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Everything posted by oldfart56

  1. why is the town having problems with the best teacher to hit town in years!A PROUD AMERICAN IS 100 % RIGHT! the town has lost its way in the dark! and kearny IS IN ITS DARK DAYS! the very thing that our life and laws are made of is at risk! when god is left out of teaching in school the very way of life in the usa is at risk! thats just what UBL WANTS! the town folk NEEDS TO WAKE UP AND ASK GOD TO FORGIVE THE STUPID DUMB THINGS SOME FOLK ARE SAYING! this is a good time for kearny to " repent" for pushing god out of schools and every day life
  2. this is something i do know about in kearny! its NOT WALL MART!! its the deal the store operators made with the wholsalers! if you do not sell or over price what you sell you are going to close! thats it! also look at the town when you start a store "do you have what the folks in that town will buy? lets say you want to sell quad runners! or "snow craft" things that you put on a trailer to take where you can ride" where do you keep them in kearny? yah out of towners will buy some but is that enough to stay in biss? NO I DO NOT BACK SANTOS AT ALL ! but the town needs things that folks will buy and use! oh for the "right price too" also the TAXES THAT YOU PAY IN NJ IS WAY OUT OF WACK! I LOOK "AROUND" FLA AND SEE BIG COMPS/BISS THAT WAS IN NJ! they ship stuff up north to you its cheeper than stocking it there !! i posted that you need to look at your history and see where the town has gone wrong! and i still stand by that! oh yah my mom and dad had a store in kearny from 1959 to 1964 at 149 kearny ave and it was the same thing then as it is now!!!
  3. oldfart56


    hey dipp it did show on cnn! but cnn did warn all that would "see "it that it showed our guys getting killed! so wake up ! your not as smart as you think you are!!! dang where is spell check when you need it!!
  4. hey patriot your state is so bad that ALL the news shows on tv for the last month has used HUDSON COUNTY for a exmp of how NOT TO RUN A STATE ! and sorry kearny is in that mess! YOU VOTED THAT MESS INTO POWER! yah we have the bush gang down here but not for long! BUT!!! i still say a 3rd party is what is needed and stop funding the races with corp money! st a limit for running that ALL can not go over and keep it low like 500,000$ both partys are FULL OF CROOKS ! TIME TO CLEAN HOUSE! our kids need a better start to life than this!!!
  6. look do you want change or not? if you do then this IS A GREAT PLACE TO START! BUT "YOU" MUST DO IT ! i can't im in fla 'BUT" WE DOWN HERE ARE GOING TO TRY!! just start talking about it ! on line and anywhere you can !
  7. why are you all wasting time posting about this stuff? the time has come to CLEAN HOUSE!!" fire ALL of them" and start fresh ! put in a 3rd party and STOP ALL BIG MONEYS ALL OF IT! and play fair! take the prices off the jobs!! not for sale!!
  8. aw your just mad because i said somthing 1st! and it just shows how small your mind is ! look its time for a change in FLA &NJ! the bushes and the repubs are out of controll time for a 3rd party!! but you are to small minded to care!!!!!!!
  9. ya think thats funny! JEB BUSH was his best pal! and no hes not from my part of the state! hes from so n.y.c aka dade county!! and the key west zone aka fag ville!!! :
  10. me thinks this last post was John! well this is to {JOHN} LAST YEAR I ASKED YOU SOMETHING AND YOU DID NOT !! TELL THE TRUTH! SO NOW IS THE TIME! clean the bones from the "campbell closets" i think you and bill would do good for the town "BUT" ONLY IF YOU DO IT FOR THE RIGHT REASONS! make big JOHN YOUR DAD PROUD! HE WAS A GREAT GUY! DO THE RIGHT THING FOR KEARNY!!!
  11. dang would you know the truth if it fell on you? when are you gona wake up?this was a real problem for our gov ! and the pres had way way to much say on this! and it was NOT JUST DEMS BUT BOTH SIDES! stop playing with party lines" start to see the truth for your self! oh we are a country of laws and rights! hey you just blew out your blow hole!!!
  12. you do not know the truth! so here is a fact when baby bush got made pres by the court jesters" he went to work to COVER UP DADY BUSH AND DUBBAS RECORDS! thats right he had to seal ALL THE RECORDS FOR 70+ YEARS!! so the truth is they all had the dirt on the hands!from dady to bill he had to hide the truth! now big biss wants to blind you to the facts with bullshit!!! wake up! now we are in real trouble! so who ya gona blame for the next hit? humm??? and no im not a dem or rep im {independent}!!!!!!! I THINK FOR MY SELF! YOU SHOULD TRY IT!!!
  13. well thank you! i think the other 2 are gents too! im in good company!
  14. well you have bigger problems than a cell tower! there is more things going over your head than cell waves! and you still have the worst dump EVER under your nose! the air and dust from years of all kinds of metal work! the towers are like power lines ! you gota live with them
  15. what boat did you fall of??? you are not from kearny or you are a newbe very new!!some of us old timers do know a better nicer kearny!!!thats why we post about it! so think "if you can" why or what would make us so angry about what we see!!!
  16. oldfart56

