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Posts posted by Manscape

  1. The decision to fly over lower Manhattan at low altitude is totally devoid of common sense. It's scary to think anyone in the Obama administration would think this was a good idea. And it's even scarier to think Obama knew nothing about it.

    Why would the POTUS be absolutely expected to know the location AND altitude of his back-up airplane especially when he's NOT IN IT? How do so many people assert to know the myriad of details and communications and also the systems that tie it all together concerning an event like this?

    There's near nothing as scary as what's billed to be the greatest nation for human rights on earth rampaging a pitiful war-torn state under the international microscope of sanctions and constrictions for reasons that were false. (except perhaps, the reality that there remains deadenders that ignore this history and thereby become destined to repeat it!) <_<

    Did ANYONE mention that the GOP is out of touch and essentially DEAD like that charismatic airhead Ronald Rayban?? Talk to your goomba Arlen Spector. The times we occupy now exceed the 1960s for stunning change. You can shove your god bullsh*t up the holy fadda's pedophilic stinktube. You are getting surrounded by those that know better than to fear your promotional bigotry. You deadenders are to society what the Hummer WAS to responsible/intelligent personal transportation in a peak oil world. I credit monkey boy coward George W. Bush for this change as a central catalyst. He nearly destroyed the nation, but that's apparently what it took for people to snap out of their catatonic consumptionism. :angry:

  2. Okay, either Obama knew about it, and let it happen, or he didn't, and no one in his administration had enough sense to say "No, that's a really bad idea." You choose.

    So he is either, in the first case, a megalomaniac, or an inefficient evaluator of personnel. Again, your choice.

    From Wiki: Megalomania (from the Greek word μεγαλομανία) is a historical term for behavior characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, genius, or omnipotence — often generally termed as delusions of grandeur or grandiose delusions.

    Sounds exactly like "voices from god" George W. Bush.

    Concerning Obama as "an inefficient evaluator of personnel"........it's too early to tell. Meanwhile, examine Bush's evaluations of personnel.......Donald "the RACK" Rumsfeld and attorney general Alberto "torture" Gonzales among any number of other deviates.

    Open minded people don't limit themselves to the contrived selections of a bigot's menu, no. There are OTHER possibilities than the conveniently self-serving two pair of choices you serve up, GUEST.

    My choice is to hear what president Obama had to say, which essentially was, "it wont happen again."

    Now had it been the Bushchimp, he'd smirk at the nation and say, "I'm the president and you're not."

  3. Obama has broken his first campaign promise, to immediately sign the Freedom of Choice Act. Speaking before Planned Parenthood, Obama said his first act as President would be to sign the bill into law.He now wants to look at "other ways" to curb teen pregnancies. It's obvious Obama is not to be trusted, he'll say and do whatever is politically expedient to his audience.

    Knowing your bibicular thumping, god talks to mighty warrior George Bush politics, why bust a nut when Barry isn't blazing the path for your nemesis, the EEEEEEEEEEE-vil Planned Parenthood, Tooby? :huh:

    You kvetch a lot, mister. <_<

  4. 1) I saw the president bow to the prince. He bowed, I really don't care that he did, people are making a big deal over nothing.

    2) I'm an ind., I vote based on who I feel is going to be best for the job. You would probably vote for a paper bag as long as it was labeled a democrat.

    3) I like Obama as a person. He is interesting to watch and I enjoy listening to him speak.

    4) His policies are Horrible. You people forget a guy whos name was Jimmy Carter. The worst president in U.S. history. Obama is right along those lines. Its been what, 3 days an American has been held hostage and Obama still hasn't commented yet. Probably because he needs it to be on a teleprompter before he can have an opinion on something. Liberals are the same all over. Give money to people who do not deserve it. Obama is spending more money then the U.S. has ever before. Its is insane that we are going to have to shape our foreign policy around our financial debt tied to China.

    You liberals always have the same argument. Don't want to stand up for anything. Your European views have been proven not to work time and time again. Sure everyone thinks there should be healthcare for all, and I wish every immigrant could get a job and become a citizen, but all that stuff costs money.

    You will all be crying when our taxes go up in the next year. I already am tired of footing the bill for people who sit home all day and do nothing. Its all about being responsible. If you have credit card debt you don't go out and buy a brand new car. Its exactly what the current president is doing.

    even if you do not believe in my values, that fine, but there is one thing we have to settle right here and now.

