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Posts posted by Manscape

  1. One week to go until the bloodbath that the Loonys are facing in the polls. The first thing the patriots will do is fire Pelosi, the second thing is to cut up zerO's chinese credit cards. Be sure to get out to vote next week, cast your vote for the republican candidates and send a message to zerO that he's next.


    The Tea Party movement: deluded and inspired by billionaires by funding numerous rightwing organisations, the mega-rich Koch brothers have duped millions into supporting big business

    George Monbiot guardian.co.uk, Monday 25 October 2010

    The Tea Party movement is remarkable in two respects. It is one of the biggest exercises in false consciousness the world has seen – and the biggest Astroturf operation in history. These accomplishments are closely related.

    An Astroturf campaign is a fake grassroots movement: it purports to be a spontaneous uprising of concerned citizens, but in reality it is founded and funded by elite interests. Some Astroturf campaigns have no grassroots component at all. Others catalyse and direct real mobilisations. The Tea Party belongs in the second category. It is mostly composed of passionate, well-meaning people who think they are fighting elite power, unaware that they have been organised by the very interests they believe they are confronting. We now have powerful evidence that the movement was established and has been guided with the help of money from billionaires and big business. Much of this money, as well as much of the strategy and staffing, were provided by two brothers who run what they call "the biggest company you've never heard of".

    Charles and David Koch own 84% of Koch Industries, the second-largest private company in the United States. It runs oil refineries, coal suppliers, chemical plants and logging firms, and turns over roughly $100bn a year; the brothers are each worth $21bn. The company has had to pay tens of millions of dollars in fines and settlements for oil and chemical spills and other industrial accidents. The Kochs want to pay less tax, keep more profits and be restrained by less regulation. Their challenge has been to persuade the people harmed by this agenda that it's good for them.

    In July 2010, David Koch told New York magazine: "I've never been to a Tea Party event. No one representing the Tea Party has ever even approached me." But a fascinating new film – (Astro)Turf Wars, by Taki Oldham – tells a fuller story. Oldham infiltrated some of the movement's key organising events, including the 2009 Defending the American Dream summit, convened by a group called Americans for Prosperity (AFP). The film shows David Koch addressing the summit. "Five years ago," he explains, "my brother Charles and I provided the funds to start Americans for Prosperity. It's beyond my wildest dreams how AFP has grown into this enormous organisation."

    A convener tells the crowd how AFP mobilised opposition to Barack Obama's healthcare reforms. "We hit the button and we started doing the Twittering and Facebook and the phonecalls and the emails, and you turned up!" Then a series of AFP organisers tell Mr Koch how they have set up dozens of Tea Party events in their home states. He nods and beams from the podium like a chief executive receiving rosy reports from his regional sales directors. Afterwards, the delegates crowd into AFP workshops, where they are told how to run further Tea Party events.

    Americans for Prosperity is one of several groups set up by the Kochs to promote their politics. We know their foundations have given it at least $5m, but few such records are in the public domain and the total could be much higher. It has toured the country organising rallies against healthcare reform and the Democrats' attempts to tackle climate change. It provided the key organising tools that set the Tea Party running.

    The movement began when CNBC's Rick Santelli called from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange for a bankers' revolt against the undeserving poor. (He proposed that the traders should hold a tea party to dump derivative securities in Lake Michigan to prevent Obama's plan to "subsidise the losers": by which he meant people whose mortgages had fallen into arrears.) On the same day, Americans for Prosperity set up a Tea Party Facebook page and started organising Tea Party events.

    Oldham's film shows how AFP crafted the movement's messages and drafted its talking points. The New Yorker magazine, in the course of a remarkable exposure of the Koch brothers' funding networks, interviewed some of their former consultants. "The Koch brothers gave the money that founded [the Tea Party]," one of them explained. "It's like they put the seeds in the ground. Then the rainstorm comes, and the frogs come out of the mud – and they're our candidates!" Another observed that the Kochs are smart. "This rightwing, redneck stuff works for them. They see this as a way to get things done without getting dirty themselves."

    AFP is one of several groups established by the Koch brothers. They set up the Cato Institute, the first free-market thinktank in the United States. They also founded the Mercatus Centre at George Mason University, which now fills the role once played by the economics department at Chicago University as the originator of extreme neoliberal ideas. Fourteen of the 23 regulations that George W Bush put on his hitlist were, according to the Wall Street Journal, first suggested by academics working at the Mercatus Centre.

