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Mr. Harrison's Predictions

Guest 2smart4u

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Guest 2smart4u

Mr. Harrison is predicting that Corzine will make NJ the "best state in the union". I think that depends on what factors Mr. Harrison will use to rate NJ against the other 49 states.

If he considers money spent on give-away programs for illegal aliens a factor, NJ would be a winner. If he considers money spent to reward other fat cats for their support a factor, NJ would probably win again. If he considers "business as usual" democratic tax and spend policies a factor, once again NJ will win.

However, if he considers reductions in taxes, corruption, wasteful spending, sweetheart contracts and 'welfare for all aliens" as factors, then NJ will remain as the most taxed state in the union. Thank you democrats and thank you Mr. Harrison.

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Guest Town Resident
Mr. Harrison is predicting that Corzine will make NJ the "best state in the union". I think that depends on what factors Mr. Harrison will use to rate NJ against the other 49 states.

  If he considers money spent on give-away programs for illegal aliens a factor, NJ would be a winner. If he considers money spent to reward other fat cats for their support a factor, NJ would probably win again. If he considers "business as usual" democratic tax and spend policies a factor, once again NJ will win.

  However, if he considers reductions in taxes, corruption, wasteful spending, sweetheart contracts and 'welfare for all aliens" as factors, then NJ will remain as the most taxed state in the union.  Thank you democrats and thank you Mr. Harrison.

Mr Harrison needs to lay off the Kool-aid.

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Guest 2smart4u
Mr. Harrison never said any of that, therefore, 2smart4u needs to lay off the "kool-aid." 

He's got way too much time on his hands - must be a town employee.

Quote: "It's stupid democrats like us that will be praised when Corzine makes NJ the best state in the nation". (Mr. Harrison)

Tell me again how you never said any of that. Put the Kool-aid down.

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