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Double Parked


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Why don't they get one of the "bravest" Harrison fireman out of bed to do the crossings. The statistics show they are clearly not fighting any fires. It would be so weird to see one of them actually doing some work. How about Baggy?

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stop bitchin about it already pick up the dam phone and talk to traffic director either millroy or yanuzzi. it's not the patrolman's fault a-hole call it for what it is that dam waste of a preacher you all kiss ass too. there's a waste of a sgt. why?

call the farinha people tell them to stop baking for jt and crew. :P

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First of all, their is no "Traffic Director." Secondly, I think a civilian Traffic Dept would be great for patronage and votes for the Mayor while freeing up more cops to work the street. There are so many Sergeants and Lieutenents now that there is nowhere to put them. WHY IS THE TOWN GIVING A POLICE PROMOTIONAL EXAM IF THERE IS NO ROOM AT THE INN. TO WASTE MORE TAXPAYER MONEY? You make a great case for not making anymore promtions in the Police Dept. If anymore were made it would start to resemble the Fire Department where it seems everyone has rank and we wouldn't want that, would we?

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First of all, their is no "Traffic Director." Secondly, I think a civilian Traffic Dept would be great for patronage and votes for the Mayor while freeing up more cops to work the street. There are so many Sergeants and Lieutenents now that there is nowhere to put them. WHY IS THE TOWN GIVING A POLICE PROMOTIONAL EXAM IF THERE IS NO ROOM AT THE INN. TO WASTE MORE TAXPAYER MONEY? You make a great case for not making anymore promtions in the Police Dept. If anymore were made it would start to resemble the Fire Department where it seems everyone has rank and we wouldn't want that, would we?

They are giving the test to see if "Their People" score high. If they do, they'll be made. If others come out high, there will be a need to eliminate positions. It amazes me there are people in town who don't know this yet. Where have you been the past 60 years. Frank did the same thing. Nothing changed. It's the same $hit only with different flies.

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Guest guest_Guest
You should see the doughnut factory on 3rd st. in the am. its pretty sad !!

free coffee& doughnuts if your in uniform . No ticket books accepted.

Maybe someone should tell these Cops they are not to accept anything for free...That is supposed to be illegal..a honest cop wouldnt accept anything for free are there any of them left..???????????????????

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