    The Kochs have lavished money on more than 30 other advocacy groups, including the Heritage Foundation, the Manhattan Institute, the George C Marshall Institute, the Reason Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. These bodies have been instrumental in turning politicians away from environmental laws, social spending, taxing the rich and distributing wealth. They have shaped the widespread demand for small government. The Kochs ensure that their money works for them. "If we're going to give a lot of money," David Koch explained to a libertarian journalist, "we'll make darn sure they spend it in a way that goes along with our intent. And if they make a wrong turn and start doing things we don't agree with, we withdraw funding."

    Most of these bodies call themselves "free-market thinktanks", but their trick – as (Astro)Turf Wars points out – is to conflate crony capitalism with free enterprise, and free enterprise with personal liberty. Between them they have constructed the philosophy that informs the Tea Party movement: its members mobilise for freedom, unaware that the freedom they demand is freedom for corporations to trample them into the dirt. The thinktanks that the Kochs have funded devise the game and the rules by which it is played; Americans for Prosperity coaches and motivates the team.

    Astroturfing is now taking off in the United Kingdom. Earlier this month Spinwatch showed how a fake grassroots group set up by health insurers helped shape the Tories' NHS reforms. Billionaires and corporations are capturing the political process everywhere; anyone with an interest in democracy should be thinking about how to resist them. Nothing is real any more. Nothing is as it seems.

  2. Greetings,

    It is no less than astoundingly offensive to the electorate that the incumbent Harrison leadership ("dug in like a Louisiana tic") ignores the call for a debate.

    I notice the anonymous defenders of this entrenchment only emerge to post cockroach-like, to distract from the thread's timely and noble topic.........


    We get the government we deserve. Surely in this maturing age of information people would move to put an end to the status quo of Harrison leadership's self serving gravy train if that's indeed what it is.

    You as Americans and Harrisonians deserve a debate between the principals in this upcoming election. Some of the accusations and reasonings revealed on this board suggest the operation of Harrison government and the parasites involved are like those from the film "Walking Tall."

    You deserve answers for a sound basis on how to cast your vote, not intimidation or convenient neglect from candidates.

    I sometimes cannot understand how the state or the feds do not get involved in this one square mile of mysterious government rule.

    DEMAND THE DEBATE CHALLENGE TO TAKE PLACE.....and if you don't get it, vote against those that refuse!!

  3. Hey!!

    Thank you Truth Teller. The series of questions and postings you've placed here are stellar, not the least for inviting opposing views and perhaps mostly for your clarity and reasoning.

    Be well and keep your spirit and thinking in motion. People will positively benefit.

    Respectfully, Manscape..........posted on the 70th birthday of John Lennon who was certainly flawed but nonetheless a man STILL for our times.

  4. Read between the lines to see the true meaning. What he's saying is if we hold out our hands in friendship and be nice to the bad guys, the bad guys will be nice to us (remember his speech in Berlin). The only problem with that is "turning the other cheek" doesn't work with hard core fanatics, it only works with reasonable people. Reagan and Bush recognized that, it's America's loss that zerO doesn't get it.

    You remain proudly KOTW's most magnificent nincompoop, Tumor4you. For everyone else, I offer this:


    The "Southern Avenger" Jack Hunter is a conservative commentator on WTMA 1250 AM talk radio and columnist for the Charleston City Paper in South Carolina.

    Did the Terrorists Win on 9/11?

    Posted on September 10th, 2010 by admin

    As we approach the ninth anniversary of 9/11, everyone is fixated on some idiot who plans to burn the Koran. Many are pleading with him not to do it, yet he still insists. If he doesn’t do it, the “terrorists win,” you see. But the terrorists have already won. That this man even wants to burn the Koran is actually part of that triumph, and that we are all talking about it is simply the latest chapter in their victory.

    Many believe America changed after 9/11. It did. A ragtag band of terrorists successfully drew the most powerful military in the world into countries that barely had militaries, where we invented or deepened conflicts that should have never been conflicts, the benefit of which went mostly to al-Qaeda, as that outfit now possesses the greatest recruitment tool imaginable–the flailing foreign policy of a belligerent American empire. If we’re honest, since day one, the War on Terror has actually been a war for it–with the decade-long occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq creating a net result of record high anti-American sentiment, far worse than it was before 9/11–which is the reason there even was a 9/11. The irony is as thick as it is tragic. Today, this president show no signs or intention of wanting to correct, or simply stop making, the mistakes of the last one, and radical Islamists and neoconservatives alike continue to salivate over the possibility of new conflicts.

