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Reincarnation ?

Guest Patriot

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I don't underestimate the danger of terrorism-but if they could directly destroy us, they would.

They're working on it. The means exist, it just takes money, technology, manpower and an unwary opponent.

Our greatest danger is from escalating conflict (if they get a nuke) or lack of security at home (nuclear plants, chemical plants, etc.). If we lose the war on terror it will because of focusing on the wrong targets.

The conflict is already escalated, and there are many options far less complicated than obtaining a nuclear weapon (such as dirty bombs) that could have similar or even greater impact (such as bioweapons).

The problem is, Iraq is talking to Iran.

... and that appears to have stopped Iran from aiding the Shiite militias the government of Iraq is currently opposing.

What concessions has Iran made in those talks?

Btw-according to dictionary.com:


–adjective 1. refusing to agree or compromise; uncompromising; inflexible.

–noun 2. a person who refuses to agree or compromise, as in politics.

Sounds like both countries, doesn't it?

Most of us learn by second grade that "I'm not talking to you!" doesn't really work.

And most of us learn that if talking doesn't work then talking doesn't work. European nations have been negotiating diplomatically with Iran for years over this issue, and Iran has refused to compromise.

Barack Obama has not learned the lesson. Neither have you, apparently.

Yes, the U.S. in intransigent on the issue of Iran having nuclear weapon capability. If you think that's a problem then you've already lost the game with them. There's no reason to talk about it. You might as well start selling them the technology they'll need (because if you don't China and Russia will be delighted to accept their business).

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