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Election 2008

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Here's just an idea for the 2008 election.

1. If we don't like who is in office, let's have people who are actually qualified to help make this town better. (Wood, The McCormick, etc. Are we looking to better this town or make it more of a joke then it already is?)

2. Here's just a thought: If your already in office focus tell me how this town is gonna progress, I lived here during your term I know what you've down. I won't vote for you cuz what you did in the past alone, I want the future to...whether you deliver it or not. If your running then tell me how your going to better the town not everything the past council didn't do, I already know the broken promises. This town's politics have become an annoying, disgraceful game of smearing each other to the point where it's embarrassing to even vote for anyone. Thank you for making me not want to vote.

3. Enough is enough, this redevelopment is happening LIKE IT OR NOT. It is good for this town. It's the people who bash it with no valid reasoning that make it look bad. People may have dislikes for the people in office, well that don't mean they don't know what their doing. Let's start voting on the preference of what's best for this town, not what personal grudges we have. Let's not back friends if their not capable of running this town. Let's not pedal people who have the pasts that make the smearing so easy.

4. Shut up!!! Stop fighting and arguing over stupid sh*t. I want to hear future plans and ideas for this town. Not who's making what salary or who's family members work where. Teachers earn their salaries, don't ever bash them for getting paid what they do. As for the town workers, guess what they have to live in this town to work here right? This town ain't that big, there really isn't much to choose from and by the way alot of people are related in this town, if we didn't hire because of family there wouldn't be anyone to take the jobs. If you have a problem with them, then you apply for the job, leave your cousy office or where you work and go work for the water dept. or street dept. in Dec. I bet you don't last. Not everyone working for the town has a family memeber and it isn't fair to them to be bash for no reason. Doesn't Camano's husband work the town, I believe he still has his job despite her running for a seat. P.S. You can't blame the Mayor for Tanski, he was hired way before Ray became Mayor.

5. Make me not want to leave this town. Make me want to stay and more people want to move in. And i don't mean the low income housing people or the people who are going to throw 13 people in every 2 bedroom apartment in a 3 family house. The redevelopment condos are atleast 1 families. Not these profit houses that are being built to sell and really overpopulating this town. This town was once great and in my eyes you don't have to go that far back to see it. Politics were fine and campaigns were competitve and interesting. Actually is it a coincidence that it was right before McCormick try to illegalize that Building on F.E.R. Blvd. Think about it

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Guest peace pipe

well the election is over.

congratulations to all the winners!

some people felt chenge was needed, others felt all is well.

challenge your elected officials. make them work for you, and if you are not satisfied with the product; vote for a change next time.

enjoy the upcoming holiday season.

let's make harrison a place to be proud of!

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good try, but not really un bias. Just for the simple fact that you still believe that there are people against developing Harrison.

No one is against it.

what we are against is all these tax breaks. Don't just tell me taxes are going to go down, show me. Not by giving tax breaks.

Tell me how a 10 year old housing study is going to prevent 7-9,000 condos from being kept vacant or cheap low income housing like Pearth Amboys.

Tell me how you catch someone stealing $100,000 + and you don't change the system you collect the money?

tell me the definition of nepotism?

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Here's just an idea for the 2008 election.

1. If we don't like who is in office, let's have people who are actually qualified to help make this town better. (Wood, The McCormick, etc. Are we looking to better this town or make it more of a joke then it already is?)

2. Here's just a thought: If your already in office focus tell me how this town is gonna progress, I lived here during your term I know what you've down. I won't vote for you cuz what you did in the past alone, I want the future to...whether you deliver it or not.  If your running then tell me how your going to better the town not everything the past council didn't do, I already know the broken promises.  This town's politics have become an annoying, disgraceful game of smearing each other to the point where it's embarrassing to even vote for anyone. Thank you for making me not want to vote.

3. Enough is enough, this redevelopment is happening LIKE IT OR NOT. It is good for this town. It's the people who bash it with no valid reasoning that make it look bad. People may have dislikes for the people in office, well that don't mean they don't know what their doing. Let's start voting on the preference of what's best for this town, not what personal grudges we have. Let's not back friends if their not capable of running this town. Let's not pedal people who have the pasts that make the smearing so easy.

4. Shut up!!! Stop fighting and arguing over stupid sh*t. I want to hear future plans and ideas for this town. Not who's making what salary or who's family members work where. Teachers earn their salaries, don't ever bash them for getting paid what they do. As for the town workers, guess what they have to live in this town to work here right? This town ain't that big, there really isn't much to choose from and by the way alot of people are related in this town, if we didn't hire because of family there wouldn't be anyone to take the jobs. If you have a problem with them, then you apply for the job, leave your cousy office or where you work and go work for the water dept. or street dept. in Dec. I bet you don't last. Not everyone working for the town has a family memeber and it isn't fair to them to be bash for no reason.  Doesn't Camano's husband work the town, I believe he still has his job despite her running for a seat.  P.S. You can't blame the Mayor for Tanski, he was hired way before Ray became Mayor.