    And this is just overseas. Here at home,19 hijackers scared a nation of 300 million people into supporting not only endless and fruitless wars, but security measures and government expansion without precedent in their size, expense, and absurdity. The 9/11 terrorists wanted to induce fear, and they did–beyond their wildest dreams. Writes CNN’s Fareed Zakaria for Newsweek:

    I do not minimize Al Qaeda’s intentions, which are barbaric. I question its capabilities. In every recent conflict, the United States has been right about the evil intentions of its adversaries but massively exaggerated their strength. In the 1980s, we thought the Soviet Union was expanding its power and influence when it was on the verge of economic and political bankruptcy. In the 1990s, we were certain that Saddam Hussein had a nuclear arsenal. In fact, his factories could barely make soap… . Nine years after 9/11, can anyone doubt that Al Qaeda is simply not that deadly a threat? Since that gruesome day in 2001, once governments everywhere began serious countermeasures, Osama bin Laden’s terror network has been unable to launch a single major attack on high-value targets in the United States and Europe. While it has inspired a few much smaller attacks by local jihadis, it has been unable to execute a single one itself. Today, Al Qaeda’s best hope is to find a troubled young man who has been radicalized over the Internet, and teach him to stuff his underwear with explosives.

    Author Bruce Fein has made the case that if the United States took the troop-to-enemy ratio currently in the Middle East and applied it to World War II, America would have stationed three billion soldiers in Europe alone, ten times the size of the current U.S. population. Fein also points out that even though there are about 14,000 murders annually in the U.S., the very thought of an increased police state to address this is anathema to most Americans–yet there is a bipartisan consensus on the need for a national-security state, massively overblown to address a massively exaggerated threat. Writes Zakaria:

    Since September 11, 2001, the U.S. government has created or reconfigured at least 263 organizations to tackle some aspect of the war on terror. The amount of money spent on intelligence has risen by 250 percent, to $75 billion (and that’s the public number, which is a gross underestimate). That’s more than the rest of the world spends put together. Thirty-three new building complexes have been built for intelligence bureaucracies alone, occupying 17 million square feet-the equivalent of 22 U.S. Capitols or three Pentagons. Five miles southeast of the White House, the largest government site in 50 years is being built-at a cost of $3.4 billion-to house the largest bureaucracy after the Pentagon and the Department of Veterans Affairs: the Department of Homeland Security, which has a workforce of 230,000 people.

    This is insane, and yet to say so is the quickest way to prove your own insanity. Defenders of the last president love to claim that “Bush kept us safe.” No, he kept us stupid.

    And Obama is no different. After 9/11, most Americans and indeed the entire world understood the logic of going into Afghanistan, but a decade later, no one understands the reason we are still there, what it has to do with fighting terrorism, what we were ever doing in Iraq, and how either war could possibly prevent another attack. The only reason an American would even think to burn a Koran and the media would think to cover it–and we all would have to worry about it–is because the U.S. has now militarily engaged the Arab world to a degree every bit as extreme as what the 9/11 hijackers hoped they might provoke. The War on Terror is by definition a war without end, and we now seem to have permanently institutionalized it, both domestically and abroad, with literally no end in sight.

    On this ninth anniversary of 9/11, ask this: Where else in history have so few men accomplished so much? And where else in history has a nation so powerful, so quickly become its own worst enemy–all in the name of exacting revenge against so few men?

  5. That is correct "collateral damage". Put in a position to become such by whom? Give peace a chance right?Simple minds always want the world to morph into a Lennon ditty. The problem is there is a world full of people who imagine you not in it, no matter how much serenade them with your plan for peace, love and understanding (sorry E.C.). They just don't like you because you're different. Killing you and your loved ones, including your children - not a problem for them. Collateral terroism, shit happens.

    Read the red highlight above.......sounds like you're referring to the US military in Iraqnam. :huh: ?

