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Great job JCFD

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Jersey City sure showed Hudson County how great an over-manned record setting overtime budget PAID FD does the job. An 81 year old woman dies right inside of her front door because in my opinion the FD didn't get there in time because they were sleeping instead of awake and ready to go. They claim a 4 minute arrival time but we know that's a lie. This is what GREEDY, UNTRAINED, APPPOINTED fireman do, let people die, instead of having a Mayor or firemen who care. Just like Harrison and Kearny with their half-*** efforts. Luckily I do not believe Harrison or Kearny had a fatality because of this, but in my opinion it's just a matter of time. A guy fighting the fire with a water hose was already making headway before they got there. I like how they said," every piece of fire equipment was on the scene to fight the fire." Yeah, right. What a poor attempt to cover up another botched Hudson County FD attempt. 8 hour shifts would have guys READy TO GO. Waking up, getting your bearings, getting dressed, and finally getting there DOESN'T WORK, just like the employees and supervisors. Fireman, Captains, Batallion Chiefs, Deputy Chiefs, Multiple Chiefs, Fire Director Appointments and they still can't save one woman with,"every piece of Fire Dept. in the City." (NJ. com). Give me volunteers anyday of the week because PAID FD'S ARE A WASTE OF MONEY and volunteers have what money can't buy, it's called heart.

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Jersey City sure showed Hudson County how great an over-manned record setting overtime budget PAID FD does the job. An 81 year old woman dies right inside of her front door because in my opinion the FD didn't get there in time because they were sleeping instead of awake and ready to go. They claim a 4 minute arrival time but we know that's a lie. This is what GREEDY, UNTRAINED, APPPOINTED fireman do, let people die, instead of having a Mayor or firemen who care. Just like Harrison and Kearny with their half-*** efforts. Luckily I do not believe Harrison or Kearny had a fatality because of this, but in my opinion it's just a matter of time. A guy fighting the fire with a water hose was already making headway before they got there. I like how they said," every piece of fire equipment was on the scene to fight the fire." Yeah, right. What a poor attempt to cover up another botched Hudson County FD attempt. 8 hour shifts would have guys READy TO GO. Waking up, getting your bearings, getting dressed, and finally getting there DOESN'T WORK, just like the employees and supervisors. Fireman, Captains, Batallion Chiefs, Deputy Chiefs, Multiple Chiefs, Fire Director Appointments and they still can't save one woman with,"every piece of Fire Dept. in the City." (NJ. com). Give me volunteers anyday of the week because PAID FD'S ARE A WASTE OF MONEY and volunteers have what money can't buy, it's called heart.

Overmanned huh? Just a little note about that overmanned fire department, SIX yes 6 companies were put off duty that day because they did not have enough men and women on duty that and the city like every town around here decided to roll the dice, and guess what this time they lost and unfortunately the big loser in this whole thing was the 81 year old woman who lost her life. Pretty hard to save somebody when the house is fully involved and has already set the neighboring houses on fire. Forgot to mention that in your uniformed rant didnt you the cowardly guest. Volunteer fire fighters are nothing but wannabes who couldnt get on the job. If a volly department was sent on this fire by the time they got there the whole block would have been on fire. But you already know that because you apparently know everything about fire fighting.

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Good try but didn't quite make the cut. Were they firehouses directly in the area of the ONLY fire in JC with probably 300 firemen on duty that night? Response time was said to be four minutes so that can't be the issue anyway. It was simply sleepy eyed guys not wanting to get out of bed because they had things to do the next day so in my opinion the fire itslef was not the cause of her death, it was the training of the workers and lack of ambition for an easy 100K a year. Excuses, excuses.

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Im a police officer, and I can tell you first hand how quickly and deadly a fire can be. I was on patrol and noticed smoke coming from a house, stopped and found a old guy in his kitchen attempting to put out a grease fire with a fire extinguisher. I literally had to drag is guy out of the house kicking and screaming because he felt he was going to be able to put out the fire himself when it had already spread up the kitchen wall. I have been a cop for 11 years and where I work we all get a long with our firemen, but I'm telling you right now, the fire could have been right across the street from the fire house and my guess is the house was gone anyway.

By the time I had the guy out in front of his house with his dog, the smoke and fire was to the point where I could not re enter to make sure nobody else was inside.

I never saw anythi ng like it, that fire went from a kitchen wall fire to completely out of control in probably 1 minute and a 1/2. As we were leaving the hallway the freaking ceiling was burring. It looked like the celing was a stove. I was a met by neighbors outside with water, and I was throwing up like crazy From the smoke. The fire dept. Was already in front of the house and hooking up hoses.

I'm not an expert on fire, I'm just tellin you my one experience, and it was terrifying. I'm sure a fire fighter here could give better stats n how fast they spread, but I'm telling you , I was in and out of the house in under 2 minutes and I barely made it out from the smoke. How you can blame these guys for a woman's death is insane.

You can't save everyone, I have done CPR on a person and they wound up living, and another time an older guy didnt make it. I deal with these images in my head daily, these are things I can only imagine war veterans could understand. For that reason alone I will always support my brother firemen. I mean they are lazy and cops are def better, but hey nobodys perfect lol. Jk.

I just dont understand how because someone hates the fact someone gets paid a certain amount for a job you can hate them like the original poster does. Wall street bankers are over paid and were saved my tax dollars but I dont personally hate them. Grow up already. Someone's family member died and your using it to bash someone's career choice .

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