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Where's "A Proud American" ?

Guest Patriot

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No matter what I ever posted about zero, A Proud American was always there to defend him. Until lately.

I'm sure our Proud American is embarrassed about defending him and has come to realize I was right about everything I ever said about our feckless Coward in Chief. It's hard to defend someone who in 6+ years has polarized this nation the way zero has done, not to mention our debt, our economy and a myriad of other issues. And it's not just A Proud American, all of zero's supporters have been strangely silent lately. I guess they'll all be voting Republican in Nov.

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Defending President Obama isn't hard at all. All you have to do is examine all the facts instead of just swallowing the partisan propaganda they feed you on Fox. Tens of millions of gullible Americans buy the Fox and Limbaugh propaganda but that doesn't make it true.

President Obama will go down in history with a huge positive accomplishment: the passage of a national health care system. Presidents since Theodore Roosevelt - who was a Republican when that was an honorable political affiliation to have - tried to get a national health care system but they couldn't get it done. President Obama got it done. The right wing propaganda machine did everything it could do to take down the law. It failed. The law is here to stay, and history will record its passage as a great and historic achievement.

Our economy is in far better shape than it was nearly six years ago, when President Obama took office. The biggest problem with our economy is that the so-called conservatives refuse to pass a job bill or an infrastructure bill, or take on the necessary conversion we must undertake to renewable energy sources. That is why unemployment remains high despite record-high stock averages. The hyperinflation predicted by the right-wing chicken-littles never happened. You can't fairly blame the president when the Republican majority in the House absolutely refuses to do anything he proposes to do; along with a large enough minority in the Senate to filibuster any action there. Time after time, President Obama has proposed additional programs to create jobs, and time after time the Republicans have blocked them.

Disagreeing with the President of the opposite party is one thing, an expected and acceptable part of our system. Disagreeing with him, and refusing to consider his proposals just because he is the one who put them forward, is unacceptable but tragically, the right wing now thinks that it is acceptable. As a result, Senate minority leader McConnell said publicly that his single greatest objective was to deny President Obama a second term - not to pass laws that would help our country but to do anything to keep President Obama from being re-elected. He didn't succeed in denying President Obama a second term but he has made sure that nothing has gotten done. When he and other Republicans in Congress act like that; when Fox feeds you a daily diet of anti-Obama propaganda; and when you spit out that propaganda on this forum, refusing to call President Obama by his name or his office: he is not the one dividing our country. You and your right-wing thought masters are.

See, that wasn't hard at all, and the best thing about it is: it's all true.

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Yeah you're right. zerO's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

No, President Obama is just a far sight better than those clowns you support. And we're at war now, not by choice but because our hand was forced. Since when do Patriots call the Commander-in-Chief disrespectful names during a war? You're no patriot. You're a jackass.

You wanted a response, you got one. If you had anything intelligent to say, and were capable of saying anything intelligent on these subjects, you would have said it. Now go climb back up your tree. It's dark.

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Let's get one thing straight, zero is no CIC. The title comes with his election by white guilters, certainly nothing he earned or deserved. As a socialist community organizer, I wouldn't trust him with a boy scout group.


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Let's get one thing straight, zero is no CIC. The title comes with his election by white guilters, certainly nothing he earned or deserved. As a socialist community organizer, I wouldn't trust him with a boy scout group.


As I said, you're a jackass. Barack Obama is the duly elected President of the United States, by majority vote, twice. That makes him Commander-in-Chief, whether you like it or not. Bad-mouthing the President just because you didn't vote for him is anti-patriotic and anti-American. If that became the norm, our country couldn't function as one nation.

You're reinterpretation of his election does not change that fact and he is our president, and your opinion does not speak for our country. You right wingers always insist on complete agreement with Republican presidents in time of war. Well, we're now at war with ISIS, a war you were clamoring for just a few days ago. But now that President Obama has taken action, perhaps you're against it.

You have no shame and no objectivity at all. It's one set of rules for everyone else, and no rules for you. Live by the rules you set for others.

So I stand corrected. You're not merely a jackass. You're also a hypocrite.

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zerO had an opportunity to crush ISIS 6 weeks ago but was afraid to get involved. Now he's forced to finally do something because of the beheadings. zerO has more interest in playing golf than being president, he's more comfortable on the golf course. 70% of Americans agree with me. zerO's inaction and dithering over the last 2 months prove he's no CIC and if the last election was held today all the polls say Romney would win big.

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zerO had an opportunity to crush ISIS 6 weeks ago but was afraid to get involved. Now he's forced to finally do something because of the beheadings. zerO has more interest in playing golf than being president, he's more comfortable on the golf course. 70% of Americans agree with me. zerO's inaction and dithering over the last 2 months prove he's no CIC and if the last election was held today all the polls say Romney would win big.

You're hardly an intelligence expert. If we went to war every time the hawks said we should, we'd be in a dozen wars by now. I am grateful that President Obama has kept us out of war until now. That may be a minority view at the moment but it doesn't make it wrong.

As for President Obama's commitment to the job, it's as good as that of any president in a very long time. Point is, we're in a war now, and the fact is, Romney lost. We have one Commander-in-Chief, and we should stand behind him and our military. You're not going to get another chance to vote against him, and he's going to complete his second term, so stop whining about the last two elections and start acting like what you claim to be.

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