5. Make me not want to leave this town. Make me want to stay and more people want to move in. And i don't mean the low income housing people or the people who are going to throw 13 people in every 2 bedroom apartment in a 3 family house. The redevelopment condos are atleast 1 families. Not these profit houses that are being built to sell and really overpopulating this town. This town was once great and in my eyes you don't have to go that far back to see it. Politics were fine and campaigns were competitve and interesting. Actually is it a coincidence that it was right before McCormick try to illegalize that Building on F.E.R. Blvd. Think about it


listen retard blow it out your ass! town jobs? yeah okay not when over fifty people are making over 100k and f*cking up the pension system for a few of us idiots who don't have the right name or golden key. so shut the f*ck up and crawl under that slimeball inbred womb you came from! THE PEOPLE NEED TO STOP THESE CROOKS AND DEMAND CHANGE. ELECTING MARIA WAS A START NOW YOU AND THE REST OF THE F*CKFACES CAN WALK OUT ON THE DREAM TEAM! KISS MY ASS! IT'S NEVER ANY ONE FAULT, WE JUST DIDN'T KNOW, BULLSHIT TO THAT AND YOU! RAISE HOLY HELL MARIA AND STEVE! :)

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Guest Ex-Harrisonian
Here's just an idea for the 2008 election.

1. If we don't like who is in office, let's have people who are actually qualified to help make this town better. (Wood, The McCormick, etc. Are we looking to better this town or make it more of a joke then it already is?)

2. Here's just a thought: If your already in office focus tell me how this town is gonna progress, I lived here during your term I know what you've down. I won't vote for you cuz what you did in the past alone, I want the future to...whether you deliver it or not.  If your running then tell me how your going to better the town not everything the past council didn't do, I already know the broken promises.  This town's politics have become an annoying, disgraceful game of smearing each other to the point where it's embarrassing to even vote for anyone. Thank you for making me not want to vote.

3. Enough is enough, this redevelopment is happening LIKE IT OR NOT. It is good for this town. It's the people who bash it with no valid reasoning that make it look bad. People may have dislikes for the people in office, well that don't mean they don't know what their doing. Let's start voting on the preference of what's best for this town, not what personal grudges we have. Let's not back friends if their not capable of running this town. Let's not pedal people who have the pasts that make the smearing so easy.

4. Shut up!!! Stop fighting and arguing over stupid sh*t. I want to hear future plans and ideas for this town. Not who's making what salary or who's family members work where. Teachers earn their salaries, don't ever bash them for getting paid what they do. As for the town workers, guess what they have to live in this town to work here right? This town ain't that big, there really isn't much to choose from and by the way alot of people are related in this town, if we didn't hire because of family there wouldn't be anyone to take the jobs. If you have a problem with them, then you apply for the job, leave your cousy office or where you work and go work for the water dept. or street dept. in Dec. I bet you don't last. Not everyone working for the town has a family memeber and it isn't fair to them to be bash for no reason.  Doesn't Camano's husband work the town, I believe he still has his job despite her running for a seat.  P.S. You can't blame the Mayor for Tanski, he was hired way before Ray became Mayor.

5. Make me not want to leave this town. Make me want to stay and more people want to move in. And i don't mean the low income housing people or the people who are going to throw 13 people in every 2 bedroom apartment in a 3 family house. The redevelopment condos are atleast 1 families. Not these profit houses that are being built to sell and really overpopulating this town. This town was once great and in my eyes you don't have to go that far back to see it. Politics were fine and campaigns were competitve and interesting. Actually is it a coincidence that it was right before McCormick try to illegalize that Building on F.E.R. Blvd. Think about it


How can a town of close to 20,000 people, complain about the state of affairs in this community, and only manage to have a few hundred people appear to vote to change the collection of shit that exists. The problem exists in the fundamental stupidity of the residents living there. If you don't like what you have and that seems obvious, than vote!!!!!!

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Here's just an idea for the 2008 election.

1. If we don't like who is in office, let's have people who are actually qualified to help make this town better. (Wood, The McCormick, etc. Are we looking to better this town or make it more of a joke then it already is?)

2. Here's just a thought: If your already in office focus tell me how this town is gonna progress, I lived here during your term I know what you've down. I won't vote for you cuz what you did in the past alone, I want the future to...whether you deliver it or not.  If your running then tell me how your going to better the town not everything the past council didn't do, I already know the broken promises.  This town's politics have become an annoying, disgraceful game of smearing each other to the point where it's embarrassing to even vote for anyone. Thank you for making me not want to vote.

3. Enough is enough, this redevelopment is happening LIKE IT OR NOT. It is good for this town. It's the people who bash it with no valid reasoning that make it look bad. People may have dislikes for the people in office, well that don't mean they don't know what their doing. Let's start voting on the preference of what's best for this town, not what personal grudges we have. Let's not back friends if their not capable of running this town. Let's not pedal people who have the pasts that make the smearing so easy.

