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Guest Merry listener

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Guest Your spin doesn't fly
Great Job Glenn Reed showing the other side of the mayors face!!!!!  He was choosing his words wisely.  Dodging the questions.  Typical politican lawyer!


From what I saw, nothing was dodged by the Mayor. Quite frankly, I thought it was the other way around. Kearny residents will be their own judge by watching it on public access t.v.

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From what I saw, nothing was dodged by the Mayor.  Quite frankly, I thought it was the other way around.  Kearny residents will be their own judge by watching it on public access t.v.


When is it on? I'd like to see it.

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Guest Taleofthetape

The individual who is suing the Town for alleged abuse by passed the Internal affairs. Why? No Justice. Another criminal complaint is being weighed to be filed with state police against over sixty individuals from Kearny because of no local justice. Wait till the local lawyers see those gross injury photo's, hospital trauma reports and eye witness statements from complainant number two when he starts lawyer shopping. I bet County and local LEOS will be hard pressed for any legal victories in all future cases.

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