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Victory for Kearny Schools

Guest Choo Choo Charlie

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Guest Choo Choo Charlie

Sweet victory for the Doran - Lowry - Lindenfelser ticket. Glad to see the voters in Kearny had the good sense to recognize that real change is much needed. Good luck. You've got a lot of work to do, but you're all up to the challenge!

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Sweet victory for the Doran - Lowry - Lindenfelser ticket. Glad to see the voters in Kearny had the good sense to recognize that real change is much needed. Good luck. You've got a lot of work to do, but you're all up to the challenge!

The five stooges have a letter in today's Observer defending their outrageous misconduct. Unfortunately, only one of them was up for election this time: Castelli. He was soundly trounced. A proposed sixth stooge was also trounced: Campbell.

Kearny spoke loud and clear in voting Castelli OUT and in "returning" Campbell to his house, where he is less likely to hurt anyone. There is no doubt that if the other four stooges had been up for election, they would have been trounced too.

The people of Kearny are not stupid. Now that the Board elections aren't free-standing any more, friends and family won't be enough to get these knuckleheads elected. Over the next two years, the other stooges will be voted out. Meanwhile, we have five responsible members, enough to restore sanity to the Board.

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Guest Charmin

Sad part is the damage the current board created in just one year.

No, the sad part is the BOE has and always will be a CESSPOOL no matter who is there, that is just Kearny.

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Guest Dumbing of a Town

The five stooges have a letter in today's Observer defending their outrageous misconduct. Unfortunately, only one of them was up for election this time: Castelli. He was soundly trounced. A proposed sixth stooge was also trounced: Campbell.

Kearny spoke loud and clear in voting Castelli OUT and in "returning" Campbell to his house, where he is less likely to hurt anyone. There is no doubt that if the other four stooges had been up for election, they would have been trounced too.

The people of Kearny are not stupid. Now that the Board elections aren't free-standing any more, friends and family won't be enough to get these knuckleheads elected. Over the next two years, the other stooges will be voted out. Meanwhile, we have five responsible members, enough to restore sanity to the Board.

The only thing loud and clear is that this Town does not want change. There are too many people still in place that got to where they are by calling in favors. The all about "ME" program is alive and well in Kearny, hence the children always get screwed. Just remember you all talk about it's for "the Children", fact is, it is NEVER about the children.

Doran's ticket ought to be grateful the elections were changed, a year where there was a Presidential election, large voter turn out, oh, and don't forget the Hudson county ballot positioning. Coincidence? I don't think so. Doran in column with Obama (1), Esteves (mayor's nephew) in column with Romney (2), and the rest of Doran's ticket (3 & 4). Doran over 500 votes more than his running mates...........sounds like something went wrong there.

Bottom line is 95% of voters do not know anything about the BOE elections and just go down the column and press 1,2 and 3 or 2,3 and 4.

All you people who wanted change 2 years ago have not stuck it to the candidates or the current board, you just stuck it to yourselves, remember be careful what you wish for, you just might get it ! Sad, very sad.

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Guest Take it like a man

The only thing loud and clear is that this Town does not want change. There are too many people still in place that got to where they are by calling in favors. The all about "ME" program is alive and well in Kearny, hence the children always get screwed. Just remember you all talk about it's for "the Children", fact is, it is NEVER about the children.

Doran's ticket ought to be grateful the elections were changed, a year where there was a Presidential election, large voter turn out, oh, and don't forget the Hudson county ballot positioning. Coincidence? I don't think so. Doran in column with Obama (1), Esteves (mayor's nephew) in column with Romney (2), and the rest of Doran's ticket (3 & 4). Doran over 500 votes more than his running mates...........sounds like something went wrong there.

Bottom line is 95% of voters do not know anything about the BOE elections and just go down the column and press 1,2 and 3 or 2,3 and 4.