    You actually get your information from the "huffingtonpost"???????????? YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME. I am laughing so hard right now, I can barely type. Thats like me going on youtube, finding a video someone made of obama turing into an alien , and posting it her telling you people our president is from outerspace. You can't be that nieve..

    I'm still waiting for the BUSH regime to condemn apartheid Israel for the cowardly murder of American Rachel Corrie, a Jewish girl from Washington State by an IDF GOON operating a bulldozer! :lol:

  5. I would like to know peoples opinion on this woman who, knowingly without an income had invetro fertilization to produce 8 babies, and that she can't even take care of the six she already had. She has now set up a website to ask for donations, is she nuts, I can not believe that she has the audacity to ask the government and the public for help. She knew that if she pulled this off that the baby companys would jump in line to offer free merchandise, diapers, baby formula etc. what is this world coming to? Please share your opinions.

    Hello Sunny!

    I reverse my decision to pass on this subject. I don't know much about the woman with the kids, but since Tooby decided to accuse a posting author of double identity and thereby lynch the constructive dialogue, here's my return to the point:

    Since the woman had the births, what's done is done. The kids are alive and in need and their mother is a caffone. Her doctor is proof that extensive academic achievement does not assure wisdom.

    There was a profound claim I heard once that America's greatest export is "fame." Kindred to that is "spectacle" and from face piercings to ink tattoos and now babymaking, my fellow citizens sure strive to be laudable (if not peaceful, serene and solvent!) and maybe the next American idol of some realm........ANY FRICKEN REALM, right?

    Is it true this mother of multitude had cosmetic surgery to approximate Angelina Jolie? I'm told that.

    Wow....for some reason I'm thinking about Tonya Harding now. Remember her? I think she advanced from leg breaking to porn films. Porn films......there's a big money, flexible schedule job for our new American exponential mommy!

    Some defining faces of dark America today.........George W. Bush, Bernie Madoff, Alex Rodriguez, Rod Blagojevich.........and now we can add the California babymaker. (hey, a gReAt nEw nAmE 4 aN eXpEnSiVe cOcKtAiL!) :rolleyes:

  6. Luke AFB is west of Phoenix and is rapidly being surrounded by civilization that complains about the noise from the base and its planes, forgetting that it was there long before they were. A certain lieutenant colonel at Luke AFB deserves a big pat on the back. Apparently, an individual who lives somewhere near Luke AFB wrote the local paper complaining about a group of F-16s that disturbed his/her day at the mall.

    When that individual read the response from a Luke AFB officer, it must Have stung quite a bit.

    The complaint:

    'Question of the day for Luke Air Force Base:

    Whom do we thank for the morning air show? Last Wednesday, at precisely 9:11 A.M, a tight formation of four F-16 jets made a low pass over Arrowhead Mall, continuing west over Bell Road at approximately 500 feet. Imagine our good fortune! Do the

    Tom Cruise-wannabes feel we need this wake-up call, or were they trying to impress the cashiers at Mervyns early bird special?

    Any response would be appreciated.

    The response:

    Regarding 'A wake-up call from Luke's jets' On June 15, at precisely 9:12 a.m., a perfectly timed four- ship fly by of F-16s from the 63rd Fighter Squadronat Luke Air Force Base flew over the grave of Capt. Jeremy Fresques. Capt Fresques was an Air Force officer who was previously stationed at Luke Air Force Base and was killed in Iraq on May 30, Memorial Day.

    At 9 a. m. on June 15, his family and friends gathered at Sunland Memorial Park in Sun City to mourn the loss of a husband, son and friend. Based on the letter writer's recount of the fly by, and because of the jet noise, I'm sure you didn't hear the 21-gun salute, the playing of taps, or my words to the widow and parents of Capt. Fresques as I gave them their son's flag on behalf of the President of the United States and all those veterans and servicemen and women who understand the sacrifices they have endured..

    A four-ship fly by is a display of respect the Air Force gives to those who give their lives in defense of freedom. We are professional aviators and take our jobs seriously, and on June 15 what the letter writer witnessed was four officers lining up to pay their ultimate respects.

    The letter writer asks, 'Whom do we thank for the morning air show? The 56th Fighter Wing will make the call for you, and forward your thanks to the widow and parents of Capt Fresques, and thank them for you, for it was in their honor that my pilots flew the most honorable formation of their lives.