  6. Dear Stupid,

    Just as a reminder, Barack Obama has been elected a United States Senator and President of the United States - you know, the job all the Republicans want but can't have. As the first African-American president in history, he is an historic figure. Within his first year in office, he has saved the country and the world from a complete economic collapse, restored American standing in the world, won the Nobel Peace Prize and begun the hard work necessary to restore our infrastructure to pave the way for long-term and sustainable prosperity.

    Palin quit both her jobs and is now writing books for people like you who are stupid enough to buy them.

    "You betcha" Sarah gets a nice $$$ from her book buying lemmings who want to buy that photograph they take of them and her during the pen scratch.......buy it off her website like they do "swimming with the dolphins" down in the Caribbean!

    False, shallow and the best face the GOP has got for itself amongst their trainwreck.........Bimpy Boop Sarah You Betcha!

    Look for her to be doing soft porn before the wrinkles deepen, as the lord is her savior! :blink:

  7. No need for that, I am very happy these days. Every day when I see Obama's poll numbers dropping

    further I immediately begin to feel there's still a chance for America.

    The American public is beginning to recognize the mistake it made in putting this inexperienced community

    organizer who was never in charge of anything, in charge of the U.S. government.

    When I see the huge turnouts for the Tea Party Tours, the 800,000 copies of Palin's book sold in the first week, it's evident the tide has turned.

    As the 3 Amigos keep trying to shove unwanted health bills, cap & tax bills, stimulus and bailout bills, all with tax increases, down America's throat, I feel an elation knowing I'm witnessing the final stumbling moves of

    a doomed imposter to the presidency.

    I would keep that website handy if I were you.

    Got denial, deadender? :huh:

  8. The Dems are in a panic over Palin. She represents everything the Loonys fear; self-reliance, accepting

    responsibility for your own actions, love of God and country and lower taxes. As Obama's numbers keep

    falling, Palin's keeps rising, so all the Loonys can hope to do now is try to discredit her.

    There is a huge Dem backlash building in the U.S. as witnessed by the Tea Party Tour turnouts, 800,000 copies

    of Palin's book sold in the first week and the favorability ratings of congress at 22% and Obama's at 47%.

    The Obama administration is on a fast track to failure with Pelosi and Reid showing the way. I'll be sure to

    remind "Manscum" every time Obama's numbers drop and after the 2010 elections I'll also enumerate all

    the seats the Loonys have lost in Congress. Between the Cap & Tax, Healthcare, Stimulus, Bailouts and other Obama fiascos, Obama is assuring himself of a one-term disaster.

    I can't wait till the voters kick his ass back to Chicago so he can once again become a low-level community

    organizer with his ACORN friends.

    Got hate, deadender? :huh:

  9. Sarah Palin: Fooling None Of The People All Of The Time

    Deepak Chopra Author, Sirius/XM radio host

    Posted: November 23, 2009 08:48 AM

    Last fall it seemed as if Sarah Palin would light a fuse and cause a social explosion. Behind her beauty-pageant smile lurked the shadow, the dark side of human nature. Her tactic of appealing to the worst impulses of the electorate had a long history in the Republican Party. Indeed, Palin inherited the selfish, mean-spirited values of another politician with a gleaming smile, Ronald Reagan.

    When it first dawned in American politics, the shadow was shocking. Values were turned upside down. The AIDS crisis? Ignore it. They deserve what they got. The deficit? Doesn't matter as long as the rich get what they want. Huge unemployment and falling incomes among the working class? Feed them crank social issues so they have someone to hate. Palin breathes this noxious atmosphere like the clear air of Alaska and thrives on it.

    Now, however, Palin brings a smile. When she quit her job as governor, it was obvious that someone had whispered in her ear, "You're fading. Soon you'll be a nobody. Grab the money while you can." And so she did, earning a hefty advance, much of which, fittingly, goes to paying off lawsuits related to her ethical violations while in office. The shadow that seemed so dangerous a year ago has been defanged, reduced to spiteful backbiting against the McCain campaign, the very people who gave Palin her spot in the limelight to begin with.

    I hope the left will take a deep breath and stop treating Palin like a diabolical force. The American character has always had a large dose of orneriness in it, and the more ornery you were, the farther west you moved. Alaska has a reputation for being an icebox for malcontents. Palin came straight from the source, and countless Americans root for her. In hard times, being the bellyacher-in-chief is a valid role. Hence the rise of Glenn Beck.

