy's sisters yesterday by quik chek that *** ****** wrote the Hinclcliffe letter. Said she should get a lawyer because ** is the only person who knew about the Salaries for Passac Valley. We all know that is public knowledge. ***** ******* is talking crap about his boss. Wonder what he says about the Mayor.

KOTW Note: The above post was edited for content.

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Guest Why should he

Maybe he should have called the mayor to congratulate him but then again why should he when the mayor wouldn't answer any questions put in front of him my Mike - he referred everything to his spoke person, give me a break a mayor of such a small town having a spoke person. He should direct the citizens personally

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