    Only 2 defining forces have ever offered to die for you....Jesus Christ and the American Soldier.

    One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.

    Lt. Col. Grant L. Rosensteel, Jr.


    I would like everyone to READ the last sentence

    Dear Lt. Colonel,

    1- I wonder what Rabbi Shlomo Mintz would have to say about Jesus Christ's offer to die for his soul. OY VEY!! :o

    2- I think you got it wrong, sir. The American soldier, in my lifetime, has not died for my freedom, no sir. I believe the American soldier, in my lifetime, has died for your immense pension. :blink:

    3- Lt. Colonel Rosensteel? Have you ever met the Grand Commander of the Western Fleet, Platinum Admiral Rockets "Rocky" Redglare? He's big on neon sophistry, too. :blink:

    Love and many missiles, Manscape :wub:

  7. President Obama tomorrow and goodbye smirky the chimp.

    This is like getting declared your cancer has gone into remission. There is relief for the merciful graduation and bulging memories for the symptoms, treatments and symptoms of the treatments, the cruel grind. But remission is yours and that's what you clawed for. You wonder if all the cancer days leading to this remission are forever gone so you can die in your garden suddenly and with no warning, long after your grandchildren have children. You conclude immense thankfulness for this remission day and proceed with your life.

    President Obama tomorrow and goodbye smirky the chimp.

  8. Town Tec,

    Please do not stop participating. If "the powers that be" don't want KOTW linked on the town website, individuals can find KOTW by doing a simple search on Google. Your participation on KOTW is welcome. If you feel it inappropriate to post as Town Tec, post anonymously as a guest or make up another Member name.

    I am still curious what the town's policy is on links. I've noticed that there are only a few links to town businesses on the town's website. In this economic downturn, every sale is important and you should look to "the powers that be" for guidelines on who should be added to your links page. Promoting Kearny town businesses should be a part of the town's official website.

    As far as John Bishoff passing, your post was put up as soon as possible and therefore the "KOTW Note". Since KOTW had, at that time, not confirmed the information we took a precaution. Our policy is not to change posts once they are up on the Discussion Board. My condolences to Mr. Bishoff's family. If you would like, I'll post on the main page an article or eulogy to Mr. Bishoff if you feel so inspired.

    KOTW welcomes everyone. KOTW may not agree with every comment made on our discussion board. The exchange of ideas is what keeps us going.

    Keep working on the town's website, but don't believe everything you hear from our town officials. Make your own judgments after you've heard all the facts. Even those who hate KOTW check us out on a regular basis.


    Hey KOTW!!

    You did fine making the pitch to Town Tec, who's product is a government manequin.

    The KOTW website is the primary information portal for the cyber-citizens of West Hudson and its periphery with input not just from local affairs. (Why NOT accomodate messageboard opinion about the world anywhere? It's not like you have to PRINT more pages for publication!)

    Town Tec-keroo came to YOU because this website is a golden resource, and was wise to do it. <_<

    KOTW contains a link to the official Kearny municiple website and the official Kearny municiple website contains NO LINK to KOTW.........

    Now everyone please........which website is LESS in service to the people online? :huh:

    "I'm hungry, let's get a taco." B)

  9. I wonder if there were any atheists on the plane that ditched in the Hudson. And I wonder if there were, did they find God and start praying like every Christian on board was doing. That's the falacy of atheism, when they're suddenly confronted with a deadly situation they ask God to save them.

    You're a classic bigot Tooby.

    You have no idea how different people meet their end, but you yap up your dog bullsh*t nonetheless. :huh:

    :blink: STROONCE! :lol:

  10. Limbaugh happens to be one of our greatest conservative heros. He gives you the unspun truth and his vast audience recognizes that. But of course you're right and his millions of listeners are all wrong. And as far as restoring the "classic liberal ethic", forget it. Your's is a dying breed and you'll be just a footnote in history.


    Your party is a trainwreck and the nation by its hands, worse.

    Naughty Naughty Naughty..........YOUR PENANCE???



  11. For example, you would like the words "under God" removed from the pledge. Isn't that forcing your view on others?

    Whoaaaaa Nelly.............

