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Audrey Nash

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Everything posted by Audrey Nash

  1. Audrey Nash


    Notice that it says "EX" Kearny Football Parent, So I am not who you think I am. I dislike that person too. But what seems to happen is when this current "Board" and I use that term very loosely gets challenged they turn the attention to someone, use attacks on person's character to avoid the spotlight. say you!! Answer these IMPORTANT questions. #1 Is there money to cover the $1750 awarded in scholarships as of today's date? To be clear, the 7 students you awarded $250 to for school which starts in 2 months, do you have that money in the account RIGHT NOW? That would seem to be a problem, wouldn't you agree? From what i understood their was only 3 scholarships awarded this year #2 How come over $15,000 was raised last year, and there is only a balance of less than $20 in the account? This happenes EVERY year; other booster clubs of sports within the High School have over $25,000 in their account and actively support their athletes. How come Football, the most popular sport in the USA, cannot have similar results? $15,000 dollars was raised?where did you hear that from the convict? #3 How come there is ALWAYS a problem with the Football Booster Club? You are accusing a person from the Wrestling Club, well I never see or hear of problems with that booster club. The problem ALWAYS lies with Football. Why is that? The proplems started when the convicts girlfriend did not get elected president of the club.wHO ACCUSED ANY MEMBER OF THE WRESTLING CLUB OF ANYTHING . here. Just to keep it simple. Answer these questions before we move on to another topic, and don't use fluff and false allegations to avoid the real reasons and answers. Please for the sake of the kids involved who also read this stuff of these forms, please stop with the name calling. Families have been effected by the carrying on of all parties involved and it has to stop. No one here has a personal interest in what has been going on here then me and my children and contrary to what anyone thinks it is effecting all of us very seriously. I for one am heading into this season with the anticipation that the personal tensions are going to ruin it for the kids. Just stop now.
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