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Guest mike

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Guest make a call

Answer to your question, THEY ARE NOT! if this is happening on your street call the police, if you ignore the problem, it can't be fixed. So maake a call to the police and report this vehicle so it can be ticketed and or towed.

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I found this laughable as any time I've ever called on the 4 commercial vehicles (owned by a single family) parked overnight (and often for several days) the police respond with, "we'll send someone out there", and they never show. One commercial van has been parked in the same spot for two straight weeks as it snowed the day street cleaning was to be done, and the other day was a holiday.

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"too busy" lmao what do they have to be busy with in this town? they're not stopping all the vandalism, certainly not doing anything about parking. Hell I'm lazy, I should go become a police officer too :angry:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest FacilitateNoMore
"too busy" lmao what do they have to be busy with in this town? they're not stopping all the vandalism, certainly not doing anything about parking. Hell I'm lazy, I should go become a police officer too  :)

Three words; There to busy with those criminals from Lying Makes Cash on the pike.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Got a ticket

how is it that commercial vehicles get to park overnight on town streets?

Not only did I get a ticket for overnight commercial parking my work van was towed away .......the law the really burns me is that.....you can't block your own driveway you own your house pay taxes yet you can't park in front of your own driveway.....Go figure

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Ok, Now things are bad, im getting a ticket for parking on the corner in the yellow lines, but there are construction vans that are taking up regular parking spaces, Anyone know what i can do about this? Thanks for your help.

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"too busy" lmao what do they have to be busy with in this town? they're not stopping all the vandalism,

Actually, it was just a few days ago that I noticed that the bus stop right next to Vet's Field had recently been whitewashed of all graffiti...I'm sure there's one or two scribbles on it again already (and you can't blame that on them...would you be willing to pay for people to clean that stuff up on a daily basis?), but considering this happened very recently, I wouldn't say they're completely ignoring this problem.

EDIT: And yesterday saw a stop sign that I was used to seeing some (admittedly funny) graffiti on that was also gone.

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how is it that commercial vehicles get to park overnight on town streets?

Not only did I get a ticket for overnight commercial parking my work van was towed away .......the law the really burns me is that.....you can't block your own driveway you own your house pay taxes yet you can't park in front of your own driveway.....Go figure

Is that true? That seems so weird...are you sure they just weren't aware that it was both your vehicle and your driveway?

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Guest Guest
Ok, Now things are bad, im getting a ticket for parking on the corner in the yellow lines, but there are construction vans that  are taking up regular parking spaces, Anyone know what i can do about this? Thanks for your help.

I know what you can do....dont park in the yellow!

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Guest Guest
Ok, Now things are bad, im getting a ticket for parking on the corner in the yellow lines, but there are construction vans that  are taking up regular parking spaces, Anyone know what i can do about this? Thanks for your help.

Make sure the mayor Knows that you're tired of the Judge Automatically Dismissing Commercial Vehicle Tickets...There is NO Incentive to Stop parking when they get their tickets dismissed with an unsworn affadavit. It doesnt matter HOW many tickets get written when there is ZERO PENALTY.

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Is that true? That seems so weird...are you sure they just weren't aware that it was both your vehicle and your driveway?

Parking within a curb cut is a violation and has been for decades no matter who the vehicle is registered to. It has been the practice, though, not to issue a summons unless the resident makes a complaint. Some years ago, I believe when the issue of permit parking on some streets by Belleville Turnpike was discussed, it was also suggested that permit parking should be allowed across ones own driveway. Nothing came of it, but it would do no harm to have it brought up again at a Town Council meeting.

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Guest Guest
Is that true? That seems so weird...are you sure they just weren't aware that it was both your vehicle and your driveway?

Title 39:4-138..one of the subsections, maybe "I" states you cannot block any driveway, including your own. Most times AFAIK KPD wont bother anyone unless there's a call complaining about the blocked driveway. But hey, keep complaining..call the Mayor, call D'Arco, and eventually they'll lean on the PD to go 100% Enforcement with NO discretion. 3 inches over the line? Ticket; Just running in the store? Ticket. of course then the same folks complaining about the PD doing nothing will be here calling them nazis and comparing them to No Arlington.

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Title 39:4-138..one of the subsections, maybe "I" states you cannot block any driveway, including your own.  Most times AFAIK KPD wont bother anyone unless there's a call complaining about the blocked driveway.  But hey, keep complaining..call the Mayor, call D'Arco, and eventually they'll lean on the PD to go 100% Enforcement with NO discretion. 3 inches over the line?  Ticket; Just running in the store?  Ticket.  of course then the same folks complaining about the PD doing nothing will be here calling them nazis and comparing them to No Arlington.

Hmm...well, I really don't understand the point of the law being written that way. Though...I guess once you're past the driveway it's not private property anymore and then it's their call (doesn't mean I'm saying they made the right call)...or maybe it's just that way to make enforcing it easier.

I will say this about 'strictness' of enforcement...there are several things that are illegal that I think shouldn't be (e.g. driving without a seat belt), but for the things that are illegal and for a good reason, I would much rather have cops who were stringent than cops who are lenient. I'd rather get a fine for something small than see something 'medium' or big be gotten away with because of lax enforcement.

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Guest Guest
Didn't Kearny pass an ordinance a few years ago allowing you to block your own driveway?

The town Can't pass a law that is less restrictive than state statute, only more restrictive, which is why the Town Ordinance, allowing Driveways to be bloced was overruled.

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Didn't Kearny pass an ordinance a few years ago allowing you to block your own driveway?

My post of April 26: Some years ago, I believe when the issue of permit parking on some streets by Belleville Turnpike was discussed, it was also suggested that permit parking should be allowed across ones own driveway. Nothing came of it, but it would do no harm to have it brought up again at a Town Council meeting.

The vehicle is blocking a curb cut the town allowed the property owner to make. The street, the curb and the first ten feet into the property from the curb all belong to the town. In addition, if you have a tree in your front yard within those ten feet it may belong to the town and permission may be necessary to perform any work on it.

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