    Who was the "communist under the bed" paranoid that hitched the pledge to a fantasy? AND the currency? Was that going to have the "old man on the cloud" bless our bombings of countless Southeast Asians? :rolleyes:

    There's not a human being that's ever lived that can possibly KNOW god from a pubic hair, but countless have turned people into blood pudding insisting they do (is that WWJD?)..........and to ADVANCE THEIR POLITICS you can't BEAT DOG wrapped in old glory! Praise be the holy mackerel..........

    Read this slowly if you have trouble with English (or hubris). ABSENSE of your DOG, your holy bibicular, your cross (burning and bleeding), the beads of roses, the cortran, the talmush, the holy fadda, the tablets of noses, Ben Hurr, the shroud, the wall of whales, your 72 va-jeens, gobs of lung-chips that look like the virgin Matilda or waltzing Mohammer and all the REST of your cult mechanisms and dual standard bigotries that you selfishly and insidiously move to inflict upon the US government and the taxes it collects and ravenously spends....is not a view forced on others. :angry:

    The designed/intended ABSENSE of this dog GODMA from how we conduct our government and how we PAY for it, is PRECISELY why the freedom to worship your favorite flavor of bleeding Jeezee can work for so many diverse people in the USA.

    Got a problem with that concept? (yes, I know you may have a problem with "diverse people" but read on)

    Consider this reality: All dogcults are rabidly competitive and self-aggrandizing. Most each of them teaches their cashflock that THEIR DOG IS THE TRUE DOG, and all the rest are merely cats bound for general Tso's lunch special. Imagine the egos involved in THAT weekly gathering of souls!!! Woot Woot!! HALLELUJAH!!..........

    .........and then imagine those egos during the work week. VOILA!!! YOU GET THE BUSH REGIME!!!! <_<

    So as you hawk your DOG swishing for more of OTHER DOG hawkers' TAX MOOLAH (and the tax moolah of those Americans that respect gravity and speed of light because they don't play favorites) to consummate your sacred portfolio.........shove it up your genesis where your savior doesn't shine in the eyes of others, causing holy wars of terrorific heroes. :ninja:

  12. Oh, believe me, I am far too familiar with the antics of Rush. Sometimes I listen to him just to make my blood boil. When he first started out here in Sacramento, although I never embraced his philosophy, I could at least appreciate that he was speaking his mind for the truth that he believed and accepted. Now, he is just a giant ball of hot air, so full of himself, who is so caught up in his "celebrity" that he has become the narrowist of the narrow. I live in Rio Linda-the town he still will make fun of on his radio show from time to time as being the "redneck" area of Sacramento, full of uneducated and uninformed people. "For those of you in Rio Linda...the 4th of July and Independence Day are the sam holiday". We have a Burger joint that has a Rush burger called the Big Mouth-aptly named. What amazes me is the power he has over the masses of people who listen to him. Talk about Kool-Aid drinkers!

    Hello Kris. Thanks for the Rush sh*t rundown...........and if there was anyone good to be run down, it's el Rish Nit, jerkoff magnifico.

    I recall when radio Rish Bit had a week or more of damage control in the early 90s when it was revealed he never voted until his mid thirties, this after bellowing his radio ersatz patriotism to a growing cult of gullibles. He squirms like a maggot shed to the noontime sun, believe me.......

    (why does America worship frauds?)

    Rish Limpie........American fascist propaganda........the daily dose of audio bullsh*t trusting U.S. military personel were forced fed in Iraqi mess tents for years......got to keep the mind right, yes? Killing countless Iraqis to free/democratize Iraq takes a real man on the radio to clarion.........

    Oxycotin Rishbane......doctor shopping......pleabargaining......thrice divorced am I right? Perhaps the bigotry of a ghoul sapped his dick limp, doing wonders for the promotion of Viagra as well as American greed and jingoism?

    El Blowhard Rishnitz......American jerkoff......symbol of the nation's suicide? Why not?

  13. The hour is getting too late for slogan driven Americans to excuse/legitimize magnificent human jerkoffs because they hold an office of power.

    Don't license the scum no matter what their power status.

    If you excuse the human jerkoff because you respect the office of power fate has paradoxically delivered to his privledge....you actually DISRESPECT the office of power because you elevate the jerkoff that poisons it.

