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New Equipment

Guest MDT

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The Harrison PD is woefully in need of modern equipment and a new police facility.

We have no video cameras or mobile digital terminals in the cars which leads to a less safe environment for our officers. Every time that we make a mv stop we must call the dispatchers to find out info about the driver.

Most Police departments have this equipment. Even East Newark has video cameras in their cars. It helps the officer defend against false charges and records the event as it takes place.

We just received a homeland security grant for 70,000. Instead of wasting it on a new Emergency response Van that wil be seldom used if past history is a guide, we should use it to but this needed equipment.

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Guest it's easy

you have to do him some favors. thats what it's all about. The only other way is told something above his head, or his families. ask RC or TP

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that new equipment might hurt you guys a little bit. you know they'll have on tape some of the corrupt things you do. not to mention the things you say to people you're trying to arrest, i heard some good stories wonder if IA ever heard them...haha

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