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Pelosi Is Pissed !

Guest Patriot

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Guest Patriot
Ahhhhhhhhh..............your usual response to FACT, Kool-Aid alert

Gu4lkf of Tonkin was nothing more than an (very)off-Broadway production.

What a WANKER!


How is it possible that these Kool-aiders are ALWAYS wrong ?? The attack

on Aug. 2, 1964 was real, the Maddox sunk a patrol boat.

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Guest 2smart4u
How is it possible that these Kool-aiders are ALWAYS wrong ??  The attack

  on Aug. 2, 1964 was real, the Maddox sunk a patrol boat.


When you get all your information from Loony Left bloggers that's what happens.

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Guest a proud american
How is it possible that these Kool-aiders are ALWAYS wrong ??  The attack

  on Aug. 2, 1964 was real, the Maddox sunk a patrol boat.


History and admissions have already proven beyond any doubt that the Maddox was never fired upon. Former Secretry of defense Mc Namara admitted this a long time ago and he was the one who was advising Johnson. Please, let's not rewrite history again.

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How is it possible that these Kool-aiders are ALWAYS wrong ??  The attack

  on Aug. 2, 1964 was real, the Maddox sunk a patrol boat.


Too lazy to look and get the real info from a REAL military site? Or you did and you just like to lie. In either case, you're such a loser. Anyone could have found this within 5 minutes.

People like you are the Bush support base. People like you who S**K up whatever vomit and bile the Bush cabal puts out and continually saying "Ohh its so good massa, please more, more . . ." You and the Bushie's are dredging this whole country into the gutter. You are a servile toad.


"information obtained well after the fact indicates that there was actually no North Vietnamese attack that night"



WASHINGTON DC 20374-5060

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Guest a proud american

Too lazy to look and get the real info from a REAL military site? Or you did and you just like to lie. In either case, you're such a loser. Anyone could have found this within 5 minutes.

People like you are the Bush support base. People like you who S**K up whatever vomit and bile the Bush cabal puts out and continually saying "Ohh its so good massa, please more, more . . ." You and the Bushie's are dredging this whole country into the gutter. You are a servile toad.


"information obtained well after the fact indicates that there was actually no North Vietnamese attack that night"



WASHINGTON DC 20374-5060


Bern, if you want to better understand why Patriot and 2Dim are so hell bent on supporting Bush, read John Dean's book. I've written about it several times and of course their ilk will never read it.

If you don't have time to read it, I'll give you the jist of it.

It goes on to talk about the liberals and conservatives of the 70's and how they compare today. He also goes into great detail to explain what an authoritarian leader is and those who follow the authoritarian line.

1. An authoritarian is never wrong. Thier belief system tells them that they are never wrong because their leaders are never wrong.

2. Facts mean little to them. The only facts they concern themselves with are the facts other authoritarians tell them are facts. They will lie if it furthers their agenda.

3. Anyone who disagrees with them are immediately attacked as being disloyal to whatever the authoritarian cause is.

4. And, when presented with facts that are proven to be true in spite of what they say, then they quickly change the subject or try to re-write history to fit their particular arguement. Does anything I wrote so far sound familiar?

Dean goes on to write that there are examples where people start to look at themselves and realize what is happening, they show the abiulity to change. Sadly, the ones who post on here simply will not or cannot see it and will never change. Because to change, you first have to admit you have been wrong.

Look as just one example. I mentioned to someone on here that they should read Deans book. What was the response? That crazy Dean. Even when I gave them the right person's name they can't even get it right. John Dean worked for Nixon. He saw first hand what kind of damage an authoritarian can do. In the mind of an authoritarian leader, Dean was disloyal except, he ended up being right in the end.

So lets sit back and watch the attacks on this one. Actually, if they do then it will have proven exactly what I wrote.

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Guest Patriot
Too lazy to look and get the real info from a REAL military site? Or you did and you just like to lie. In either case, you're such a loser. Anyone could have found this within 5 minutes.

People like you are the Bush support base. People like you who S**K up whatever vomit and bile the Bush cabal puts out and continually saying "Ohh its so good massa, please more, more . . ." You and the Bushie's are dredging this whole country into the gutter. You are a servile toad.


"information obtained well after the fact indicates that there was actually no North Vietnamese attack that night"



WASHINGTON DC 20374-5060


How stupid are you ?? The attack on Aug. 2 was real, the Aug. 4 attack was

later declared non-existent ( just like my post and YOUR reference cite). Duh.

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