    The best interests of society are not met by zealous automatons blindly sanctioning overt nuts that, through democratically cruel circumstances, gain huge formidable power in political office. :ph34r:

  14. I bet Baracks economic team stunned their audience when they said the only way for America to survive would be to abolish and decrease the union wages across the board and put a 40,000 dollar cap on all Government and State pensions. Ye Gods! Learn to speak Arabic!!!

    What we have had to date......an ongoing hack of the taxpayer by so many calculating chiselers for generations......is simply unsustainable and it's bleeding profusely right under your nose.

    It's not possible to sustain and the fact that we've had it for so long is not to license the majestic theft of the taxpayer that it grew to become.

    If you or someone you love is or will be a beneficiary of this long term rip-off of the citizen taxpayer, that does nothing to change the fact that it is unsustainable. If you disagree with this assertion, I'll refer you to the story of the goose that laid the golden eggs.

    Because collective bargaining got great results for select groups of people throughout the years of your life and your parents lives, does not sanction the failure we all face because of it......and a failure it indeed is..........it is unsustainable. It's advent is part of the disease America suffers now........and when the checks for your exclusive freight stop cashing, you can wail and wail to your union rep all you want........the golden egg goose will be cooked.

    The "REST OF THE STORY" worsens......you see.....New Jersey leadership has been particularly gouging of its taxpayers. The pension/healthcare coverage liabilities for the government retirees in our state.....it would be an understatement to call it a nightmare.


    >>>New Jersey Pension Status

    New Jersey is one of the relics of modern pension planning in that bureaucrats run the states’ investment program instead of professional fund managers. In slightly more than two years, the state’s Division of Investment has lost nearly $18 billion in public pension funds, enough to run the state for eight months. Giving the department a fair shake, most managed funds have lost considerable money since 2000, but the losses in New Jersey have forced taxpayers to cough up $200 million in 2005 and $1.6 billion in 2006. In New Jersey, state, county and municipal employees contribute about 5 percent of their salary into the pension fund system, which in turn invests the money. The state’s fund consists of stocks, bonds and fixed income, cash and mortgages. What is really startling about the fund is that the taxpayers have to support the fund if a five-year average on returns falls below 8.25 percent per year. As of June 2004, the returns for the prior five–year period averaged 1.5 percent. Guess who is reaching into their pocket to make up the difference. I’ll bet you will be hard pressed to find “such a deal” for workers in other states.

    So how does the state pension system compare to private sector plans. According to Michael Diamond of the Gannett New Jersey newspapers, a 58-year old firefighter in Camden made $76,000 in his final year of work. He retired with $53,000 a year and health benefits for life. On the opposite end of the spectrum, a cardboard box manufacturer in Cherry Hills worked for 25 years until the company folded in 1999. His annual pension is $5,520 per year. He and his wife moved to Delaware where property taxes are 81 percent lower.

    Pension problems are aggravated by retirement benefits fit for a king, tacking (holding multiple state jobs) and outright taxpayer abuse. The system is heavily weighted to the worker’s benefits are calculated based on the three highest salaries rather than an average of all years of employment. Who in their right mind have ever heard of such a grand giveaway? Here’s where the unfair benefit calculation and tacking come into play. The worker can be employed in one lower paying job for 20 years, raking in as much overtime over the last three years as humanly possible, and then after retiring take on a second job for 3 to 5 years at a higher salary to ramp up the pension. One individual somehow managed to hold eight part-time jobs that paid him total of $264,284 a year. He retired on slightly more than $150,000 per year. In comparison, the Chief Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court makes $203,000 and the governor takes home $175,000.<<<

    You should find it illuminating to visit that website and get a sounding of these issues..............

    Why is the taxpayer a politically safe, non-descript target for incessant fleecing? And when the taxpayer collapses from the Nth degree whip and harness, what will our leadership and their sycophants do?

  15. When does it all end? Visit the link for not a SMALL string of comments to the article. :angry:


    Fed won’t give info on nearly $2 trillion in loans

    The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.

    Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said in September they would comply with congressional demands for transparency in a $700 billion bailout of the banking system. Two months later, as the Fed lends far more than that in separate rescue programs that didn’t require approval by Congress, Americans have no idea where their money is going or what securities the banks are pledging in return.

    “The collateral is not being adequately disclosed, and that’s a big problem,” said Dan Fuss, vice chairman of Boston-based Loomis Sayles & Co., where he co-manages $17 billion in bonds. “In a liquid market, this wouldn’t matter, but we’re not. The market is very nervous and very thin.”

