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Bush Lovers

Guest Daedalus

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How can you blame poor Bush for the port plan when he says he wasn't aware of it until he read it in the papers?  I say, "George, you're the President.  Shame on you if you DIDN'T know; and shame, shame on you if you DID know and didn't scream and holler to stop it."

Here's a guy who thinks it's just peachy to spy on American citizens in the privacy of their own homes, in the name of national security, but defends a scheme to allow total access to our ports (one of which is a stone's throw from Kuehne Chemical) to a country with ties to the 9/11 dive bombers.  His explanation?  It will send a hurtful message to our recent "ally," the UAE.  Somebody should remind numb n**s  that the UAE refuses to recognize the soveriegnty of our long-time ally, Isreal.  His advisors should also tell him that probably 99% of the American public doesn't give a crap if the UAE gets its collective feelings hurt.

Did you know that the Treasury Secretary worked for CSX Corp, who sold their company to Dubai World Export. He retired and received $100 mil. He said that he had no knowledge either of the sale. Who the hell is running things over there? Good ol' boy Dick Cheney (oh no, that's right, he's too busy drinking and shooting)? We live too close to these ports to not care about what is going on. Can you please read up on the UAE, I doubt offending these people would be such a high priority with this government. Talk about sleeping with the enemy!!

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I was hoping that Bush would be different but that idea has gone after this move . I really don't know who we the people can trust anymore, it's plain to see after the stunts the dems pulled, they are not worthy of our trust . We the people have a real problem, who do we vote for? we have no one to choose from, think about it? It's real obvious that the out sorceing has got to stop, the boaders must be closed and the unions hold the ball in this matter big time. Right now John Q is pissed at both parties and rightfully so, because they don't listen. What say you?

I hate to say it but I think the two party system will eventually be the demise of America, and it's too firmly entrenched to be changed. Nobody seems to care what's good for America anymore, the only motivation pols seem to have is opposing the "other" party and lining their own pockets.

I'm glad I'll be ashes 100 years from now, I think America is likely to become a grand experiment that fails.

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How can you blame poor Bush for the port plan when he says he wasn't aware of it until he read it in the papers?  I say, "George, you're the President.  Shame on you if you DIDN'T know; and shame, shame on you if you DID know and didn't scream and holler to stop it."

Here's a guy who thinks it's just peachy to spy on American citizens in the privacy of their own homes, in the name of national security, but defends a scheme to allow total access to our ports (one of which is a stone's throw from Kuehne Chemical) to a country with ties to the 9/11 dive bombers.  His explanation?  It will send a hurtful message to our recent "ally," the UAE.  Somebody should remind numb n**s  that the UAE refuses to recognize the soveriegnty of our long-time ally, Isreal.  His advisors should also tell him that probably 99% of the American public doesn't give a crap if the UAE gets its collective feelings hurt.

What I will NEVER understand is how Bush got elected in the first place. A prep-schooled child of privilege trying to pass himself off as a down home good ol' boy was a great tip-off as to what a lying phony he truly is.

Mission Accomplished? HAH!

The lies only become more frequent and more damaging and Dick upholds the policy of this administration.


Bush should be outsoirced!

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I was hoping that Bush would be different but that idea has gone after this move . I really don't know who we the people can trust anymore, it's plain to see after the stunts the dems pulled, they are not worthy of our trust . We the people have a real problem, who do we vote for? we have no one to choose from, think about it? It's real obvious that the out sorceing has got to stop, the boaders must be closed and the unions hold the ball in this matter big time. Right now John Q is pissed at both parties and rightfully so, because they don't listen. What say you?

You hope Bush would be different and speak of the Dem's stunts?

What about: Nixon, Watergate and the coverup? Reagan and Iran contra? The Reps wasting time and money by the impeachement/trial of Clinton when his misdeeds were clearly not impeachable offenses? Bush and his Mission Accomplished stunt?

Personally I find Clinton's silliness a lot less offensive tha the number of Republicans who held themselves to be above the law.

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And did you know that a UAE sheik contributed AT LEAST $1 million to the Bush Library Foundation back in the early 90s? Oh, the Bush family goes way back in their close relationship with the rich and powerful in the Middle East!

Did you know that the Treasury Secretary worked for CSX Corp, who sold their company to Dubai World Export. He retired and received $100 mil. He said that he had no knowledge either of the sale. Who the hell is running things over there? Good ol' boy Dick Cheney (oh no, that's right, he's too busy drinking and shooting)? We live too close to these ports to not care about what is going on. Can you please read up on the UAE, I doubt offending these people would be such a high priority with this government. Talk about sleeping with the enemy!!

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Guest Relieved
How can you blame poor Bush for the port plan when he says he wasn't aware of it until he read it in the papers?  I say, "George, you're the President.  Shame on you if you DIDN'T know; and shame, shame on you if you DID know and didn't scream and holler to stop it."

Here's a guy who thinks it's just peachy to spy on American citizens in the privacy of their own homes, in the name of national security, but defends a scheme to allow total access to our ports (one of which is a stone's throw from Kuehne Chemical) to a country with ties to the 9/11 dive bombers.  His explanation?  It will send a hurtful message to our recent "ally," the UAE.  Somebody should remind numb n**s  that the UAE refuses to recognize the soveriegnty of our long-time ally, Isreal.  His advisors should also tell him that probably 99% of the American public doesn't give a crap if the UAE gets its collective feelings hurt.

Dear Wise,

Thank you for starting an intelligent exchange on this board for a change.

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