    But nobody is being fooled. A recent Gallup poll showed that 67% of responders don't want Palin to run for president. Fear of Palin is ill-advised on two counts. First, fear is what the shadow wants. Without it, the shadow has no power. Second, the left needs to learn how to win graciously. The current upheaval in American society, which has been an enormous threat on many fronts, called forth a president and a constituency that knows how to handle crisis. The voices of sanity are prevailing. The solutions that have emerged on all fronts -- economic, social, and international -- represent the best in the American character.

    But you can't expect everyone to join the party. As long as we know that Palin is fooling nobody all of the time, the darker side can be tolerated. The shadow is always with us. Today it's on a book tour.

  10. Jimmy Carter is all smiles these days, he's no longer considered the worst american president ever.

    B.H. Obama now officially owns that title.

    While it took Jimmy 4 years to accomplish this feat, the Annointed One has done it in 10 months.

    Tumor4u!! :blink:

    Longing for the days of cowardly ninnies in wannabe flightsuits ready to "smoke 'em out" for imaginary WMDs in Iraq?

    MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, deadender!! :huh:

    Didja ever get a professional appointment for your anger fixation upon POTUS Barry Obama? Think "vicious consequence" if you DON'T make that call, tumor4u. :lol:

    New Jersey Anger Management Directory


  11. #1 -I do notice you disregarded the comparison with current posts and the past eight years of a delusional hatred towards Bush. I don't hate anyone, if I did, that would give them some sort of power over me. You dislike me, that's fine, you can waste YOUR time with that, and I'll sleep just fine.

    #2 - If I were to steal words, they certainly wouldn't be yours. The "Gracie Allen" comment loses a LITTLE something when you're the only one that gets the joke, but no matter. I didn't realize I needed YOUR permission to post. OHHH!! That's right, I don't.

    Forgive me, everyone, for trying to make the debate a little more civil, and ratchet down the rhetoric just a little. I lost my head, it won't happen again. Manscape, you are in a battle of wits, and you come unarmed.

    #1 - Really Gracie Allen Loki?........you quote my post addressing tumor4u and respond as if I addressed YOU! Not feeling paranoid are yee? A little persecution complex maybe? Are you in the habit of overexplaining your misunderstandings?

    #2 - When will you apologize for the blunt dishonesty in the form of twisting and assigning your fallacy to what I previously posted? I put the link under your snout and you STILL run from it.


    Ignoring your own distortions does NOT make them go away, nor does it add to your credence. Got a problem with this? Go back and read the thread in question then consider your responsibility.

    Meanwhile, one must call you........Gracie Allen Loki!!! :lol::lol::lol:

    #3 - At the lower right corner of each post is a hyperlink titled, "QUOTE".......though you demonstrate English comprehension difficulties (see #1 & #2 my words above).......tap that link EVERYTIME you want to use another's words in the drek you post, even people you despise.


  12. It's been 80 days since General McCrystal requested additional troops.

    Mickey CRYSTAL fulla chit? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............. :blink:

    SAN FRANCISCO -- Just a day after approving a medal claiming former NFL player Pat Tillman had been cut down by "devastating enemy fire" in Afghanistan, a high-ranking general tried to warn President Bush that the story might not be true, according to testimony obtained by The Associated Press.


  13. True enough, New Yorkers are tough, and will handle this like many other tribulations that they face. My question is, do you believe that someone caught ON THE BATTLEFIELD is a law enforcement issue? I don't. A military tribunal is exactly where I expect a "soldier of Allah" to be tried. Fair trial, yes; jury of his peers, NO! How do you afford the rights of this great country to a man who holds our values in disdain.

    A trial in a US court grants KSM the forum to indict this country in a very public forum, and I don't think we should allow it. But, the decision has been made, and time will tell if it is the US at its greatest virtue, or a silver plattered invitation to join the Jihad.

    Incidentally, when they brought Ramzi Youssef back to this country for trial, in a helicopter overlooking the Twin Towers, he is said to have said, the next time they won't be standing. Such was his fear of our criminal justice system.

    Seems like you fear life, Gracie Allen Loki............and maybe your own shadow!

  14. Please tumor4u, consider personal intervention before you bust off and go ballistic. You postings are those of a seething malcontent boiling with unbridled hate for our President, implying a vicious consequence from you delusions. NOT GOOD, deadender

    Boy, its like looking in the rearview mirror of the last eight years. "Seething malcontent . . . . unbridled hate." Pot, meet kettle.