    Bloomberg News has requested details of the Fed lending under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act and filed a federal lawsuit Nov. 7 seeking to force disclosure.

    The Fed made the loans under terms of 11 programs, eight of them created in the past 15 months, in the midst of the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression.

    “It’s your money; it’s not the Fed’s money,” said billionaire Ted Forstmann, senior partner of Forstmann Little & Co. in New York. “Of course there should be transparency.”

    Federal Reserve spokeswoman Michelle Smith declined to comment on the loans or the Bloomberg lawsuit. Treasury spokeswoman Michele Davis didn’t respond to a phone call and an e-mail seeking comment.

    The Fed’s lending is significant because the central bank has stepped into a rescue role that was also the purpose of the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, bailout plan — without safeguards put into the TARP legislation by Congress.

    Total Fed lending topped $2 trillion for the first time last week and has risen by 140 percent, or $1.172 trillion, in the seven weeks since Fed governors relaxed the collateral standards on Sept. 14. The difference includes a $788 billion increase in loans to banks through the Fed and $474 billion in other lending, mostly through the central bank’s purchase of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bonds.

    Before Sept. 14, the Fed accepted mostly top-rated government and asset-backed securities as collateral. After that date, the central bank widened standards to accept other kinds of securities, some with lower ratings. The Fed collects interest on all its loans.

    The plan to purchase distressed securities through TARP called for buying at the “lowest price that the secretary (of the Treasury) determines to be consistent with the purposes of this Act,” according to the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, the law that covers TARP.

    The legislation didn’t require any specific method for the purchases beyond saying mechanisms such as auctions or reverse auctions should be used “when appropriate.” In a reverse auction, bidders offer to sell securities at successively lower prices, helping to ensure that the Fed would pay less. The measure also included a five-member oversight board that includes Paulson and Bernanke.

    At a Sept. 23 Senate Banking Committee hearing in Washington, Paulson called for transparency in the purchase of distressed assets under the TARP program.

    "We need oversight," Paulson told lawmakers. "We need protection. We need transparency. I want it. We all want it."

    At a joint House-Senate hearing the next day, Bernanke also stressed the importance of openness in the program. "Transparency is a big issue," he said.

    The Fed lent cash and government bonds to banks, which gave the Fed collateral in the form of equities and debt, including subprime and structured securities such as collateralized debt obligations, according to the Fed Web site. The borrowers have included the now-bankrupt Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., Citigroup Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co.

    Banks oppose any release of information because it might signal weakness and spur short-selling or a run by depositors, said Scott Talbott, senior vice president of government affairs for the Financial Services Roundtable, a Washington trade group.

    “You have to balance the need for transparency with protecting the public interest,” Talbott said. “Taxpayers have a right to know where their tax dollars are going, but one piece of information standing alone could undermine public confidence in the system.”

    The nation’s biggest banks, Citigroup, Bank of America Corp., JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo & Co., Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley, declined to comment on whether they have borrowed money from the Fed. They received $120 billion in capital from the TARP, which was signed into law Oct. 3.

    In an interview Nov. 6, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank said the Fed’s disclosure is sufficient and that the risk the central bank is taking on is appropriate in the current economic climate. Frank said he has discussed the program with Timothy F. Geithner, president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and a possible candidate to succeed Paulson as Treasury secretary.

    “I talk to Geithner and he was pretty sure that they’re OK,” said Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat. “If the risk is that the Fed takes a little bit of a haircut, well that’s regrettable.” Such losses would be acceptable, he said, if the program helps revive the economy.

    Frank said the Fed shouldn’t reveal the assets it holds or how it values them because of “delicacy with respect to pricing.” He said such disclosure would “give people clues to what your pricing is and what they might be able to sell us and what your estimates are.” He wouldn’t say why he thought that information would be problematic.

    Revealing how the Fed values collateral could help thaw frozen credit markets, said Ron D’Vari, chief executive officer of NewOak Capital LLC in New York and the former head of structured finance at BlackRock Inc.

    “I’d love to hear the methodology, how the Fed priced the assets,” D’Vari said. “That would unclog the market very quickly.”