4. Shut up!!! Stop fighting and arguing over stupid sh*t. I want to hear future plans and ideas for this town. Not who's making what salary or who's family members work where. Teachers earn their salaries, don't ever bash them for getting paid what they do. As for the town workers, guess what they have to live in this town to work here right? This town ain't that big, there really isn't much to choose from and by the way alot of people are related in this town, if we didn't hire because of family there wouldn't be anyone to take the jobs. If you have a problem with them, then you apply for the job, leave your cousy office or where you work and go work for the water dept. or street dept. in Dec. I bet you don't last. Not everyone working for the town has a family memeber and it isn't fair to them to be bash for no reason.  Doesn't Camano's husband work the town, I believe he still has his job despite her running for a seat.  P.S. You can't blame the Mayor for Tanski, he was hired way before Ray became Mayor.

5. Make me not want to leave this town. Make me want to stay and more people want to move in. And i don't mean the low income housing people or the people who are going to throw 13 people in every 2 bedroom apartment in a 3 family house. The redevelopment condos are atleast 1 families. Not these profit houses that are being built to sell and really overpopulating this town. This town was once great and in my eyes you don't have to go that far back to see it. Politics were fine and campaigns were competitve and interesting. Actually is it a coincidence that it was right before McCormick try to illegalize that Building on F.E.R. Blvd. Think about it


STUPID!!!!!! There are no elections til 2010 no wonder you don't vote

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How can a town of close to 20,000 people, complain about the state of affairs in this community, and only manage to have a few hundred people appear to vote to change the collection of shit that exists. The problem exists in the fundamental stupidity of the residents living there. If you don't like what you have and that seems obvious, than vote!!!!!!


The problem is my friend, the four hundred that voted are the only legal citizens. The rest are forigners and they do not give a damn about anything. They have 5 families living in one home so they can afford whatever the costs are and than go back to thier country and live like kings.

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listen retard blow it out your ass! town jobs? yeah okay not when over fifty people are making over 100k and f*cking up the pension system for a few of us idiots who don't have the right name or golden key. so shut the f*ck up and crawl under that slimeball inbred womb you came from! THE PEOPLE NEED TO STOP THESE CROOKS AND DEMAND CHANGE. ELECTING MARIA WAS A START NOW YOU AND THE REST OF THE F*CKFACES CAN WALK OUT ON THE DREAM TEAM! KISS MY ASS! IT'S NEVER ANY ONE FAULT, WE JUST DIDN'T KNOW, BULLSHIT TO THAT AND YOU! RAISE HOLY HELL MARIA AND STEVE! :rolleyes:


I agree, just not with the same language.

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How can a town of close to 20,000 people, complain about the state of affairs in this community, and only manage to have a few hundred people appear to vote to change the collection of shit that exists. The problem exists in the fundamental stupidity of the residents living there. If you don't like what you have and that seems obvious, than vote!!!!!!


YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!

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How can a town of close to 20,000 people, complain about the state of affairs in this community, and only manage to have a few hundred people appear to vote to change the collection of shit that exists. The problem exists in the fundamental stupidity of the residents living there. If you don't like what you have and that seems obvious, than vote!!!!!!


only 1,200 vot out of 20,000

and steve you can't figure out how to win a team?


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YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!


yes but can they vote? i think not. we are the haven to these illegals. peru, brazil portugeses you name they come from there. get rid of these illegals then maybe you have a shot!

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good try, but not really un bias.  Just for the simple fact that you still believe that there are people against developing Harrison. 

No one is against it.

what we are against is all these tax breaks.  Don't just tell me taxes are going to go down, show me.  Not by giving tax breaks.

Tell me how a 10 year old housing study is going to prevent 7-9,000 condos from being kept vacant or cheap low income housing like Pearth Amboys.

Tell me how you catch someone stealing $100,000 + and you don't change the system you collect the money?

tell me the definition of nepotism?


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listen retard blow it out your ass! town jobs? yeah okay not when over fifty people are making over 100k and f*cking up the pension system for a few of us idiots who don't have the right name or golden key. so shut the f*ck up and crawl under that slimeball inbred womb you came from! THE PEOPLE NEED TO STOP THESE CROOKS AND DEMAND CHANGE. ELECTING MARIA WAS A START NOW YOU AND THE REST OF THE F*CKFACES CAN WALK OUT ON THE DREAM TEAM! KISS MY ASS! IT'S NEVER ANY ONE FAULT, WE JUST DIDN'T KNOW, BULLSHIT TO THAT AND YOU! RAISE HOLY HELL MARIA AND STEVE! :D


Be careful what you wish for they will raise hell but not to benefit anyone else but themselves, because if you thought that they are in for you,,,,,sorry my friend, WAKE UP!!!!!!!

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The problem is my friend, the four hundred that voted are the only legal citizens.  The rest are foreigners and they do not give a damn about anything.  They have 5 families living in one home so they can afford whatever the costs are and than go  back to thier country and live like kings.


HELLO >>>>>>Mccormick and his wife are foreigners...she is a chop and he is a guido/mick

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YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!


WHat the F*** does that have anything to do with it! FYI alot of the votes came from foreigners...i was their i saw the people who voted...

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