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Minority Hirings

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How does the town of harrison get away with what seems like a program of NOT hiring minorities. Portugese ARE NOT HISPANIC. Where are the African American, Asian or Hispanic employees in the Fire Department and Police Department? The Council has its paid for token Hispanic Vic with his illegal handicap parking spot in front of his house. The rest are all white. Just the way they want to keep it. I think its about time that the Town of Harrison hire some minority employees (including women) into the above mentioned departments. How about it Mayor "Whitebread" McDonough. The make-up of certain departments, especially the Fire Department, is a real shame. I would still like to know if the firefighter from Livingston was moved up the list and hired by Harrison because his father is in the same plumbers union is true? According to him it is. Lets get some minorities on-board to represent the future population of the town. Thank You.

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How does the town of harrison get away with what seems like a program of NOT hiring minorities. Portugese ARE NOT HISPANIC. Where are the African American, Asian or Hispanic employees in the Fire Department and Police Department? The Council has its paid for token Hispanic Vic with his illegal handicap parking spot in front of his house. The rest are all white. Just the way they want to keep it. I think its about time that the Town of Harrison hire some minority employees (including women) into the above mentioned departments. How about it Mayor "Whitebread" McDonough. The make-up of certain departments, especially the Fire Department, is a real shame. I would still like to know if the firefighter from Livingston was moved up the list and hired by Harrison because his father is in the same plumbers union is true? According to him it is. Lets get some minorities on-board to represent the future population of the town. Thank You.

tell them to pass the test moron!!!!!!!! Why should they be given special treatment I am on the list waiting for my call because I scored high on the test. I am sick of minorities getting special treatment in this country. Wake up America!!!!!!!!!!!

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These "minorities" constitute a large part of the United States poulation. Whatever list you are on, go and see your local politician because even though I have heard that nothing can be done about scores on Civil Service test, what I see tells me different. FD and PD jobs should reflect the population. You are a stupid and weak minded little person who still lives with mommy and daddy. Get a real job you spoiled little brat.

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Guest Just a thought

Maybe if the public schools would educate instead of forming unions for big pay off's people might have a better chance at the tests for better jobs. Think about it. Everyone should have an equil shot at these jobs everyone.

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why should everything be minorities. That's all we here. We as americans born here have more say then the foreigners that are here illegal. They put us out of work while they get job that pay peanutsbut they can live with little pay because they all live 20-30 in one apartment all chipping in on the bills. then they send the money to their countries to bring all the family here.

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Well DUH ! Apparently you don't know that entrance exams are highly competitive. There are usually hundreds of candidates for police and firefighters exams. There may be only less than ten actually hired off any one list. Certainly those born and raised here and many with college degrees will perform better on an entrance exam than those from other countries who , in many instances don't even speak english very well. If someone named Jose or Mohammad can take a test and finish at the top of the list, he will be hired.

Now that you know why, you can drop your moronic questions.

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None of this brainless dribble addresses the original question as to why there are almost no minorities working for the town.

I think the answer was given. they can't pass the test. and when you speak

with the minorites they don't want firmen or police jobs, they have no civic

pride. they want to make money then go back home. I know that there

has to be some intelligent minorities out there. If they would come out maybe

they can make this town better?????????????????????????

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In order to be eligible for a position on either the PD or FD, one must first pass a NJ Dept. of Personnel Entrance Exam for the Police or Fire Dept's.

These tests are announced by the State and posted in the Town Hall, as well as

online. Tests are held when a previous list expires and the town determines that it needs to have a list available to hire from.

The town lost a major Federal Lawsuit to a minority group about 10 years ago. As part of the settlement, it actively recruits minorities to take the entrance exam from surrounding communities

If the number of minorities employees does not suit you, complain to the state so they can lower the standards a little more.

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"They want to make money then go back home?" You must be talking about the current group and not anyone else. Each citizen in town should get free taxes if they can spot, nevermind name, 5 fireman is one weeks time. They are the unltimate come to town for their check and then leave for there homes elsewhere.

Concerning the list, it must just be a coincidence that so many family members taking the NJ Firemans test can end up in Harrison together. It has 60 members. The odds have got to be in the millions that so many family members would end up in the Town of Harrison, and I do mean million$$$$. The Civil Service List is manipulated just like anything else in Hudson County. You are just a little kiss-ass j/o mo**erf***er who graduates from Harrison High and then realizes the whole world does not occur in one square mile and that most companies don't give a damn if you know the Mayor or his band of merry idiots. Just get that town job and move to Toms River, Belmar, or Brick and join the others who had to settle for the World of Harrison because they were afraid to make it on their own.

KOTW Note: The above post was edited for content.

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i is trying master to earn a spell award and extra pay sir,remainbert i is a fto and leader of the fpo no............pof...........no fop their i gots it sergeon!

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minorities in the pd , get a life dude just ask a few of them boys they just screw them not hire them. soon enough the axe will fall,run cowards run...no more fast food hits or gov cheese or even portugese rolls to butter chief

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