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James Doran

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although I adore Jimmy......he doesn't know what it's like either.
HE'LL NEVER KNOW NEITHER. I don't think he's doing a good job as POLICE COMMISIONER NEITHER. The rumor of him running for MAYOR may be true to, but he's looking out for his best interest, get controll of the re-development and have his company sell the homes and condos, come on. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE LATELY!! ANOTHER PUPPET TRYING TO CUT OFF THE STRINGS, BUT NO B*LLS.
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James -


Run with an entire new slate (except maybe Artie). Ditch the rest of them --- they are useless!

If you dont speak up, you will be considered "one of them" and go down on the sinking ship.

AND RUN FOR MAYOR.............. This is the time for maximum support, speak out against this runaway regime. You will be supported....
so you want jim doran to run for mayor. lets state the facts. #he has never done anything for anyone in the 4 ward,2 he is in favor of same sex marraige ** **** ** ** ****** ** ***** *** *** ********** 3 he wanted to become a priest at one time but changed his mind when he decieded he wanted to have sex. so where do you think jim workes i will tell you in a school with all boys????

if he had become a priest some 20 years ago, we might be readind about him in all the papers, you know the story priest has sex with alter boys.

is that what you to run for mayor get real.

KOTW Note: The above post was edited for inappropriate content.

Posted: Apr 3 2004, 07:50 PM 


Jim Doran for Mayor, what a joke? He has been a disaster as Police Chairman. He is the cause of the present problems with the PBA. If he had backed the last Chief, we wouldn't have these problems. Instead, he invited the PBA boys over his house, drank with them and conspired to overturn discipline. He even had *** ********* ******** ***** ** ***** ****** ***. The cop *** ********* *** got promoted to Sergeant and is often seen over Doran's house. He should do the Town a favor and move to *** ******** where he can ***** *** ****** ********* ** **** ***** ******.


James -


He's to Chicken SH*t, he knows what happens if he does, look at what happened to Millan when he tried to Distance himself. I heard they went as far as trying to get him fired from his job in the county.QUOTE 

Run with an entire new slate (except maybe Artie). Ditch the rest of them --- they are useless!

If you dont speak up, you will be considered "one of them" and go down on the sinking ship.

I think he is one of them already or maybe not, but I believe he can't handle the preasure

And nothing came from the guy. He Just doesn't have what it takes. He may be an intelligant guy, this Doran, but no *****. The mayor is a good plummer, and James is a good a** kisser.

Does someone actully believe he'll be a good MAYOR.++++++++++++++++

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