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Oh Wow You are fast, It took Me 12!!


Between the length of time it take for a traffic light to change, the horrendous traffic and the stupid forign drivers, it takes so long to get trew a one square mile town. I can't tell you how many times I was behind a car that was at a complete stop at the blinker on Washington St & Harrison Ave. I actually have to blow my horn. Its like they think hte blinker is going to change color!

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Between the length of time it take for a traffic light to change, the horrendous traffic and the stupid forign drivers, it takes so long to get trew a one square mile town.  I can't tell you how many times I was behind a car that was at a complete stop at the blinker on Washington St & Harrison Ave.  I actually have to blow my horn.  Its like they think hte blinker is going to change color!


i guess you drive like you spell? looks like your horn isn't the only thing you blew? HOOKED ON STUPIDITY! since you blew off school, GO BACK PLEASE!

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Between the length of time it take for a traffic light to change, the horrendous traffic and the stupid forign drivers, it takes so long to get trew a one square mile town.  I can't tell you how many times I was behind a car that was at a complete stop at the blinker on Washington St & Harrison Ave.  I actually have to blow my horn.  Its like they think hte blinker is going to change color!


Check you spelling. Trew what is that? It should be through, and forign, what? What is hte? How about the. Go back to school and take up SPELLING, the english spelling. A-hole.

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Between the length of time it take for a traffic light to change, the horrendous traffic and the stupid forign drivers, it takes so long to get trew a one square mile town.  I can't tell you how many times I was behind a car that was at a complete stop at the blinker on Washington St & Harrison Ave.  I actually have to blow my horn.  Its like they think hte blinker is going to change color!


don't forget when u have to wait behind the person making an illegal left turn in the morning onto 6th st , finally saw a cop pulling someone over the other day for making that illegal turn, hope the keep it up and noone gets hurts by some careless driver

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That is really smart.  Run the lights.  If you run a red light and hit someone I hope they sue the ass off of you.


LMAO It was a joke. In actuality, I go down Schuyler, through the park or up Hamilton (as long as school isn't letting out)

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Check you spelling.  Trew what is that?  It should be through, and forign, what? What is hte?  How about the.  Go back to school and take up SPELLING, the english spelling. A-hole.


Everyone thinks they are a grammatical genuis. Take your PhD in English and go to a smarter web site if you don't like it here.

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Between the length of time it take for a traffic light to change, the horrendous traffic and the stupid forign drivers, it takes so long to get trew a one square mile town.  I can't tell you how many times I was behind a car that was at a complete stop at the blinker on Washington St & Harrison Ave.  I actually have to blow my horn.  Its like they think hte blinker is going to change color!


i'm a senior who doesn't drive. what is the purpose of the blinker? IS IT SAFE TO CROSS AT THAT CORNER? do the cars come to a stop for pedestrians or do they just keep going?

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Everyone thinks they are a grammatical genuis.  Take your PhD in English and go to a smarter web site if you don't like it here.


LMAO This IS Harrison afterall. Most of us went to Harrison High, what do you expect? Yours is the best response on all of the boards. Kudos my friend.

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