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Guest Lisa

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Of course you need a permit, how else would the town be able to legally extort money from you come tax time. Doesn't matter if you are improving the look of the town.

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Of course you need a permit, how else would the town be able to legally extort money from you come tax time. Doesn't matter if you are improving the look of the town.

Extortion is exactly what it is. How in the world are they able to take money from you on something you own? And then if you improve it they charge you more.This system really needs to be fixed, and not by the elected officials, they are the problem!

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Guest Neighborhood Beutification
why do you people HAVE to prove how stupid you are?

Whichever stupid council person or other hanger on you are remains to be seen :ph34r:

I expanded my driveway on Devon St(by the pike) and had people from as far away as Wilson Ave by the park calling in favors and B##$ B%^$&**( I even had the now deceased building inspecter come too my home and tell me I didn't fall into the 60/40 rule. (just ask around and you'll find out what that is). No such thing-- but I had heard other home owners mention ths "rule" also over the course of the years. If there is such a thing --just go to most council members houses or other hangers on and you will see what I mean :):P --I did-- After I hired a lawyer and sued ,the now deceased building inspector could'nt get back up to my house fast enough to tell me he had made a mistake measuring and that I could do the work that I wanted to do.

Don't take anything anyone tells you in this town as gospel. If you think you're right hire a lawyer--(it seems strange to me that with all the relatives as lawyers in this town this case sped right through and didn't get a bit of resisitance).The bad thing is if your neighbor has an axe to grind with you --his father, uncle cousiin, sister, or aunt from 2 miles away across town can hold you up with what you want to do.

P.S-- This town should worry more about all the illegal 3 and 4 family homes in town than the people in the legal 1 families looking to better it.

P.P.S.--- Why don't they do that???

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Whichever stupid council person or other hanger on you are remains to be seen :ph34r:

I expanded my driveway on  Devon St(by the pike) and had people from as far away as Wilson Ave by the park calling in favors and B##$ B%^$&**( I even had the now deceased building inspecter come too my home and tell me I didn't fall into the 60/40 rule. (just ask around and  you'll find out what that is). No such thing-- but I had heard other home owners mention ths "rule" also over the course of the years. If there is such a thing --just go to most council members houses or other hangers on and you will see what I mean :)  :P --I did-- After I hired a lawyer and sued ,the now deceased building inspector could'nt get  back up to my house fast enough to tell me he had made a mistake measuring and that I could do the work that I wanted to do.

Don't take anything anyone tells you in this town as gospel. If you think you're right hire a lawyer--(it seems strange to me that with all the relatives as lawyers in this town this case sped right through and didn't get a bit of resisitance).The bad thing is if your neighbor has an axe to grind with you --his father, uncle cousiin, sister,  or aunt from 2 miles away across town can hold you up with what  you  want to do.

P.S-- This town should worry more about all the illegal 3 and 4 family homes  in town than  the people in the legal 1 families looking to better it.

P.P.S.--- Why don't they do that???

You ask why they don't check on illegal 3 & 4 families! Because of votes. Not from the people who live there, but from the owners. Think about it.

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