  16. The polls have tightened in the last 3 days, Obama's lead has vanished. The reason? The LA Times refusal to release the tape it has of Obama and the PLO guy Khalidi has done more harm to Obama than if they released it. By not releasing it they have aroused the curiosity of the American public who now wonder what is on that tape that the LA Times is afraid to show. Imaginations are running wild and that works to McCains advantage. My hope is the Times don't release the tape and it will cost Obama the election.

    NO STUPID..........it was NOT "another Truman/Dewey finish"...........it was the FINISH of Ronnie Raygun and the SCUM he propagated.

    Follow, dummy?

  17. The Loony Left got their wish, Barack Hussein Obama is our next President. I will sit back and watch all the wonderful things he promised us. I won't get too comfortable though, Biden promised us a major international crisis within the first 6 months.

    I have two suggestions for Obama's cabinet. William Ayres / Homeland Security Director (who knows more about terrorism?) and Reverend Wright / Secretary of State (diplomacy is his forte).

    So drink up, boys. Enjoy your victory, the Republicans have been vanquished. Watch your mailboxes for the free money.

    Why don't you do our nation a favor and walk into the Passaic River, Tooby? :angry:

  18. When I watch Obama speaking and see hundreds of banner waving, glassy-eyed Loonys lined up behind him, it reminds me of Jim Jones and his Peoples Temple in Guyana. Whatever Jones said was accepted as gospel by his rabid followers, eerily similar to the Loonys behavior listening to Obama. Obama says he will cut taxes for 95% of the country and the Loonys cheer, Obama promises almost a trillion dollars in new entitlement programs and the Loonys cheer, Obama promises free health care and welfare for 40% of the population and the Loonys cheer.

    The big question here is, are there enough Kool-Aiders to elect the reincarnated Jim Jones? America is at a crossroads on Tuesday, will we either go the way of the Peoples Temple or we will remain a strong nation where clear-thinking Americans set the course for an economic recovery and strong national defense.

    JIM JONES HE IS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    TOOBY..........please don't do something rash on Tuesday night, ok?

  19. The polls have tightened in the last 3 days, Obama's lead has vanished. The reason? The LA Times refusal to release the tape it has of Obama and the PLO guy Khalidi has done more harm to Obama than if they released it. By not releasing it they have aroused the curiosity of the American public who now wonder what is on that tape that the LA Times is afraid to show. Imaginations are running wild and that works to McCains advantage. My hope is the Times don't release the tape and it will cost Obama the election.

    Tooby.......your frustration is satisfying as hell!


    RCP Average 10/25 - 10/31 -- -- 50.2 43.8 Obama +6.4


    AP poll shows Obama backers gleeful, McCain's glum

    WASHINGTON – That smiling guy walking down the street? Odds are he's a Barack Obama backer. The grouchy looking one? Don't ask, and don't necessarily count on him to vote next week, either.

    More John McCain supporters feel glum about the presidential campaign while more of Obama's are charged up over it, according to an Associated Press-Yahoo News poll released Saturday.

    The survey shows McCain backers have become increasingly upset in recent weeks, a period that has seen Obama take a firm lead in many polls. One expert says the contrasting moods could affect how likely the two candidates' supporters are to vote on Election Day, possibly dampening McCain's turnout while boosting Obama's.

    While 43 percent of the Democrat Obama's backers said they are excited over the campaign, just 13 percent of McCain's said so, according to the survey of adults, conducted by Knowledge Networks. Six in 10 Obama supporters said the race interests them, compared to four in 10 backing McCain, the Republican senator from Arizona.

    On the flip side, 52 percent of McCain supporters said the campaign has left them frustrated, compared to 30 percent of Obama's. A quarter of McCain backers say they feel helpless, double the rate of those preferring Obama, the Illinois senator.

    More McCain supporters also feel angry and bored, while Obama's are likelier to say they are proud and hopeful.

    All of this is a bad sign for McCain, according to George E. Marcus, a political scientist from Williams College who has studied the role emotion plays in politics. Negative feelings about a campaign can discourage voters by making them less likely to go through what can be a painful process: Voting for someone who will lose.

    "If I'm getting my head handed to me by a tennis player, my brain is saying, 'Do I want a second match? No,'" Marcus said. "Why do something that's going to lead to failure?"