All you people who wanted change 2 years ago have not stuck it to the candidates or the current board, you just stuck it to yourselves, remember be careful what you wish for, you just might get it ! Sad, very sad.

Guess your people lost, huh? Blaming the "dumb" people of the town for their votes, not even giving people credit for making a choice? For your information, the "ticket" was not 1,3 and 4. Cecilia Lindenfelser was somewhere around 6 or 7 on the ballot. Care to explain how she won? And as for Mr. Doran getting more votes than anyone, if you check into the results 3 years ago when he first ran, he also received the highest number of votes in that election. So crawl off to your cave, lick your wounds and take your defeat like an adult. You sound just like the Republicans who can't come up with enough excuses to blame the Democrats for "Mittens" defeat. You lost. Get over it.

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The only thing loud and clear is that this Town does not want change. There are too many people still in place that got to where they are by calling in favors. The all about "ME" program is alive and well in Kearny, hence the children always get screwed. Just remember you all talk about it's for "the Children", fact is, it is NEVER about the children.

Doran's ticket ought to be grateful the elections were changed, a year where there was a Presidential election, large voter turn out, oh, and don't forget the Hudson county ballot positioning. Coincidence? I don't think so. Doran in column with Obama (1), Esteves (mayor's nephew) in column with Romney (2), and the rest of Doran's ticket (3 & 4). Doran over 500 votes more than his running mates...........sounds like something went wrong there.

Bottom line is 95% of voters do not know anything about the BOE elections and just go down the column and press 1,2 and 3 or 2,3 and 4.

All you people who wanted change 2 years ago have not stuck it to the candidates or the current board, you just stuck it to yourselves, remember be careful what you wish for, you just might get it ! Sad, very sad.

Yeah, boy, that's horrible that more people voted in this election. :P The only thing that went "wrong," apparently, is that your guy(s) didn't win.

And your explanation won't wash either. Cecilia Lindenfelser's name was in column Q, far removed from her running mates. People didn't vote for her by accident, or for Debbie Lowry, or for Jim Doran either. Campbell's name is immediately next to Lowry's and he got very few votes. People had to skip past his name - thank goodness - and quite a few others to get to Cecilia's. Give us a break. Don't disrespect the people of Kearny. We made a choice, and I think we made a good one.

I have confidence that the three members we just elected, in a free and open election with a large turnout, will do a good job representing our interests. Having discussed the Board situation with all three of them, I take them at their word that they will put the students' interests first, as they should. The least you can do is give them a chance.

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The only thing loud and clear is that this Town does not want change. There are too many people still in place that got to where they are by calling in favors. The all about "ME" program is alive and well in Kearny, hence the children always get screwed. Just remember you all talk about it's for "the Children", fact is, it is NEVER about the children.

Doran's ticket ought to be grateful the elections were changed, a year where there was a Presidential election, large voter turn out, oh, and don't forget the Hudson county ballot positioning. Coincidence? I don't think so. Doran in column with Obama (1), Esteves (mayor's nephew) in column with Romney (2), and the rest of Doran's ticket (3 & 4). Doran over 500 votes more than his running mates...........sounds like something went wrong there.

Bottom line is 95% of voters do not know anything about the BOE elections and just go down the column and press 1,2 and 3 or 2,3 and 4.

All you people who wanted change 2 years ago have not stuck it to the candidates or the current board, you just stuck it to yourselves, remember be careful what you wish for, you just might get it ! Sad, very sad.

What rationalizing! On a slate of ten candidates, assuming that every voter who cast a vote for the school board voted for three candidates, Doran got the vote of 58% of the voters, while Lowry and Lindenfelser got the vote of just under 45%. That's a resounding victory for all three in a ten-person race. And as "Take it like a man" points out, you're just dead wrong about the supposed effect of a ballot.

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Sad part is the damage the current board created in just one year.

Yes. When the people vote for the wrong candidates, we can all pay a very heavy price. We'll be digging out from the mess George W. Bush created, for decades.

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