    Truth is, I never had a problem with people that were disgusted by Bush based on policy, it was the personal hatred that I thought peculiar. Same goes for the current President, I don't know him, it is patently unfair for me to unleash a personal diatribe against him. But, I strongly disapprove of his policies. Much like I disapproved of Bush's free spending.

    Regardless of party identification or politics, I believe these men to be good men, with good intentions. Life tells us that it doesn't always work out that way. But, the people that condemn the MAN because they disagree with his politics suffers from a "vicious consequence" of their delusions.

    Wow, "Gracie Allen" Loki returns........

    1- Learn to use the quotations command lest you like being thought a plagiarist.

    2- Go back to the thread http://forums.kearnyontheweb.com/index.php...mp;#entry101615 and undo the warped comprehension you were called on, before re-surfacing with more witlessness that begs the question....."huh?" :huh:

  15. Obama is off again on an Asian sight-seeing tour hoping to borrow more money from China. While in Japan he met the Japanese Emperor and bowed so low he almost kissed the Emperor's shoes. This imposter to the presidency just doesn't get it, the POTUS does not bow to others. But then again, he's president in name only.

    ALSO, he's been in office now for almost a year. Besides breaking the presidential record for world travel,

    what the hell is he doing besides ignoring our general's needs in Afghanistan, trying to totally screw up the

    healthcare system, trying to screw up the economy with cap and trade and driving the U.S. into the deepest debt in history??

    And now he want's to bring SKM to NY to stand trial, granting the wish the terrorist requested when first arrested. If this imposter tried, he couldn't make any worse decisions.

    President Barack Obama could clean bedpans and still dwarf that Bushbuffoon in social class, sophistication and leadership.

    Please tumor4u, consider personal intervention before you bust off and go ballistic. You postings are those of a seething malcontent boiling with unbridled hate for our President, implying a vicious consequence from you delusions. NOT GOOD, deadender. :huh:

  16. Obama's decision to bring the mastermind of 9/11 to NY to go through the farce of a civilian trial is another clear example of the bleeding-heart far left socialist views of this imposter to the presidency.

    This terrorist should have been tried in a military court right after he was captured and then hung. To bring him to NY where so many Americans died because of him is an outrage to all the families who lost family and loved ones that day.

    We all know the circus this trial will turn into with defense attorneys dragging this on for months at a cost of

    millions of taxpayer dollars.

    All we need now is a loony socialist judge to turn him loose because he was waterboarded.

    Personally I think that's what Obama's hoping for.

    Thanks Tumor4u for another opportunity to dispute you fully.

    It is a brilliant, absolutely BRILLIANT decision to bring Khalid Shaikh Mohammed into New York City to face trial for organizing the 9-11-01 attacks and the entire world will applaud it.

    It is symbolic of American virtue and justice to hold the trial of a very unique criminal right in the heart of the epic crime scene itself.

    New York City is the greatest city in the entire world, fully entitled and poetically obliged to stage the legal prosecution of the 9-11-01 accused. Tough as terror itself, New York City and every victim of 9-11-01 DESERVES no less than this trial to be held as planned.

    If President Barack Obama indeed made this decision, his leadership CONTINUES to dwarf the Bushninny's by comparison.

    Tumor4u, because "so many Americans died" in New York City on 9-11-01 is precisely why the trial should take place there. Our fellow Americans and New York City metropolitans that lost life, love and limb on 9-11-01 will embrace this somber affair and its perfect venue with the steel of personal conviction and the best possible expectation of closure, something the Bushwreck was incapable of grasping as they incessantly played the fearcard upon a vulnerable America. Tell me how anyone personally affected by 9-11-01 in New York City would willingly pass the work of bringing justice to those events to any other location BUT New York City?

    It's a shame that political protocol limits the criticism by one presidential administration to another. It's the game that must be played by our leadership. But in turn to your mindreading about President Obama's thoughts and true intentions, I mindread that President Obama's regard for G W Bush is with disgust and even shock for the almost comical blunderings and fascist ego and hypocritical cowardice that the Bush era symbolizes.

    You are a chippie of Beck and a ditto of limpo, Tumor4u. Complete with the little zinger about how much the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed trial will cost. Doncha remember that bumpersticker that says, "Freedom is not Free"? :huh:

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