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Just looking

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Everything posted by Just looking

  1. I'm tired of reading on this site, and in the newspapers about immigrants wanting to come here to make a better life for themselves, and how we all are here because our parents / grandparents / great-grandparents etc were immigrants. First, they came here LEGALLY....meaning they got on a ship / plane whichever, came to the USA, went and got their papers to stay and MOST became AMERICAN citizens. They did not come here on a raft / jump a fence / hide in a trunk of a car etc and go get the modern day "papers"....WELFARE! That's called ILLEGAL! Second, they came here and WORKED...appreciated the American way of life, AND RESPECTED this country. They didn't have welfare / foodstamps / WIC handed to them. Nor were they able to get an apartment at a lower rent, called Section 8. Yes there are Americans (white, black, polish, irish, hispanic ALL LEGAL) that are on welfare but I can guarantee you; you go to any welfare office in the USA and you will see the AMERICANS are in the minority in that office. Third, they learned the English language which, if you didn't notice is the language we Americans have used as our primary language. Fourth, crime, for starters the people involved in "organized crime" did NOT kill / maime / injure INNOCENT people with a drive - by / stray bullet etc....they killed / hurt each other ~ NOT innocent women / children / men walking down the street minding their business, being shot so a person can get "initiated" into their gang....or because of the color of their clothing or the way they walked or because they looked at somebody. The "riff-raff" you speak of fought with their fist, NOT guns. Of course the riff-raff I speak of had their battles with the Ghetto Boys. NEVER seen a gun amongst them. As for "shaving heads" to move to Germany, one only needs to move to Anytown USA and see EVERY ethnic race with shaved heads. When the people came from Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain etc they were NOT given an option to PRESS 1 for English PRESS 2 for German PRESS 3 for Italian etc. And ALL these other luxuries the ILLEGAL people are getting. So, if anything I would say my paternal grandparents and maternal great-grandparents were discrimnated against. So, let me put this ALL in perspective for you. Immigrants of yesteryear, came here LEGALLY. Immigrants of yesteryear WORKED to better themselves NOT DEMAND more from us. Immigrants of yesteryear were PROUD to be Americans. Immigrants of yesterday were THANKFUL for the opportunity that was GIVEN them. Immigrants of yesteryear LEARNED the ENGLISH language. Immigrants of yesteryear made the USA what it is today....NOT sucked it dry e.g. medical / welfare / ALL insurance. You can construe this as being racist and if being against ILLEGAL people entering MY country taking MY money and ABUSING OUR system, makes me a racist....then so be it.....I'll be known as a racist against ILLEGAL PEOPLE entering this country ILLEGALLY from which ever country they came from. I remember going to school with LEGAL immigrants from Poland, Portugal and Spain...who were PROUD to be here, and RESPECTED people and our country. But not the ILLEGAL people coming today, MOST are looking for the AMERICAN DREAM....a WELFARE CHECK AND FREE RIDE. Okay, Im off my soapbox....I'm sure there are some who will dissect my grammar / spelling etc but people that have a BRAIN, will understand my point.
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