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Naming Stadium

Guest Angry Taxpayer

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Guest Angry Taxpayer

I'm asking residents to help me come up with a suitable name for the soccer stadium. Here are a few I thought of ; 1- " Raymond McDonough Stadium" , 2- "Raymond McDonough Stadium", 3- "Raymond McDonough Stadium". Anyone have any other suggestions ?

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I'm asking residents to help me come up with a suitable name for the soccer stadium. Here are a few I thought of ;  1- " Raymond McDonough Stadium" , 2-  "Raymond McDonough Stadium",  3- "Raymond McDonough Stadium". Anyone have any other suggestions ?

I don't know---have you thought about "Raymond McDonough Stadium?"

Just a suggestion.

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How about "I Got Over On The Harrison Taxpayer's Stadium" and then each brick in the building could have the name of every resident in town whose property tax payment and rent will have paid for a stadium they will get no money from and cost them additional tax dollars to police and protect. The Billionaire owners of the MetroStars having been laughing at the Town of Harrison for weeks now. They pulled it off and all it took was an illegal trip to California for the powers that be.

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Guest Town Resident
How about "I Got Over On The Harrison Taxpayer's Stadium" and then each brick in the building could have the name of every resident in town whose property tax payment and rent will have paid for a stadium they will get no money from and cost them additional tax dollars to police and protect.  The Billionaire owners of the MetroStars having been laughing at the Town of Harrison for weeks now.  They pulled it off and all it took was an illegal trip to California for the powers that be.

How about "Raymond (I Fell Off A Turnip Truck) McDonough Stadium".

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Guest Tapped-Out Taxpayer
How about "I Got Over On The Harrison Taxpayer's Stadium" and then each brick in the building could have the name of every resident in town whose property tax payment and rent will have paid for a stadium they will get no money from and cost them additional tax dollars to police and protect.  The Billionaire owners of the MetroStars having been laughing at the Town of Harrison for weeks now.  They pulled it off and all it took was an illegal trip to California for the powers that be.

I can just picture the wealthy Metrostars owners and attorneys sitting around a table in some expensive restaurant laughing about what a sweetheart deal they conned out of Harrison's "negotiators". I can imagine being said, things like "they were easy", "can you believe they didn't demand a percentage of the revenue ??", "you think they all just fell off a turnip truck??", "ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha".

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Guest Legal Beaver

If anyone could prove that the trip to California was paid for by The Metro Stars, it would be illegal and considered an illegal gift which would lead to criminal charges and resignation by the person who took the trip. For it to be legal, the Town of Harrison would have to pay all expenses.

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Guest 2smart4u
If anyone could prove that the trip to California was paid for by The Metro Stars, it would be illegal and considered an illegal gift which would lead to criminal charges and resignation by the person who took the trip. For it to be legal, the Town of Harrison would have to pay all expenses.

If the Hudson County Prosecuters Office hasn't shown any interest into the goings-on in Harrison up to this point, don't expect anything to come of the California trip.

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Guest Over-taxed Senior Citizen
I'm asking residents to help me come up with a suitable name for the soccer stadium. Here are a few I thought of ;  1- " Raymond McDonough Stadium" , 2-  "Raymond McDonough Stadium",  3- "Raymond McDonough Stadium". Anyone have any other suggestions ?

How about "McDonough Higgins Memorial Stadium". BARF !!

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I can just picture the wealthy Metrostars owners and attorneys sitting around a table in some expensive restaurant laughing about what a sweetheart deal they conned out of Harrison's "negotiators". I can imagine being said, things like "they were easy", "can you believe they didn't demand a percentage of the revenue ??",  "you think they all just fell off a turnip truck??",  "ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha".

The owner's of the Metrostars are the jackasses. Who the hell wants to go to Harrison to see a soccer game?!?!?!?

Oh, the name should be "Goya Stadium".

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If the Hudson County Prosecuters Office hasn't shown any interest into the goings-on in Harrison up to this point, don't expect anything to come of the California trip.

Forget about the prosecutor. Instead report all wrongdoings to Christie the Federal Prosecutor. By the way, he recently had a seminar for Municipal Officials. he said they would not have any more indictments until after the Nov. election. But he wants all reports of wrongdoing forwarded to his office. :ph34r:

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Guest Senior Town Resident
Forget about the prosecutor. Instead report all wrongdoings to Christie the Federal Prosecutor. By the way, he recently had a seminar for Municipal Officials. he said they would not have any more indictments until after the Nov. election. But he wants all reports of wrongdoing forwarded to his office. :ph34r:

"ALL REPORTS OF WRONGDOING" ! Where do I freakin start ! Borrowing FORTY MILLION DOLLARS to build a soccer stadium for the metro stars and letting them keep all the profits. Selling our HS stadium before we had a replacement for our high school kids. Not allowing town residents to speak at council meetings. Having special (secret) council meetings when money is to be spent. Not holding referendums on major spending plans. Not allowing public input on this whole redevelopment project. Allowing the metro stars to keep all the profits from the stadium and the county to keep all the profits from the parking deck. Having a "Rubber Stamp" town council that is incapable of thinking for themselves and allows this mayor to spend taxpayer money like a drunken sailor. Agreeing to 7,000 new housing units that are going to turn our schools into zoos. THESE ARE ALL 'WRONGDOINGS'. Unfortunately, it's not illegal to treat town residents with contempt and total disregard.

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