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Guest Patriot

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Guest Patriot

All LoonyLefties should give thanks today to a Patriot for their freedom to

celebrate Thanksgiving. And you should thank God today for Patriots who

protect you while you hide under your beds.

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All LoonyLefties should give thanks today to a Patriot for their freedom to

  celebrate Thanksgiving. And you should thank God today for Patriots who

  protect you while you hide under your beds.


Leave it to this idiot to take something wonderful and ruin it.

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All LoonyLefties should give thanks today to a Patriot for their freedom to

  celebrate Thanksgiving. And you should thank God today for Patriots who

  protect you while you hide under your beds.


How appropriate for the day, the turkey with its head up its butt speaks

I'm thankful we don't have to depend on REMF wankers like you

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All LoonyLefties should give thanks today to a Patriot for their freedom to

  celebrate Thanksgiving. And you should thank God today for Patriots who

  protect you while you hide under your beds.


Thanksgiving is a day of thanks, peace and quiet and family get togethers. Yet, on that day, you manage to post one of your nasty, bitter comments.

Don't you have a life? Does your life include anything else but worrying about other people and making disparaging comment?

You are sad and pitiful. Try to get out and enjoy life. Have some fun.

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Guest 2smart4u
All LoonyLefties should give thanks today to a Patriot for their freedom to

  celebrate Thanksgiving. And you should thank God today for Patriots who

  protect you while you hide under your beds.


Amen, brother.

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read: not you

"Thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself."

Ignorant fool.


What made you judge and jury as to who can and cannot talk about religion. Time for you to crawl back down into your hole.

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What made you judge and jury as to who can and cannot talk about religion. Time for you to crawl back down into your hole.


Don't get upset, if you new what our little Strifey does for a living you wouldn't worry.

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What made you judge and jury as to who can and cannot talk about religion.

(Questions end with question marks, remember? Also, the expression is "who died and made," as in describing someone being appointed for a job, or otherwise 'receiving' it as a result of the death of the title's previous holder. Objects (as implied by the "what" in your statement) hardly fit the role of the person in the original expression. Now, I know what you're thinking: "I can't wait to call him names for correcting me." One step ahead, as usual. :) )

It's not a command (but it sounds that way because it was originally coined in 'commandement-speak'), but consider it a very strong suggestion. What happened to "do unto others?" Would you want Muslims to tell you "you should thank Allah for" this and that? I'd wager not. So why do it to others?

Better yet, you could do your part to end the double standard where Christians can say stuff like what was in the post I replied to, yet non-Christians always have Christians jumping down their throat anytime they open their mouths to say anything about religion, as if only Christians are "allowed" to talk about religion.

Which would you prefer? I'm partial to the second option myself, as I would rather all speak than all silence themselves.

Time for you to crawl back down into your hole.


How amusingly hackneyed.

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1. You don't know either. :)

2. One's job title has no effect on the validity (or lack thereof) of one's words, simpleton.


Actually I do know, and the effect is that you have zero credibility, D**bA**.

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Actually I do know, and the effect is that you have zero credibility, D**bA**.


A lot of what's said here isn't a function of anyone's credibility. Strife consistently makes sound arguments, which is far more than can be said for your attempt to attack him personally by references to his employment. Your attack is childish.

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