    Movin on OUT

    YOUR RIGHT ""NOT"" i left to have more room! my dad and i was pushed out by the county growth no room for horses or the trucks my dad and i had ! things you will understand ! now thats sad because my dad was in kearny from 1904! and i was born there so who the hell are to judge me or anybody !!!!
  17. oldfart56

    Movin on OUT

    ok this had a name back in the 50/60s whit flight! and for what its worth we down here in fla SEE IT ALL OF THE TIME!! i started posting with the statment FLA SAYS NO! OR STAY AWAY NOT IN FLA!! thats from all the STUPID YANKEES AND THE DUMB IDEAS THEY BRING ! like m/v insp or higher taxes for things you should do your self!! i said FIX THE PROBLEMS IN KEARNY AND STAY HOME!! and "you still can" starting with dumping santos and his crew!! so read that pice and WAKE UP!!!!
  18. feelgood flagy has HIS" IDEA" about whats going on and for what its worth for the most part hes right! BUT NOT ALL ARE TRASH AND WE CAN HOPE THE REST WILL CHANGE FOR THE BETTER! dump santos and his cronies! then theres hope but you still have the gangs to work with!! and the way to stop that is JOBS JOBS WORK! i said it many times on this site a kid working is way to busy to get in the gang mode! now do you feelgood???
  19. oldfart56

    port-brazil out

    this is funny! they say the same thing to "me"down here! must be a jersey thing!
  20. oldfart56


    THAT WAS J****H LIGHTNING! SORRY I DID NOT MAKE THAT UP! KOTW Note: The above post was edited for content.
  21. slimey hold on hes just doing what i hope ANY KEARNYITE SHOULD DO! he was born in town and has a birth right to see that the town lives! he mite not be right! but do not poo him! this is a very importent clame you make! and no i do not agree with all he says but if more old blood like him would care to give input the town would be better off! and he also knows whats in the dumps like ash pits and very hot chem pools! i would like him to post on that too!!!
  22. oldfart56

    JULY 4th

    NO YAH TELLING THE TRUTH? santos dump the 4th? man what will he screw next? BUT TAXES WILL GO UP!!!COUNT ON THAT!!!!
  23. oldfart56


    things are out of wack with the court!at the time of this post abc tv has a show on " it is a warning! but is it right or wrong? some of us have more time to hear and see the news and to hear what folks say and think! but we are a "very small group" most of you reading this post do not have the time to give your familys never mind seeing and hearing what the gov/big bis yes big biss! doing and saying you get small bits of news on your way to work that is if you have the raido on in your car! loki is very very right we gave up the right to gov our self!IT IS TIME WE/YOU WAKE UP! slow down and try to do something yah it will be very hard the courts like the power they have!!!
  24. oldfart56

    The Observer

    well you did so now whos the fool????you have been reading my posts so it WORKS !! now fool whatyah gona say???? noten dats it!
  25. oldfart56

    The Observer

    sorry that was kearnynews.blogspot.com good reading!
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