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Everything posted by Stixx3969

  1. Actually it HYPOCRITE. As far as your being a Christian then act like one. As far as my language goes I never said I was a christian. I'll say it once more. I don't have a problem with Christinaity, I have a problem with christians. As far as hypocrisy, why don't you look it up. Not only will you learn how to spell it you may actually learn the definition.
  2. Conservative Mommy and 2Smart. Do you actually know this person of which you speak or are you just spewing venom which seems to come naturally to you? You may not agree with their opinions but can you say with any degree of certainty that this person did not serve in the military? I can't say for sure so I decided to err on the side of them being truthful and thank them for their service. You call yourselves Christians yet wonder why people rip on Christians. You're not Christians...you are just plain old garden variety assholes.
  3. Stixx3969

    Bible study

    That's right. God will judge. So why do most Christians feel that judgement is the one area where God is horribly inept and that they must do it for him?
  4. I'll be honest and tell you that I don't know, however a will also not take my glaring ignorance of the subject, profess that I do in fact know the truth(albeit unproven truth) and then force that truth upon others. Sound familiar?
  5. I bet you could find a way to blame the repsonse to hurricane Katrina on Clinton as well? Talk about living in the past.
  6. Maybe I should be more clear. I don't have a problem with someone having religion. Go for it. I don't have a problem with Christianity....I just have a problem with Christians.
  7. Don't you guys get it? There all no good S.O.B.'s. Democrats and Republicans
  8. Ok, so how many of you support a constitutional ammendment to ban gay marriage and why?
  9. Stixx3969

    20 Years

    Whatever, dude!
  10. It's nice to see the children get involved.
  11. I think you should change your screen name to "KearnyTard"
  12. What, exactly makes Rudy qualified?
  13. How old are you Bryan? Do you remember the embargo in the seventies? I do. My point was that if the supply shortage they keep feeding us that warrents these prices rising the way the have in a few short years were indeed true, someone would be running out of gas from time to time. I find it suspicious that while they they keep racking up prices because of supply, there still seems to be plenty to go around. I know of no one who has had any trouble getting gas. The only trouble they have is paying for it. I find that very suspicious, don't you? You can spout facts and figures all day long but if you think for one minute that big oil doesn't manipulate those figures then you are naive.
  14. It's interesting to me that as gas prices skyrocket, it's all blamed on supply vs. demand. Seems like a good argument,right? All the while big oil posts obscene profits while still being subsidized by the govt. (i.e. the taxpayer) The one glaring difference I see from the current situation and that of the Arab oil embargo of the early seventies is this: I have yet to see a single gas station that is out of gas. Not one, at least here in Missouri. During the oil embargo when there truly was a shortage, stations ran out of gas and those that had it rationed it. Has anyone here seen any of that? Sure makes me wonder. Keep in mind as the prices in Europe skyrocketed most of that was from increased taxes to steer the country towards more fuel efficient autos and it worked. Here in the good ol' USA it seems to be nothing but pure profit for big oil while you and I are literally held up at the pump. All the while our administration's silence is deafening. Seems to me like big oil is gonna get what they can while they still have friends in high places.
  15. Stixx3969

    Right wing outrages

    Dear Paul, I couldn't have said it better myself. Unfortunately, if they possed any logic or reasoning they would be ashamed but I wouldn't hold my breath.
  16. Stixx3969

    Immigration Policy

    Really? Please explain...........
  17. Stixx3969

    Immigration Policy

    I have two friends that I work with who immigrated to the US legally. One is from the UK and the other is from Syria. Both are great and I'm happy to have them here. They both went through an immense amount of shit an loopholes, but they did it legally and I applaud them. Just coming over the border illegally is one thing, then they will find counterfeit documents and steal SS numbers. Do you want that here? Do you want to turn a blind eye? I don't If your illegal, go home!
  18. Why don't you shut the F**K up and go to Iraq yourself!
  19. Who knows more about crusading than Christians?
  20. I couldn't get the link to work. Was Mr. P fired?
  21. So, what would you like to see Bryan? Teachers of any faith preaching in class?
  22. On the contrary, I understand completely. Oh and by the way, I'm so, so sorry about your leader Jerry Fallwell. Not.
  23. Why don't you run for office? It already seems like you are campaigning. I've yet to see a single topic for which you don't have all the answers. Do something useful and get off this board a make a real difference instead of wasting your time here.
  24. Stixx3969

    Good job

    What are you ? 13?
  25. You forgot that we really have no right to be there at all. Tell me again what substantiated justifications we had for invading in the first place.
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