    Marcus said such emotions can be overcome by outside events, such as a campaign or neighbor urging a person to vote. There's also the danger exuberant Obama backers might decide not to vote because of overconfidence. The Obama and McCain organizations combined have spent hundreds of millions of dollars for those very reasons.

    Obama leads McCain among likely voters in the AP-Yahoo News poll, 51 percent to 43 percent.

    Supporters of McCain cite a dislike for Obama, dissatisfaction with the campaign's tone and frustration with how news organizations have treated their candidate.

    "Flat disgusted, how's that?" said Billie Hart, 80, a Houston Republican backing McCain. "Because that's the way I feel about it. I don't like the individual."

    Many Democrats say they're energized by a candidate they perceive as different from most politicians and who can make a real difference.

    "Elections have always been so ho-hum," said Kathleen Rockwell, 61, an Obama supporter from Redmond, Wash. This time, "I feel connected. And that feels good."

    The AP-Yahoo News poll, which has followed the same group of 2,000 people since last November, underscores how individuals have reacted to the campaign's currents. For many McCain supporters, it's not been a happy period.

    Three in 10 McCain backers who report being frustrated now said in September they weren't. That is quadruple the number who became less frustrated.

    At the same time, one in five McCain supporters are not interested in the campaign now who said they were in September. Half that number gained interest. By similar margins, McCain backers report becoming more angry, bored, overwhelmed and helpless and have become less excited, proud and hopeful.

    "I'm real interested in having it over," said Michele Roos, 64, a McCain supporter from Newport News, Va.

    Enthusiasm by Obama backers has largely stayed steady since September, though slightly more of them — 31 percent — now say the campaign makes them feel proud.

    "I didn't like the candidates before," said Angelique Sims, 38, an Obama supporter from Shawnee, Okla. "I like his character. I like the things he represents. He represents my views."

    A closer look at the numbers show how that emotions are playing out to Obama's advantage in several pivotal groups of voters.

    Forty-eight percent of those under age 30 who support Obama say they are excited over the race, compared to just 21 percent of those young voters who back McCain. That age group has been a reservoir of strong support for the Democrat.

    Just 44 percent of whites supporting the Republican say the campaign interests them, compared to 58 percent of whites and 72 percent of blacks supporting Obama.

    At the same time, half of McCain supporters age 65 and up say they're frustrated, compared to three in 10 of Obama's older voters. Also saying they're frustrated are 53 percent of whites backing McCain — compared to 40 percent of whites and 12 percent of blacks behind Obama.

    The AP-Yahoo News poll of 1,753 adults was conducted Oct. 17-27 and had an overall margin of sampling error of plus or minus 2.3 percentage points. Included were interviews with 803 Obama supporters and 703 McCain supporters, with error margins of plus or minus 3.5 and 3.7 points respectively.

    The poll was conducted over the Internet by Knowledge Networks, which initially contacted people using traditional telephone polling methods and followed with online interviews. People chosen for the study who had no Internet access were given it for free.

  20. Obama started out by saying no one making under $250,000 would get a tax increase. Then Joe Gaffe said no one making under $150,000 would get a tax increase. Now today, Sen. Richardson, a big Obamaniac, stated no one making under $120,000 would get a tax increase. Aside from this rediculous numbers game, a larger question is raised. That question is Obama's credibility with anything he's promised. Example: Obama has stated 95% of the population would not see a tax increase. He has also said he has plans for almost a trillion dollars of new government entitlement spending planned. Does any clear thinking American think this is possible without massive tax increases for everyone??

    Only the far left Kool-Aiders would continue to support this Marxist that I believe has a secret agenda to bring this country down through a depression, brought on by uncontrolled government entitlement programs. Are you listening, Paul?

    Tooby, how's it feel to be a Bush/McCain deadender? :lol::lol::lol:

  21. As for the people who called me "jackass", and Palin and McCain "screwball and bulgeface", I fail to see where namecalling adds anything substantial to ANY discussion. After all, aren't the Democrats the "big tent party" and the party of "tolerance and inclusion." That is, unless you dare to have a different opinion. Oops, missed the "Caribou Barbie" derision; do want to be thorough.

    I'm not here to give the Bush/McCain/Palin biblethumping, hypocritical deadender cult a civil exchange of ideas on a messageboard.

    I'm here to help rip the cancer of your ideological malignancy from the flesh of our nation.

    Trick or treat, tootsy. :rolleyes:

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